2021 年甘肃省兰州市中考英语试卷(A卷)

栏目:教育平台  时间:2023-07-31

  2021 年甘肃省兰州市中考英语试卷(A卷)

  一、完形填空(共1小题:每小题10分, 满分10分)阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。

  Sometimes animals can do strange things. Here are ____1____ true stories about people and animals. A pet lizard was kept in a biology classroom. The students looked after it well ____2____ loved having it in the classroom. However, large lizards like being ____3____ and don’t really like lots of people around them all the time, especially noisy girls and boys at school. The large lizard noticed that whenever the alarm bell rang during the school’s practice fire drills (消防演练), all the children and their teachers ran out of the classroom, leaving the lizard behind, peaceful and ____4____ for a while. Over several weeks, there were quite a few false fire alarms. Someone noticed that every time the alarms went off, the lizard was out of its cage. So, the children decided to ____5____ the lizard. To their surprise, they found that it climbed over to the fire alarm on the back wall and set it off! The lizard just wanted to be left alone.


  A tourist was driving along a road one evening, he accidentally ran over a kangaroo. The tourist thought that ____6____ would believe him, so he decided to take a photo of the kangaroo. He picked the dead kangaroo up and put it next to the car. He then ____7____ his jacket and sunglasses and put them on the kangaroo to make his photo more interesting. All went well, ____8____ , the kangaroo woke up! It had only been knocked out but not actually dead! As soon as the kangaroo woke up, ____9____ ran away, wearing a jacket, which also included three credit cards (信用卡), one passport and $1,000 in cash! What a _____10_____ kangaroo!


  1. A. two B. three C. four D. five

  2. A. but B. of C. and D. so

  3. A. active B. alive C. awake D. alone

  4. A. noisy B. friendly C. quiet D. afraid

  5. A. find B. watch C. help D. save

  6. A. everyone B. someone C. no one D. anyone

  7. A. took off B. handed out C. picked up D. gave away

  8. A. recently B. suddenly C. lately D. usually

  9. A. they B. you C. we D. it

  10. A. lucky B. sad C. careful D. busy

  【答案】1. A 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. A





  two二;three三;four四;five五。根据后文的“A pet lizard was kept in a biology classroom.”和“A tourist was driving along a road one evening, he accidentally ran over a kangaroo. ”可知,本文介绍了蜥蜴和人,一只袋鼠和人之间的故事,因此是两个故事,故选A。






  active活跃的;alive活着的;awake醒着的;alone独自的。根据“don't really like lots of people around them all the time”可知,它不喜欢周围总是有很多人,因此它喜欢独自待着,故选D。






  find找到;watch观看,观察;help帮助;save挽救。根据后文的“they found that it climbed over to the fire alarm on the back wall and set it off! ”可知,他们发现了蜥蜴的行为,因此他们在观察蜥蜴,故选B。



  everyone每个人;someone某人;no one每人;anyone任何人。根据“so he decided to take a photo of the kangaroo. ”可知,他决定给袋鼠拍照,是因为他认为没有人会相信他,故选C。


  句意: 然后他脱下了夹克衫,摘掉了眼镜,把它们给那只袋鼠穿上,让他的照片更有趣。

  took off脱下;handed out分发;picked up捡起来;gave away赠送。根据“and put them on the kangaroo”可知,要给袋鼠穿上他的衣服,应先脱下它们,故选A。



  recently最近;suddenly突然;lately近来;usually经常。根据后文的“It had only been knocked out but not actually dead! ”可知,这只袋鼠只是被撞了,没有真的死去,因此当这个人给它穿衣服时,它突然醒了,故选B。



  they他们;you你;we我们;it它。此处代指the kangaroo,用代词it,故选D。



  lucky幸运的;sad悲伤的;careful认真的;busy忙碌的。根据前文的“...ran away, wearing a jacket, which also included three credit cards (信用卡), one passport and $1, 000 in cash!”可知,这只袋鼠逃跑的时候,穿着这个游客的夹克衫,里面有三张信用卡,一个护照还有1000美元现金,因此这只袋鼠是幸运的。故选A。

  二、阅读理解(共3小题:每小题10分, 满分30分)阅读下面三段材料, 根据材料内容和要求。从题后选项中选择一个最佳答案。

  Everyone knows that China is changing and developing very quickly at the moment. Many young people from home and abroad thought about the changes. The following are some comments which young people made on a website message board.


