11. Are the employers allowed to appoint service agents to apply for the work permit?
Answer: Employers can appoint the service agents which have been registered in the “Service System for Foreigners Working in China” to process the work permit for them.
Those service agents authorized with the procedure of application, extension, changing, cancellation, or re-submission in respect of the work permit shall submit the Letter of Authorization issued by the employer, in which the authorized entity, the authorized person and his ID number and telephone number, and the authorized matters shall be clearly specified. That is, the service agent, the authorized person and the corresponding authorized matters shall be clearly specified.
12. Which materials are required for applying for the Notice for the Work Permit for Foreigners overseas?
Answer: Application Form for the Foreigner's Work Permit in China; relevant work qualification certificates; the highest degree certificate (diploma) or relevant approval documents, occupational qualification certificates and certification materials; crime-free record certificates and certification materials; physical examination certificate; employment contract or office-taking certificate (dispatch letter); passport or international travel certificate of the applicant; front bareheaded picture of the applicant taken within 6 months; relevant evidentiary materials of accompanying family members; other materials (the accepting authority or the approval body may require the employer to provide other supplementary materials meeting the basic conditions for the applicant).
13. What are the circumstances for the applicant to apply in China for the Foreigner's Work Permit in China (to work in China for more than 90 days)?How about the processes?
Answer: (1) Foreign High-end Talents (Category A) enter China with other visa or valid residence permit; (2) A foreigner working in China changes his employer while the position (occupation) remains unchanged and his work-type residence permit is still valid; (3) The spouse or child of a Chinese citizen, or the spouse or child of a foreigner who resides or works in China permanently has a valid visa or a valid residence permit; (4) Relevant policies for FTZs and pilot innovative reform areas apply; (5) Employers are included in relevant policies which apply to headquarters of international companies incorporated in China; (8) The representatives of representative offices in China enter in China with work permits, and they have obtained the work permit for foreigners working in China (less than 90 working days) and are employed by other domestic employers during the effective period of the work permit; (9) Other conditions by approving authorities are met.
If the application for the Foreigner's Work Permit in China (to work in China for more than 90 days) is filed in China and is approved, the Foreigner's Work Permit will be directly issued. Before the valid visa or residence permit expires, the work-type residence permit shall be processed at the exit-entry administrative body of the local public security organ in the jurisdiction where the employer is located.
14. Which materials are required for directly applying in China for the Foreigner's Work Permit?
Answer: Application Form for the Foreigner's Work Permit in China; relevant work qualification certificates; the highest degree certificate (diploma) or relevant approval documents, occupational qualification certificates and certification materials; crime-free record certificates and certification materials; physical examination certificate; employment contract or office-taking certificate (dispatch letter); passport or international travel certificate, visa or valid residence permit of the applicant; front bareheaded picture of the applicant taken within 6 months; relevant evidentiary materials of accompanying family members; other materials (the accepting authority or the approval body may require the employer to provide other supplementary materials meeting the basic conditions for the applicant).
15. If a foreigner newly entering China who has annual salary of 600,000 yuan and estimated tax obligation of 120,000 yuan per year takes an important or key position in a domestic company, but cannot meet the basic requirements for Category B Personnel (in terms of age or diploma), how can the foreigner apply for the work permit?
Answer: According to the contractual amount, the domestic employer can additionally submit a letter of undertakings and explain the employment reason and the position importance; the employer undertakes to pay for the salary according to the contractual amount, and the obligation of annual individual income tax shall be at least 120,000 yuan; the employer also undertakes to provide the slip of individual income tax after one year. Currently, the standards for pre-review and acceptance applicable to Category A Personnel shall apply, and the work permit shall be granted for 1 year. Foreigners from some countries who are engaged in certain works in China can enjoy tax exemption policies for 2 years, subject to the Notice of Several Issues on Tax Exemption for Introduced Foreign Experts in Respect of Individual Income Tax (HSW[1995] No. 105).
16. If a foreign professional technician newly entering China who does not meet the basic requirements of Category B Personnel but has gained 60 or more points, how can the technician apply for the work permit?
Answer: The employer shall give explanations, including the employment reason and the position importance as well as the basis for the gained points (as per the new-version scoring table), additionally upload relevant supporting materials. The standards for pre-review and acceptance applicable to Category A Personnel shall apply. However, the applicant may not exceed 65 years old.
17. Which people does the accepting standard of more than 4 times the social average wage income apply to?
Answer: These can apply to foreign talents whose average wage income is more than 4 times the social average wage income of last year in the region. After the professional qualifications or skill certificates are notarized or certified for relevant positions, the application shall be processed according to the standards for foreign professional talents (Category B).
18. Do offshore oil operators, artists engaged in commercial performances and foreign staff of consulates in Shanghai who are not required to process the Permit for Foreign Employees have to process the Foreigner's Work Permit?
Answer: No, they do not need to process the Foreigner's Work Permit according to relevant provisions.
19. Does the foreigner who has obtained a Foreigner's Permanent Residence Permit in China have to process the Foreigner's Work Permit?
Answer: According to relevant provisions, foreigners who have obtained the “green card of China” are not required to process the Foreigner's Work Permit.
20. Does the foreigner studying in China who has obtained a Residence Permit (B) have to process the Foreigner's Work Permit?
Answer: According to relevant provisions, foreigners studying in China who have obtained the Residence Permit (B) are not required to process the Foreigner's Work Permit.
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