Some think that these environmental problems are too big for individuals to be solved, while others think that individuals cannot solve these environmental problems unless they make some action. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
We are confronted with a wide range of environmental challenges today. And there is a heated debate revolving around the issue of whether individuals could play significant roles in improving environmental conditions. In my personal view, only if individuals take some actions could environmental contamination be effectively alleviated.
Admittedly, it is reasonable for some to argue that this problem is too big for human beings to resolve. First of all, fighting with such natural disasters as flood, earthquake as well as tsunami may be beyond the ability of average persons. Despite of those, some humanity destruction is also unreachable for citizens. For instance, oil spill always lead to a large scale of suffocation for marine lives; besides, smog, which hover over and around metropolis cities in the past several winters has already cause respiratory diseases.
Nevertheless, others assert that unless we human beings take some actions, the pollution of our surroundings could be a chronic issue to cope with. And there are lots of actions we might probably adopt. First and foremost, it is possible for citizens to enhance awareness of being friendly to their living places. Since consciousness is one essential element which dominates people's behaviors. Besides, the second step is to change the daily habits, one of them is that people could use public transport instead of private cars; what is more, the avoidance of disposable products and high-carbon products would also be a good choice. Followed by the above measures is the modification of public supervision on the well-being of our environment, which will not be perfected without encouraging every citizens to voice their opinions towards some issues.
In a nutshell, even though battling against natural disasters and large scale man-caused damages may seem an impossible task for individuals, efforts and attempts are still integral part of the aim to create a better living environment for themselves by adopting some small steps.
Some people think success of life is based on hard work and determination, but others think there are more important factors, like money and personal appearance. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
What help people achieve success has always been critically argued. In my opinion, the role played by hard work and determination is key, while money and appearance can be coonterproductlve to personal development.
Determination functions as a powerful drive to those who desire success. To take Steve Jobs as an example, with the ambition to eliminate the barrier between people by means of technology, he persistently dedicated himself to the design of an Ideal machine, even when he was outcast by his colleagues. The world finally saw his unparalleled success, when he came back with IPhone and MacBook that became a global craze.
Without hard work, however, a determination Is In vain. Therefore, It Is not unusual to find
Evidence of great personalities who undertook painstaking work, bearing In mind a determined goal. TomasEdison, for Instance, obtained the best material for buibs only after the countless trial and error. Also, It Is more likely for people with such mentality to make elaborate preparation for their plans, which can further guarantee the realisation of ambitions.
On the contrary, money and appearance have little to do with a person' s achievement. Jack Ma, not good looking, not born with a silver spoon In his mouth but famously known for his passion for determination, built up the enterprise of Alibaba which rivals the H-commerce tycoon Amaon. In fact, although moneyed background or an attractive look can help a person to start easily, he or she will become overly dependent on them and will thus lose the Incentive for hard work and determination, ending up being fruitless.
Therefore, success relles on how firmly people hold on to their determinations and how hard they try to put them Into practice, not on money and appearance.
Ambition is an important characteristic of people. How important is it for people to make success in life? Is it a positive or negative characteristic for success?
In this essay, I shall look at the importance of success to people and at whether ambition is positive or negative.
I think that it is usually beneficial for people to want success in life, mainly because it can encourage them to do things in better ways. If a person wants to be successful at their studies, this desire for success usually has the effect of making them study harder. However, this is not always true. We can see this in IELTS, where some students have hired other people to take the test for them. The importance of success has encouraged them to try to cheat. If this is successful, it means that the successful people are not the ones who are the most capable and hard-working. Instead it means that those willing to behave in illegal or immoral ways will succeed. Of course, these people are a small minority, but they cannot be allowed to succeed.
Consequently, we can see that ambition can be a positive characteristic, pushing people to study harder, work harder and create positive relationships with other people. These things push society forward, both economically and socially. However, there have to be rules. These rules need to ensure that people have a fair chance. Some of these rules can be created and enforced by institutions such as universities, when deciding on admissions for example. Others need to be enforced by government. This is why it is so important for governments to deal with corruption. If they do not, the most capable people are unsuccessful, affecting the whole country.
To conclude, I think that it is good for people to want success and have ambition, so long as they do not cheat to succeed.
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