2018年留学备考规划>>点击查看 托福 雅思 GRE GMAT SAT 雅思大作文是很多考生最头疼的内容。新东方小编和大家分享雅思大作文模板:纸质书已经out了?仅供参考:
Along with popularization of the Internet, storage and sharing of information have come to exist in various forms. Some people believe that printed books will still play a considerably significant role. After serious consideration, I am convinced that the importance of printed books will be tremendously undermined, in view of their costs and the emergence of electronic books.
To begin with, printed books will be gradually replaced due to their relatively expensive costs. Conspicuously, the decreasing utilization of printed books is ascribed to their operational costs and destruction to surroundings. For example, publishing a book requires investment of a mass of manpower, material resources and financial resources. Besides,production of printed books also means consumption of vast amounts of wood, which can reduce the size of forests even further. Finally, the pollutants coming from book production can contaminate the quality of water and atmosphere. Hence, those negative consequences printed books may have an unpleasant impact on printed books themselves.
The appearance of electronic books renders lower demands of printed books. Conspicuously, features of electronic books include low-priced and environmentally-friendly, making them become the future of books. For instance, in comparison with traditional book forms, e-books popularized by the Internet are easier to carry, rich in content and real-time updated. Thus, e-books can win more popularity from youngsters and become a first choice for most of the readers.
Admittedly, printed books still play a crucial role. For example, a majority of school textbooks are printed, which is like a guarantee of correctness and completeness of knowledge; e-books on the other hand can be inaccessible due to network problems and computer viruses. However, e-books are bound to be predominant, in view of the increasingly popularized Internet, continuous innovation of technology and sound progress of the environment.
In brief, the relatively high costs of printed books and eco-friendly, portable and two-bit electronic books will certainly hinder the role and function of printed books.
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