雅思笔试写作真题外教范文 怎么改善不健康的饮食习惯
Many people like to eat unhealthy food even though they know it’s bad for them. Why? What are effective ways to improve people's eating habits?
Type: Report 报告类 (Reason and solution 理由&解决方案)
Body 1: Reasons: laziness and convenience
Body 2: Solution: Education and regulation
Key words: why/effective ways to improve
- Model Answer 高分范文 -
A great swathe of the population enjoys eating food that is non-nutritious and that has a deleterious effect on their health despite knowing this is the case. This essay shall explore the reasons behind this phenomenon, along with suggesting methods that could help people to eat more healthily.
One of the major causes behind this habit of eating unhealthy food is that many of these foods are convenient to either purchase or prepare. This is especially true when it comes to the fast-food industry, whereby instead of finding healthy alternatives, many people will simply opt for the easy and time-saving method of ordering from McDonald's or KFC, or other such junk food outlets. Likewise, in today’s world of disposable goods and ready-to-use products, many have become lazy and would rather elect for opening a package of processed food than to spend the time buying healthy ingredients to cook by themselves.
To counteract this trend of unhealthy eating, probably the most effective method that can be brought to bear on this trend is that of education. Just as Mcdonald's understands that marketing to children can help secure future consumers, so society should understand that by educating the young about the benefits of eating healthy food, they are more likely to avoid unhealthy foods in their later life. Government regulations can also help to squelch peoples’ desire for foods that in the long-term can have a devasting effect on health, with such policies as an anti-fat tax or an extra tax on foods that contain additives proven to be toxic, helping to guide citizens’ dietary habits.
In conclusion, the main impetuses for people to acquire an unhealthy dietary tendency are those of convenience and laziness, and that both education, especially of the young, and governmental regulatory policies, can help to overcome this negative trend within society.
- Essay Analysis 范文解析 -
- (1) Introduction
Paraphrasing from the Statement/Question 题目改述:
Many people = A great swathe of the population
like to eat = enjoys eating
unhealthy food = food that is non-nutritious and that has a deleterious effect on their health
even though = despite knowing
Standard Phrase for the “Report” type essay 报告类大作文高分句型:
This essay shall explore the reasons behind this phenomenon, along with suggesting methods that
Words showing Cohesion (C&C) 展示“连贯与衔接”的词汇和短语:
and that
, despite
this is the case
, along with
Vocabulary 高分地道词汇和短语:
a great swathe of 一大批;一大片;很多
non-nutritious 没有营养的
deleterious effect on 对……产生有负面影响;对……有有害的影响
healthily 健康地
- (2) Body 1 -
Aspects that must be referred to 这段需要提到:Why?
Standard IELTS essay phrase 雅思高频句型:
One of the major causes
Vocabulary and Collocations 高分地道词汇和短语:
behind this habit of 在这个习惯背后
the fast-food industry 快餐产业
alternatives 备选
opt for 选择
time-saving method 省时的方法
outlets 专营店
disposable goods 一次性商品
ready-to-use products 即用产品;现成产品
elect for 选择
processed food 加工食品
Words Showing Cohesion [Signposting words, conjunctions, relative pronouns] (C&C) 展示“连贯与衔接”的词汇和短语:
is that
to either
This is especially true when it comes to
, whereby instead of
, many people will simply
or other such
, many
rather ____ than
- (3) Body 2 -
Aspects that must be referred to 这段需要提到:Effective ways to improve people's eating habits
Standard IELTS essay phrase 雅思高频句型:
To counteract this trend of 为了抵制/缓和这种趋势
Vocabulary and Collocations 高分地道词汇和短语:
be brought to bear on 应用;调动
help secure future 保障未来
to avoid 避免
later life 以后的生活
government regulations 政府规章
to squelch 制止
in the long-term 从长远来看
have a devastating effect on 对……有破坏性的影响
anti-fat tax
additives proven to be toxic 有害的添加剂
to guide 引导
dietary habit 饮食习惯
Words Showing Cohesion [Signposting words, conjunctions, relative pronouns] (C&C) 展示“连贯与衔接”的词汇和短语:
this trend
, probably the most
is that of
Just as….., so
that by
, they
more likely to
, with such
, helping to
- (4) Conclusion -
Standard IELTS essay phrase 雅思高频句型:
In conclusion,
Vocabulary and Collocations 高分地道词汇和短语:
impetus(es) 推动;动力
to acquire 采取
tendency 趋势
laziness 懒惰
governmental regulatory policies 监管政策
to overcome 克服
negative trend 消极趋势
Words Showing Cohesion [Signposting words, conjunctions, relative pronouns] (C&C) 展示“连贯与衔接”的词汇和短语:
, and that
, especially
, and
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