
栏目:教育培训  时间:2023-01-22

  2021考研真题答案及解析>>免费领直播课 公共课 政治 英语一 英语二 数学一 数学二 数学三   2021考研初试12月26~27日进行,2021考研初试情况(点击查看》》2021考研初试真题及答案解析专题),第一时间为考生提供考研真题答案及答案解析内容,同时新东方考研教师将为考生提供视频直播解析。直播入口|考研真题答案专区

  1. 试题


  Write an essay based on chart below. In your writing, you should

  (1)interpret the chart, and

  (2)give your comments

  You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)


  2. 范文

  What the above column chart apparently depicts is several differences with regard to ways of physical exercise of citizens in a certain city. Divided into four different parts, the chart presents

  the first part of working out alone and its figure of 54.3% ranks first, followed by that of working out with their friends, 47.7% , whereas the third part is working out with their family members, 23.9%, after which thedata is 15.8%. It is out of question what the author wishes to convey is not merely the chart itself.

  Despite the chart presented limited contents, for the above variations, it is no great difficulty for us to come up with ultimate reasons,which are listed as below. From one aspect, the most vial thing citizens pursue for their physical excises is convenience, which is able to make their outdoor activities more smooth, for if they do so with others, they may have trouble waiting for others and then wasting a lot of time, and delay their things every morning; from another, others doing physical exercise tend to be with their acquaintances,such as family members, friends, etc., for it is unbearable for them to be lonely in their lives.Those mentioned above are exactly my analyses on the situation.

  Taking these reasons into account, we are capable of coming to the conclusion that those differences are normal and positive. No matter what ways of physical exercise these citizens tend to select, improving their health conditions is a top priority. As a consequence, it"s of no necessity for the public to worry about them excessively.





  3. 解析


  新东方教师直播解析2021考研答案>>免费领直播课 专业课 管理类联考 西医综合 中医综合 法硕 法硕非法学 计算机 教育学 历史学 心理学 经济学 农学 二外日语   更多2021考研真题答案及考研动态请持续关注新东方网。

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