
栏目:教育平台  时间:2023-07-29

  In view of these points, I believe that the choice is clear-a favourite major outweighs a prestigious university.


  如果学生在名校没有学习他钟爱的专业,那么还不如去上一所中等水平的大学,在那里,学生可以选择自己喜欢的专业。我认为,选择自己喜欢的专业更为重要,而不是为了放弃自己的兴趣,而进入名牌大学。不可否认的是,名牌大学在找工作上有许多的优势,但是,名牌大学并不是决定学生未来职业的决定性因素。毅力和决心是学生成功的关键。然而决定上述两项的关键就是学生的兴趣爱好。另一方面,如果学生选择了一个自己不喜欢的专业,而只是为了进入名牌大学,另一方面,如果学生选择了一个自己不喜欢的专业,而只是为了进入名牌大学,那相当于为自己设下障碍。想象一下,选择了一个自己不喜欢的专业,你将损失多少快乐啊。最后,人们经常说,只有全身投入,人们才能在某一领域崭露头角。否则,他将不可避免地感觉自己深陷死胡同, 因为,他的天赋得到了限制。根据以上几点,我相信选择自己心仪的专业比名牌大学更重要。


  Both Teacher-Centred and Student-Centred Classes Are Needed

  I concede that there are virtues in both forms of classes and my preference as to which one is more advantageous will have to be based on the type of course in question. On the one hand, if the lesson is mainly language-oriented, such as oral English classes, it makes perfectsense to let the pupils take the driver's seat. Teachers are mainly in the class to facilitate the process. After all, the ultimate means of acquiring a foreign tongue is to speak it. Furthermore, it is undeniable that students tend to be more enthusiastic towards classes inwhich they can participate and interact. On the other hand, if the main objective of a lesson is for the teacher to impart some underlying principles regarding a certain subject,I believe it will be beneficial if the class is conducted in a teacher-centred fashion. Students can discuss the subject involved only after they have gained a good grasp of the fundamental principles. In addition, classes of the lecture type will provide teachers with more control in terms of the content as well as the pace of the lesson. In summary, from my standpoints, which type of class will be better suited to serve its purpose should largely be judged on a case-to-case basis.

  I believe that the optimal outcome can only be achieved through a combination of the two forms.


  我认为这两种形式各有好处,哪一种形式更好,这要根据课程的不同类型而定。一方面,如果课程是以语言为主题的,例如英语口语课,那么课堂就应该以学生为重。老师主要起到推进课程发展的作用。习得语言的最终方法是开口说话。 此外,学生更愿意参加能够参与,并互动的课堂之中,这是不可否认的。 另一方面,如果课堂的目标是老师讲授某课程的基本理论的话,那么,我认为以老师为中心的课堂是非常有益的。学生只有掌握了基本理论知识之后,才能进行讨论。另外,老师应该在演讲型课程中拥有更多的控制,尤其是在课程内容,以及课程速度方面的掌握。



  Interest Is the Best Teacher

  Should practical courses such as finance or computer science take precedence over traditional ones like Chinese or philosophy on account of employability? Personally,I disagree with the assertion. First, the crux of the matter is for students to pursue a subject that interests them. Admittedly, one might attain a satisfactory salary working in the field of finance. Yet, if the individual makes the choice of studying finance entirely out of the consideration of money, it is very likely that he will have to sacrifice his passion in exchange for monetary reward, Thousands of people are trapped in a job that they cannot stand; and in retrospect, they often regret that they have forgone their true interests, In addition, one's passion in a certain subject is one of the prerequisites to make a difference.A large number of successful people have professed that the ultimate secret of their achievement lies in the fact that they love what they do. Therefore, they are constantly motivated to go the extra mile and exert more effort. In the final analysis, albeit that it seems to be a prevalent trend to choose one's major based on the prospective salary, I believe that one can only live life to the fullest by following one's heart. Therefore, universities should not be too utilitarian or unduly focus on practicality;instead, learning institutions should provide students with the courses that they really enjoy.