  阅读以上微博评论,根据其内容判断下列各小题的正误。正确的填(涂) A,错误的填(涂) B。

  11. Jiayu will go back to China after training in Canada.

  12. Some people in Zihan’s hometown now have enough money to buy cars.

  13. Jackson spent two years in Beijing as a student in the late 1980s.

  14. Sean from Oxford thinks Chinese people can overcome challenges and difficulties.

  15. China is changing and developing very fast now.

  【答案】11. A 12. A 13. B 14. B 15. A




  细节理解题。根据第一栏中“When I finish my training in Canada, I will go back to China and start a business, so I can give something back to the country.”可知,当Jiayu在加拿大完成培训后,会回到中国创业。该项表述正确,故选A。


  细节理解题。根据第二栏中“Most people in my hometown have a good standard of living and some can now afford cars.”可知,Zihan家乡的大多数人生活水平都很好,有些人现在买得起汽车了。该项表述正确,故选A。


  细节理解题。根据第三栏中“I spent a year in Beijing as a student in the late 1990s”可知,上世纪90年代末,Jackson在北京当过一年学生。该项表述错误,故选B。


  细节理解题。根据第四栏中“Sean Hong Kong”可知,Sean来自中国香港,不是牛津。该项表述错误,故选B。


  细节理解题。根据“Everyone knows that China is changing and developing very quickly at the moment.”可知,每个人都知道中国正在迅速变化和发展。该项表述正确,故选A。


  Six weeks before his 97th birthday, Giuseppe Paterno made his dream of a lifetime come true: He got a university degree.

  Mr. Paterno’s story has been reported around the world, partly because of his age. But he has also drawn attention because his life story speaks of belief. He has encouraged millions of children in Italy and elsewhere while they are facing difficulties during the coronavirus pandemic(新冠疫情).

  Born in Palermo in 1923, the first of seven children in a very poor family. Mr. Paterno began working soon after finishing primary school. It was only after he retired in the mid-1980s that he returned to his books.

  “His story shows that dreams can come true and that you can remain young—not in age but in spirit—if you develop interests,” said Rosella Cancila, his teacher of history at the University of Palermo.

  Italy’s university system is based on a three-year degree, then a two-year master’s course. University officials are hoping that Mr. Paterno will continue his studies. △ “I have to say that in this moment, I don’t know whether I would keep on studying with the same spirit,” he said, adding that all the attention had made him a bit tired. Still, Mr. Paterno said that he would probably try to get his master’s degree but he hadn’t decided yet.


  16. Giuseppe Paterno’s dream of a lifetime is to ________.

  A. draw people’s attention B. work to support his family

  C. get university degree D. encourage the children in his county

  17. The underlined word “belief” in paragraph 2 probably means ________.

  A. 品格 B. 信念 C. 责任 D. 观点

  18. According to Rossella Cancia, developing interests can help people stay ________.

  A. young in spirit B. young in age C. healthy in body D. healthy in mind

  19. Which of the following sentences can be best put in the “ △ ”?

  A. And he is quite sure. B. But he isn’t so sure.

  C. And he agrees completely. D. But he doesn’t agree at all.

  20. What is the best title for the passage?

  A. Seeing Is Believing. B. Practice Makes Perfect.

  C. Actions Speak Louder Than Words. D. It’s Never Too Late to Follow Dream.

  【答案】16. C 17. B 18. A 19. B 20. D


  【分析】本文讲述了97岁高龄的Giuseppe Paterno成功获得了大学学位,实现了自己一生的梦想。


  细节理解题。根据“Giuseppe Paterno made his dream of a lifetime come true: He got a university degree.”可知,Giuseppe Paterno一生的梦想是得到大学学位。故选C。


  词义猜测题。根据“He has encouraged millions of children in Italy and elsewhere while they are facing difficulties during the coronavirus pandemic”可知,Giuseppe Paterno的故事鼓舞了很多处于困境的孩子,此处指的是信念的力量,所以“belief”的意思是“信念”。故选B。


  细节理解题。根据“His story shows that dreams can come true and that you can remain young—not in age but in spirit—if you develop interests”可知,培养兴趣可以让人保持精神上的年轻。故选A。


