
栏目:教育培训  时间:2023-05-25



  Why do many Indians feel proud about preferring English over their mother tongues?



  Balaji Viswanathan

  I guess many Indians are quite proud of our mother tongues, but the question is still valid. A few years ago, I went to a HP service center in Chennai for fixing my tablet. Since I knew they know Tamil I asked them questions in Tamil, although the lady there gave replies in broken English, trying hard to appear educated.

  Why do people feel proud to speak in English?





  1. Show that they are educated. In India, the ability to speak English is strongly correlated with college degrees and in general better education. Given that education is a premium asset in India, people try hard to speak in English when possible and show others that they make the cut.

  2. Throughout the world, "educated" people often try to include words that the common folks don't use to draw a line between them. Thus, the English nobility of medi period started using French and Latin words to appear more refined compared to the boors. Same is the case of some pretentious Indians in cocktail parties.




  3. Improper exposure to mother tongue. For many Indians, mother tongue is not used to express higher level ideas. Thus, while they could convey their emotions in their mother tongue, they might not be able to talk scientific ideas in their mother tongue. Thus, they would want to talk in English when they want to express their erudite opinions.

  4. Some of us were forced to use English at school & home. In some of the schools I studied, we needed to pay a penalty of Rs.0.50 for every non-English word we used in the class. Quite a sick system if I think about it now. The school thought that their brand would go down if the society saw us speaking in those "dirty" native languages. We still used Tamil words when our Mam was not looking at us, and it was as though we were hiding as highway robbers. Fortunately for me, my parents always encouraged me to learn Tamil, Hindi and Sanskrit (I can speak in only the first two).









  Rohit Murthy

  We have a saying in India - "Angrez chale gaye, angrezi chhod gaye." In a satirical sense, it translates to "The British left India but left behind the English language".

  Some excellent answers have already been given on this question. I'll elaborate a bit more on the reasons that they have mentioned from a historical point of view.

  To begin with, how did the English language become a part of India's lingual landscape?

  Stage 1: Dinos Arrive

  我们国外有一句谚语:"Angrez chale gaye, angrezi chhod gaye.从讽刺的意义上来说,它可以翻译成:“国外人离开了国外,但留下了英语”。




  The British came to India initially as traders and established a number of trading posts under the control of the East India Company. In due course of time, it became more powerful with its private armies and took military and administrative control of India. Towards the latter part of the 18th century the Company dissolved but the British Crown took over and took control of the divided world that was India. English as a language initially was taught informally mostly by Christian missionaries. However, once the British took control of India, it became the language of administration, law and the Government. The dinos had indeed arrived!



  Stage 2: 'Dinosaursim' Spreads

  In the early part of the 19th century the English Education Act was passed which gave a huge impetus to the establishments of English medium schools and educational institutions teaching Western curriculum. Clerical posts in administrative and government offices started requiring exams taken in English and testing language ability. Now, Indians were forced to adopt this new language as a means of social advancement. The fact was that in this British controlled world, learning English and adopting their culture gave us the 3 things we craved for - wealth, power and position. A government job was not only a coveted job, but also came along with post-retirement pensions. Soon, a number of English-educated Indians started getting involved in the governing machinery and also played a pivotal role in guiding freedom movements across the country. English became the interface between the British and us. The 'Dinosaurism' had spread across the country.









  Stage3: Dinos leave, Dinosaurism survives

  When India gained independence in 1947, it was this educated class that filled up the positions left by the British. Attempts were then made to have an Indian language as the national language. But in a country with more than 30 languages and 1600 mother tongues, that really is a tough ask. Hindi was made the first official languages and attempts to make it the national language met with strong opposition from Tamil Nadu and other non-Hindi speaking states. Eventually, the English Language Amendment Bill was passed making English the "Associate language" of India alongside Hindi. It was to remain as an associate language until such time as all non-Hindi speaking states agree to it being dropped. However, that has never happened and English became indispensable in India. It had become the interface between the Hindi and non-Hindi speaking population. Later it also became our interface with the outside world, particularly the West. It became a means of inclusion of all under one umbrella.








  So what does all this have to do with your question?

  Firstly, it's wrong to generalize that Indians prefer English over their native language or mother tongues. More likely, it depends on the environment and the people involved during communication. In businesses, jobs and education, English is used almost as an automatic choice of communication. But in an informal environment of native people, the native language becomes the automatic choice of communication.

  Secondly, as both Balaji and Siddharth have mentioned, speaking in English is still a sign of education. In a country where education still remains a luxury, an English-bred education does improve your brand image.

  Thirdly, we are a country where about 20% of our population speaks English and only about 4% speak it fluently. In a social setting trying hard to emulate the West, speaking in English can boost your social image and admit it, social image is as inherent in India as it can get. Possibly the human race.




  其次,正如 Balaji 和 Siddharth 提到的那样,用英语说话仍然是教育的标志。




  Fourthly, as more and more MNCs have started entering India and with the corporate culture spreading rapidly, Indians, and working professionals in particular, have begun to accept English as a native language over their actual native languages. Migration of more and more people from their native towns and villages to the cosmopolitans has resulted in a gradual erosion of their native roots. Their exposure to English is more than their native languages/mother tongues and their succeeding generations are raised in an English-speaking environment.

  Finally, We like to beat the English at their own game. Cricket anybody?





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