总结:这篇文章介绍了古代饮食法(Paleo Diet),也称为穴居人饮食法,是一种基于古代人类饮食习惯的饮食法。该饮食法强调食用肉类、鱼类、蔬菜、水果和坚果,而避免食用加工食品、糖和谷物等现代饮食中常见的食物。
单词和词组Paleo Diet - 古代饮食法,又称为穴居人饮食法ancient humans - 古代人类lean protein - 瘦肉蛋白质fruits and vegetables - 水果和蔬菜nuts and seeds - 坚果和种子processed foods - 加工食品sugar - 糖grains - 谷物advantages - 优点disadvantages - 缺点recipes - 食谱scientific studies - 科学研究expert opinions - 专家意见lifestyle - 生活方式复杂句详解"The paleo diet emphasizes whole foods that are nutrient-dense, high in protein, and free from processed foods, added sugars, and grains."这是一个复杂句,其中包含了一个主句和两个从句。主句是“The paleo diet emphasizes whole foods”,从句1是“that are nutrient-dense”,从句2是“high in protein, and free from processed foods, added sugars, and grains”。从句1和从句2都是形容词从句,用来进一步描述主句中的“whole foods”。
"Paleo supporters claim that eating this way can reduce inflammation, improve workouts, and boost energy levels."这也是一个复杂句,其中包含一个主句和三个并列的从句。主句是“Paleo supporters claim”,并列从句1是“that eating this way can reduce inflammation”,并列从句2是“improve workouts”,并列从句3是“and boost energy levels”。这些从句都是用来说明主句中的“Paleo supporters claim”的内容。
"Studies suggest that a paleo diet can lead to weight loss, lower blood pressure, and improved glucose tolerance."这也是一个复杂句,其中包含一个主句和三个并列的从句。主句是“Studies suggest”,并列从句1是“that a paleo diet can lead to weight loss”,并列从句2是“lower blood pressure”,并列从句3是“and improved glucose tolerance”。这些从句都是用来支持主句中的“Studies suggest”的观点。"The paleo diet isn't for everyone, and experts caution that it may be difficult to follow over the long term."这也是一个复杂句,其中包含一个主句和两个从句。主句是“The paleo diet isn't for everyone”,从句1是“experts caution”,从句2是“that it may be difficult to follow over the long term”。从句1是一个名词从句,用来解释主句中的“everyone”是谁;从句2是一个宾语从句,用来进一步解释从句1中的“experts caution”所表达的意思。翻译英文:The paleo diet is based on the premise that human beings should eat the same foods as their Paleolithic ancestors. This means eating whole, unprocessed foods that are rich in nutrients and avoiding foods that have become staples of the modern diet, such as sugar, grains, and processed foods.中文:古代饮食法是基于这样的前提:人类应该食用与他们的古代祖先相同的食物。这意味着要食用富含营养的整个、未经加工的食物,并避免现代饮食中已成为主食的食物,如糖、谷物和加工食品。
英文:The paleo diet emphasizes whole foods that are nutrient-dense, high in protein, and free from processed foods, added sugars, and grains. Some examples of paleo-friendly foods include lean meats, fish, fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, and healthy fats such as olive oil and avocado.中文:古代饮食法强调食用富含营养、高蛋白质并且不含加工食品、添加糖和
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