  推理判断题。根据“University officials are hoping that Mr. Paterno will continue his studies.”以及“I have to say that in this moment, I don’t know whether I would keep on studying with the same spirit”可知,Giuseppe Paterno不确定是否继续自己的学业。故选B。


  最佳标题。阅读全文可知,本文讲述了97岁高龄的Giuseppe Paterno成功获得了大学学位,实现了自己一生的梦想,所以D选项“追求梦想永远不会太迟。”是本文最佳标题。故选D。


  The world’s glaciers are melting(融化)quickly. Scientists, from Nature studied 20 years of satellite data of the world’s 220,000 mountain glaciers, and found that since 2015, glaciers have last 298 billion metric tons of ice and snow per year. That is 31% more than 15 years ago, and enough ice melt to put Switzerland under 7.2 meter of water each year.

  Scientist say the melting is caused by climate(气候)change. Almost all of the world’s glaciers are melting. Half of the world’s glacier melts in the United States and Canada. Some miller glaciers are totally lost. The melting “mirrors” the worldwide increase in temperature and is from the burning of coal, oil and gas.

  Shrinking(缩小)glaciers are a problem for million is of people who use regular glacier melt for drinking water. Very fast melting can also cause floods(洪水)in places like India. But the biggest problem to the world is rising sea levels, Glaciers are responsible for 21% of sea level rise. Mark Serreze, director of the American National Snow and Ice Data Center(NSIDC)in Colorado, thinks that sea level rise is going to be a bigger and bigger problem, as we move through the 21st century.

  Scientists said that it could take hundreds of years to regrow melted glaciers. Twila Moon studies glaciers at the NSIDC. “I’m not sure whether the glaciers can regrow even if the planet’s temperature is controlled. We must try to keep much ice possible and slow the speed of glacier melting.” she said.

  21. According to the passage, glacier melting is caused by ________.

  A. climate change B. water pollution C. sea level rise D. serious floods

  22. ________ of the glacier melt around the world is in the United States and Canada.

  A. 21% B. 31% C. 50% D. 80%

  23. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

  A. The world’s glaciers are melting quickly. B. Some smaller glaciers are completely lost.

  C. The world’s glacier melting causes some problems. D. People need to find ways to deal with glacier meting.

  24. We can guess that Twila Moon might be ________ about glacier regrowing.

  A. excited B. surprised C. angry D. worried

  25. The passage is probably from ________.

  A. a sports newspaper B. a science magazine

  C. a story book D. a travel guide

  【答案】21. A 22. C 23. C 24. D 25. B




  细节理解题。根据“Scientist say the melting is caused by climate change.”可知,冰川融化是由气候变化引起的。故选A。


  细节理解题。根据“Half of the world’s glacier melts in the United States and Canada.”可知,世界上一半的冰川融化在美国和加拿大。故选C。


  段落大意题。根据“Very fast melting can also cause floods in places like India. But the biggest problem to the world is rising sea levels...”可知,第三段主要关于冰川融化会带来的问题。故选C。


  推理判断题。根据“I’m not sure whether the glaciers can regrow even if the planet’s temperature is controlled. We must try to keep much ice possible and slow the speed of glacier melting.”可知,Twila Moon很担心冰川能否再生。故选D。






  We need to know how much of what food to eat to be healthy. Here is a picture about food groups and why they are good for our health.


  It is important to understand how food is used. When we eat food, our bodies ____26____ the food to make energy. ____27____ we are eating the correct food and the correct amount of the food, we will have enough energy for our bodies and minds to work properly. It is necessary to read the labels (标签) on the foods in a shop as well. The labels tell ____28____ what the food has in it. They give us ____29____ about how healthy the food is.

  There are many people who do not eat enough right food. This could be because they are too poor to buy the right food. These people may have what we call malnutrition(营养不良). Children ____30____ have malnutrition do not grow properly and they can not concentrate(集中精力)at school.


  If things are very bad, they can become ____31____ and even die. Malnutrition is a great problem in some poor parts of Asia and Africa.


  It is also important to drink lots of water. Our bodies are ____32____ up of about 76% water. We need to drink six to eight ____33____ of water a day. Water keeps our skin healthy. It also makes sure that our bodies work properly. If we do not drink ____34____ water, we can get headaches, stomachaches and our kidneys (肾脏) will not work normally.

