In the middle of the night when suddenly feel belly pain, I quickly put on clothes to go to the bathroom, pull up the belly, don't know what is going on until the morning pull three or four times. Mother will call the teacher in charge, please a day off, let me take a day in the home, cook a bowl of millet gruel for breakfast mom, let me drink a warm stomach, mother let me eat again in half an hour to treat have loose bowels medicine, much better at noon.
But in the afternoon I have a headache, my mother touch my head and said a little fever, mother gave me to bring thermometer temperature, a quantity of 3 39 degrees, a bit of a fever, mother hurriedly give me medicine, drank two fever pills and a piece of anti-inflammatory drugs, let me cover the quilt to sleep and wake up feeling much better, less pain in the head, the temperature is normal. On this day and also a fever torture me boring.
My campus is the most unforgettable place in my whole life, miss my mother similar, I love you great of campus.
My campus front door has me the name of mother school on the door with a southern exposure, in the sun flickering give out light.Again go toward in is a center road, the both sides contain many flowers, beauty pole!It is a toilet in the southeast.At southwest Cape of is a dining room.Agreeable center road's going toward is a teaching building ago.The five planets red flag flaunts aweather before the building in the teaching.The empress of the building is a dormitory.This is the layout of my campus.
In this campus has been concerning my teacher.They are very kind.At I have difficult of time, they win difficult courage for me, I thank them very much.
Today is labor day, the sun is shining and the temperature is moderate, wanted to go out for a bit of fun with finishing the homework, but see grandma is cleaning the Windows and doors, I also hurriedly put into it.
To start with, the grandmother to wash the screen window in the kitchen, I'm just watching, to grandma made clean, wash, washing powder, etc. Then I looked at the window screen, screen window is how to put on? Or my grandmother installed a and I picked up a washed window screening, ready for window jacket. For the first time, I am from the jacket, no; From top to bottom, was blocked by a box, alas! Annoying... After some time, for I finally mount.
Based on this experience, I installed before and after five. I think it is not enough, to find and not to live, I do look at the dirt on the door, I suddenly thought of what brush: one does not make a sheep as a lamb. I pick up a basin of water, in the water in the washing powder, again with a brush, finally complete the task, I was sweating.
Finally the day passed, and though I am very tired, but my heart is very sweet, because I had a real and meaningful day.
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