2023知到 主题英语 智慧树章节测试考试答案
第一章 单元测试
第一章 单元测试第二章 单元测试第三章 单元测试第四章 单元测试第五章 单元测试第六章 单元测试第七章 单元测试第八章 单元测试第九章 单元测试第十章 单元测试第十一章 单元测试第十二章 单元测试第十三章 单元测试第十四章 单元测试第十五章 单元测试第十六章 单元测试
1、多选题:Please select an expression to replace the underlined one.The first chapter sets out to explain the origins of modern science.选项:A:supposed (此处可用 is supposed)B:intended(此处可用 is intended)C:aimsD:is meantE:intends(此处可用 is intended)答案: 【aims;is meant】
2、单选题:The main __________ of education is to help people to lead satisfying and productive lives.选项:A:purposeB:informationC:dreamD:influence答案: 【purpose】
3、单选题:Since 1992, the team has been carrying out _________ into the effects of human activity on wildlife.选项:A:trialB:researchC:experimentD:study答案: 【research】
4、多选题:In the lecture of “An Introduction to Essay Writing”, three bene?ts of learning to write a traditional essay of about 500 words are mentioned as follows.选项:A:Helping make you a better writer.B:Strengthening your skills as a reader and listener.C:Making you a better viewer.D:Making you a stronger thinker.答案: 【Helping make you a better writer.;Strengthening your skills as a reader and listener.;Making you a stronger thinker.】
5、多选题:A paper of over ?ve hundred words typically consists of _________.选项:A:a three-paragraph bodyB:a transitional paragraphC:a one-paragraph conclusionD:a one-paragraph introduction答案: 【a three-paragraph body;a one-paragraph conclusion;a one-paragraph introduction】
6、单选题:The acronym of MOOC is made up of the first letters of ________.选项:A:Massive Open Online CoursesB:Magic Open Online CoursesC:Magic Open Offline CoursesD:Massive Open Offline Courses答案: 【Massive Open Online Courses】
7、判断题:You can usually expect there to be some sort of project or test at the end of each section to reinforce what was learned in that section or week.选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】
8、判断题:Chinese dragons exist factually — there is evidence to prove that they are real creatures.选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】
9、判断题:Dragon represents the Chinese people’s unrelenting and pioneering spirit of keeping pace with the times.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】
10、单选题:People born in the year of 1940, 1952, or 1964 belong to the Dragon zodiac sign. People born in which of the following years also belong to the Dragon zodiac sign?选项:A:2025B:2034C:2000D:2011答案: 【2000】
第二章 单元测试
1、单选题:In ___________ there are fresh vegetables: lettuce, spinach, kale, radish, celery, cherry tomato, bell pepper, etc., together with olive, cheese, and croutons.选项:A:buffalo wingsB:vegetable saladC:fruit saladD:barbecue ribs答案: 【vegetable salad】
2、多选题:Chinese people like to use ingredients such as _____________.选项:A:preserved beanB:gingerC:garlicD:onions答案: 【preserved bean;ginger;garlic;onions】
3、单选题:To help with this ________, the yogurt shop TCBY has been creative to sell yogurt as well as low-fat ice cream.选项:A:practiceB:problemC:reasonD:person答案: 【problem】
4、单选题:The _________ involved in a particular activity or situation are the things that may go wrong or may cause problems.选项:A:advantagesB:issuesC:pitfallsD:challenges答案: 【pitfalls】
5、多选题:To check a paper for unity, ask yourself these questions ___________.选项:A:Is there specific evidence to support the opening point?B:Is there enough specific evidence?C:Are all the materials on target in support of the opening point?D:Is there a clear opening statement of the point of the paper?答案: 【Are all the materials on target in support of the opening point?;Is there a clear opening statement of the point of the paper?】
6、单选题:If you advance a single point and stick to that point, your paper will have _________.选项:A:supportB:unityC:coherenceD:thesis答案: 【unity】
7、判断题:Guangdong (Cantonese), Zhejiang and Jiangsu cuisines are characteristic of hot spice.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】
8、判断题:Sichuan dishes are famous for their hot-spicy taste and the numbing flavor of Sichuan peppercorn that is rare in other regional cuisines.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】
9、判断题:Eating fish dumplings means wishing you have a lot of remaining money.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】
10、多选题:The steps involved in making dumplings are _______.选项:A:Second, prepare the dumpling stuffingB:Third, make dumplingsC:First, make dumpling wrappers out of dumpling flourD:Finally, boil them答案: 【Second, prepare the dumpling stuffing;Third, make dumplings;First, make dumpling wrappers out of dumpling flour;Finally, boil them】
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