  If we want to have minds and bodies that work _____35_____, we need to make sure that we eat correctly.

  【答案】26. use

  27. If 28. us

  29. information

  30. who 31. sick

  32. made 33. glasses

  34. enough 35. properly




  句意:当我们吃东西的时候,我们的身体利用食物来制造能量。根据“When we eat food, our bodies … the food to make energy.”结合备选词汇,可知吃东西的时候,我们的身体利用食物来制造能量,use...to do“用……来制作……”,固定短语,句子时态是一般现在时,主语是复数,谓语动词用原形,故填use。


  句意:如果我们吃了正确的食物和适量的食物,我们将有足够的能量让我们的身体和思想正常工作。根据“… we are eating the correct food and the correct amount of the food, we will have enough energy for our bodies and minds to work properly.”可知此处引导条件状语从句,结合备选词汇,if“如果”符合题意,又因其位于句首,所以首字母要大写,故填If。


  句意:标签告诉我们食物里有什么。根据上文“It is necessary to read the labels (标签) on the foods in a shop as well.”结合“The labels tell … what the food has in it.”及备选词汇,可知标签告诉我们食物里有什么。tell“告诉”,动词,后面要加代词宾格,故填us。


  句意:他们给我们关于食物健康程度的信息。根据“They give us … about how healthy the food is.”结合备选词汇,可知他们给我们关于食物健康程度的信息。information“信息”,不可数名词,故填information。


  句意:营养不良的儿童不能正常生长,不能集中精力上学。根据“Children … have malnutrition do not grow properly and they can not concentrate (集中精力) at school.”可知,本句是一个定语从句,先行词是children,指人,因此要用who来引导,故填who。


  句意:如果情况很糟糕,他们可能会生病甚至死亡。根据“If things are very bad, they can become … and even die.”结合备选词汇,可知如果情况很糟糕,他们可能会生病甚至死亡。sick“生病的”,形容词,放在系动词become后作表语,故填sick。


  句意:我们的身体由76%的水组成。根据“Our bodies are … up of about 76% water.”结合备选词汇,可知我们的身体由76%的水组成。be made up of“由……组成”,固定短语,故填made。


  句意:我们每天需要喝六到八杯水。根据“We need to drink six to eight … of water a day.”结合备选词汇,可知我们每天需要喝六到八杯水,glass“杯子”,可数名词,前面有eight修饰,因此要用复数,故填glasses。


  句意:如果我们没有喝足够的水,我们就会头痛,胃痛,肾脏也不能正常工作。根据“If we do not drink … water, we can get headaches, stomachaches and our kidneys (肾脏) will not work normally.”结合备选词汇,可知是如果我们没有喝足够的水,我们就会头痛,胃痛,肾脏也不能正常工作,enough“足够的”,形容词,修饰名词放在名词前,故填enough。


  句意:如果我们想让大脑和身体正常工作,我们需要确保我们的饮食恰当。根据“If we want to have minds and bodies that work …, we need to make sure that we eat correctly.”结合备选词汇,可知如果我们想让大脑和身体正常工作,我们需要确保我们的饮食恰当。properly“正确地”,副词,修饰动词work,放在动词后,故填properly。



  My dad is very interested in history and the Silk Road attracts him. He told me that the Silk Road had been a bridge between East and West for more than 2,000 years. ①it from, was, kilometers, Xi’an, 6,500, to, Rome(.) It played an important role in the development of the world.

  My family went to some famous places along the road for a holiday last summer. We started from Lanzhou to Wuwei. In ancient times, Wuwei was also a capital. Although it’s now a modern city, you can still get a strong feeling of history here. ②People are proud of its history.


  The next stop was Jiayuguan, an important city on the edge of the desert. It was a busy place with a lot of business people coming and going. The western end of Ming Great Wall was built here. Even today, it’s a city that many people travel through. Along the road, we also visited Yumenguan, which reminded me of the famous poem written by Wang Zhihuan.

  Finally, we arrived in Dunhuang. It is a city with a long history and colorful culture. Ancient people created fantastic artworks, such is Mogao Grottoes. It was influenced by many different cultures over time. It was also the center of trade between China and its western neighbors. Today, millions of tourists around the world come here every year.