  拿就业来说,像金融、电脑科技这样的实用课程是否会优于传统课程,例如:中文或哲学?我个人并不同意这样的观点。第一,学生可以选择自己感兴趣的专业,这是最主要的。诚然,在金融领域工作的学生会非常满意自己的工资。但是,如果学生只是因为钱的原因而选择金融专业的话,那么,他很有可能会牺牲掉自己的兴趣,而换取数量可观的工资。目前,有上千名学生不能够忍受现在的工作;回想起来,许多学生经常会因为没有选择自己所喜欢的专业而后悔。 此外,学生在某一领域的兴趣爱好将会是他们创造不同的前提条件。 许多成功人士说,他们成功的真正秘诀是因为他们从事了自己喜欢做的事情。所以,通常他们会更有动力,会付出更多的努力。最后,尽管人们在选择专业时,通常是基于工资方面的考虑,但是,我相信只有遵循自己想法的人才能真正体现生命的价值。 所以,大学不应该太过于功利主义,或只是关注与实用主义;反之,学校应该提供给学生他们真正喜欢的课程。


  Computers Are More Important Than Books

  From my standpoint, I would vote for the purchase of computers instead of books for the following reasons.First, in order to keep abreast of the digital era, every university should be equipped with an adequate number of computers. Students should also be taught the basics of computer science so that they will not lag behind. The importance of computer skills is evidenced by the fact that most companies require their prospective employees to be proficient in commonly used software, such as Microsoft Office. Secondly, the creation of e-books has rendered traditional books obsolete at least to some extent.Students can download even audio books via the Internet and the rich variety ensures that each individual can procure what he or she desires. Lastly, it is unrealistic to keep the university library up to date owing to the rapid development of modern society. Therefore, the university should allocate its limited financial resources to purchase computers which enable students to keep up with the latest development via the aid of the Internet. All in all, admittedly, one should not belittle the importance of books. After all, books have been employed as a major means to disseminate knowledge. Nonetheless, the inexorable trend of computerisation in the 21st century renders it imperative for universities to be equipped with computers as well as other multimedia devices.


  我赞同购买电脑,而不是购买图书。首先,为了跟上电子时代的步伐,每所学校都应该配备一定数量的电脑。老师应该教授学生基本的电脑知识,只有这样,他们才不会落后。电脑技能的重要性体现在:绝大部分的公司都要求他们未来的员工可以熟练掌握基本的软件技能,例如微软。 第二,电子图书的发明在一定程度上使得传统书籍过于过时。学生可以通过互联网下载有声图书,这些资源可以保证学生获得他们想要的资源。最后,让大学图书馆实时更新是不现实的, 这是因为现代社会的不断发展。 所以,大学应该把它们有限的资金来购买电脑,这样,学生可以通过互联网的帮助来获取最新的发展。总之,不得不承认,人们也不应该忽视书籍的重要性。毕竟,书籍也是传播知识的重要载体。但是,21世纪电子化的时代不可逆转,所以大学也将不可避免地提供电脑,以及其他多媒体设备。


  Exams Are Useful

  There has been a heated debate over the pros and cons of exams. On balance,I hold the contention that exams are useful rather than harmful. Granted, the ultimate purpose of any education is to disseminate knowledge rather than pass exams. An undue emphasis on the importance of exams may serve to undermine this purpose.If students only cram for tests 0ne or two weeks before the exams without really learning anything, such an education undoubtedly fails to fulfill its function. On the other hand,it is undeniable that exams are a useful device to gauge students' academic performance, It may not reflect exactly how well a pupil has grasped a subject; however, it provides some information which also guides further study. Additionally, since exams have been employed to distinguish excellence from the mediocrity, it motivates students to reach for their potentials as well. After all,we live in a competitive world; and it is obligatory for schools to impart a sense of competition to pupils. In the final analysis, the merits of the exam system outweigh its demerits. Nevertheless, students should not study merely for the sake of passing exams.

  Instead, they should make acquiring knowledge the ultimate goal of study.



  任何教育的根本目的是为了传播知识,而不是通过考试。 然而,过于重视考试的重要性将有损于知识的传播。如果学生只是在开始前一两周进行复习的话,他们并没有真正学习到知识,这样的教育将不会实现这样的目标。另一方面,不可否认,考试是一种评估学生学习成绩的一种非常有用的方法。它或许不会反应出学生掌握知识的好坏;但是,考试为我们提供一种讯息,这种讯息可以指导我们未来的学习。此外,由于考试视为是区分好与坏的媒介,它可以激发学生的潜质。我们生活在一个充满竞争的世界中;学校有义务教授学生一种竞争的意识。最后,考试的好处要多余它的坏处。但是,学生不应该仅仅为了通过考试而学习。相反,他们应该以获得知识而为最终目标。




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