  The trip helped me know about the history and culture of the special road. Besides, I can better understand how people from different places influenced each other.

  36. 请将文中①处划线部分连词成句(标点符号已在括号内给出)。


  37. 请将文中②处划线的句子翻译成汉语。


  38. 根据文章内容,请在横线上填入适当的词(每空限填一词)。

  Ancient people built the ________________ of Ming Great Wall in Jiayuguan.

  39. 根据文章内容,请在下面的横线上填入适当的地名,补全作者的旅行路线。

  Lanzhou →Wuwei →Jiayuguan→________________→Dunhuang

  40. After reading the passage, would you like to advise your friends to travel along the Silk Road? Why or why not? (List one reason)


  【答案】36. It was 6,500 kilometers from Xi’an to Rome.

  37. 人们为它的历史感到自豪。

  38. western end

  39. Yumenguan

  40. Yes. Because the Silk Road has its own history and culture for us to learn.




  根据标点提示可知,本句是陈述句;it作主语,is作谓语,6,500 kilometers作表语,from Xi’an to Rome从西安到罗马。故填It was 6,500 kilometers from Xi’an to Rome.“从西安到罗马有6500公里。”


  People人们,are proud of为……感到自豪;its history它的历史。故填:人们为它的历史感到自豪。


  根据“The western end of Ming Great Wall was built here.”可知,明长城的西端就建在这里,故填western end。


  根据“The next stop was Jiayuguan”和“Along the road, we also visited Yumenguan”可知,去了嘉峪关之后是玉门关。故填Yumenguan。


  本题属于开放性试题,言之有理即可。参考答案:Yes. Because the Silk Road has its own history and culture for us to learn.



  41. There will be two _________(tiger)in the new zoo.




  42. The twins were helping _________(they)parents make zongzi for the Dragon Boat Festival.




  43. Let’s __________ (cheer)up the sick kids in hospital together.



  【详解】句意:让我们一起让住院的生病的孩子们振作起来。cheer鼓励;let sb. do sth.表示“让某人做某事”,此处填动词原形。故填cheer。

  44. Steven is much _________ (tall)than he used to be.




  45. Judy visits her grandparents _________ (one) a week.



  【详解】句意:朱迪每周去看望她的祖父母一次。根据“... (one) a week”可知用one的变形once表示“一次”,once a week一周一次。故填once。

  46. Mr. Wang asked me _________ (give) a speech on how to study English last Friday.

  【答案】to give


  【详解】句意:上周五王先生让我就如何学习英语做一次演讲。ask sb. to do sth.表示“请求某人做某事”,所以此处填动词不定式。故填to give。

  47. It is __________ (danger) to swim in the Yellow River.




  48. Sam has already _________(save)85 yuan for his favorite model car.



  【详解】句意:山姆已经为他最喜欢的模型车攒了85元钱。根据“has already”可知,时态为现在完成时,结构为have/has done,此处填动词过去分词。故填saved。

  49. Li Hua made the choice _________(wise)with his parents’ help just now.




  50. Although Yuan Longping was a great scientist, he considered himself a ________ (farm).




  【详解】句意:虽然袁隆平是一位伟大的科学家,但他认为自己是个农民。farm“农场”,名词;根据Yuan Longping“袁隆平”可知,他认为自己是一位“农民”,不定冠词a修饰单数名词farmer,故填farmer。

  六、书面表达(满分 15 分)

  51. 假如你是李华,加拿大交换生Eric将要来到中国学习,并在你家居住。他想了解在你家及其他不同场所应该注意的一些规则。请你根据以下要点。给对方写一封邮件。







  Dear Eric,

  I’m glad to hear that you’ll come to China and say in my home.



  Li Hua


  Dear Eric,

  I’m glad to hear that you’ll come to China and say in my home.Here I’d like to tell you different rules in different places.

  At home, we must do some housework. We can’t stay up late because it’s bad for our health. At school, we must wear school uniforms from Monday to Friday, and I think it is good for us because uniforms can make us look energetic and smart. And we are not allowed to use mobile phones in class. When we are waiting for the bus, we should wait in line and we have to wear a mask. It’s impolite to make too much noise in public place.

  The golden rule to follow is: In China, do as the Chinese do. I hope you’ll have a good time in China.


  Li Hua






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