
栏目:教育培训  时间:2023-06-19

  8B Unit 6 Sunshine for all 知识清单

  -. Comic strip and Welcome to the unit.

  1.I'm training to be a volunteer for the Olympic Games. 我正在接受训练为奥运会做一名志愿者。

  train to be a volunteer (for sth.)培训/训练做一名志愿者 【train 作动词:接受训练、培训】

  = train as a volunteer (for sth.)

  *【重点】①volunteer 作名词:志愿者;作动词:志愿做,义务做:voluntary 形容词

  ②volunteer to do sth. =volunteer for sth. 志愿做某事

  (③voluntary 形容词:志愿的

  (④the Olympic Games = the Olympics


  Eg: The Olympic Games are held every four years.【此处:are held=take place 】

  The 29th Olympic Games were/was held in Beijing in 2008.

  2. It's meaningful to do something for the Olympics.

  【反义词:meaningless 无意义的】

  3.need some more food to eat 需要更多的食物来吃

  4.at work 在上班【此处work 为名词】

  =while working

  5.a disabled person 一个残疾人

  【相关单词:disabled ->able--unable-ability-disability 】

  6.a blind person 一个盲人


  7.an elderly person 一位老年人

  大the elderly 老人=the old; the rich 富人;the young 年青人, the poor 穷人

  【the +形容词,表示一类人,复数】

  8.deaf people 聋哑人

  9.have their own places to live 有他们自己的地方住

  10.a homeless person 一个无家可归的人

  11. Are there any other ways to help them?【疑问句中any other +复数米自some other +复数】

  【回顾】 Tom is taller than anv other bov in his class.

  【肯定句中 any other +单数名词,意为:任何一个别的.……】

  12.Write to the local government 写信给当地的政府 【write to sb.】

  13.provide special places for homeless people to stay 为无家可归的人提供专门的地方待

  【回顾】provide sth. for sb. = provide sb. with sth.


  offer sth. to sb. = offer sb. sth.


  二、Reading 【greeting 名词:问候】

  1.Li Ming didn't know what to expect.

  【what to expect 期盼什么(做宾语)】

  ①*expect (sb.) to do sth.期待(某人)去做某事

  2 expect + that MinJ

  ③look forward to doing sth. 期待去做某事

  2.the most amazing experience of his life 他一生中最神奇的经历

  3.work as a volunteer 作为志愿者工作(当志愿者)

  4. children and adults with intellectual disabilities 带有智障的孩子和成年人

  S.give sb. a chance to show one's skills to the world 给某人一个向全世界展示技能的机会

  b.include many events similar to those in the Olvmpics(后置定语)


  =include many events (that/which are similar to thase in the Olympics 定语从句)

  类似例子:I can carry the box full of books. =I can carry the box which/that is full of books.

  【重点1 ①be similar to.. 大与.

  ?相似 eg: My coat is similar to Tom's.

  ②be the same as... 与.


  3) be different from....



  ④event 指(运动)比赛项目,重大事件

  7.give up their spare time 放齐他们的业余时间

  *give up 动副词组 ①give it/them up

  ( give up doing sth.

  Eg:give up smoking 戒烟

  8.receive training before doing the tasks 在接受任务前接受培训

  9.provide support for the athletes 为运动员提供支持

  【注】 ① support 作名词或动词:支持


  ② supporter 名词:支持者、拥护者

  10.help make the event a great success 帮忙使得这项活动取得圆满成功

  11.a swimming coach 一名游泳教练

  【coach一>复数 coaches 】

  12.be born with intellectual disabilities 天生智障

  13.大It was very brave of him to join the competition. 他去参加比赛真的很勇敢。

  14.*To Li Hai, the most important thing is mot to win a gold or a silver, but to take part


  Eg: Not you but I am wrong 《谓语动词就近的原则) 不是你就是我错了。

  15.finish fourth 排名第四 =come fourth

  16.feel more confident 感到更加自信

  【回顾】be confident of sbhttps://baijiahao.baidu.com/sth. = have confidence in sb/sth.对某人/某事有信心

  17.bring people together 把人们团结在一起

  18.athletes from different backgrounds 有不同背景的运动员

  19.feel like part of one big family 感到像一个大家庭的一员 【like 为介词:像】

  ① feel like doing sth. 想要做某事=would like to do sth. = want to do sth.

  ②feel like 两种含义:感觉像;想要

  20 work closely with these special athletes


  tclose : ①(vt.)关闭;


  eg:My home is close to the bookshop.

  (adj.)亲密的 eg:my close friend

  (adv.)靠近,接近 eg: Tom live clase to the post office.

  ②副词 close 与closely 的区别:

  女副词 close(具体)表示实际距离上的接近,如距离、场所、地点等的接近

  e.g. We live close to the TIMES shopping mall.

  We sat close together.


  egwork closely with sb.与某人密切合作

  watch closely the birds 仔细地观察这些鸟

  21.achieve their dreams 实现他们的梦想

  = realize their dreams = make their dreams come true

  大achieve (vt.)实现,达到

  一, achievement (n.)成就

  22.an introduction to sth. 对某事的一个介绍

  【回顾】introduce (vt)一>introduce A to B 将A 介绍给 B

  23.offer to help without getting paid



  【语法】A. It is +形容词+to do sth:


  It 是形式主语,代替真正的主语 to do sth

  Eg: It is meaningful to help others.

  It is difficult to walk over 3 mountains.

  It is wrong to copy other students' homework.

  【语法】 B. It is +形容词 +for sb(宾格) +to do sth:表示某人做某事是……

  这个结构中的forsb 是不定式todo sth 的逻辑主语.

  文 句中的形容词是描述所做的事情,面不是描述人。

  如:dangerous, important, necessary, impossible, hard, difficult,wonderful, interesting 等

  eg: It is necessary for us to work hard.


  It is useful for him to study computer skills.


  is hard



  is exciting


  (pass) the exam.

  (see) the pop star.

  注:*itis tadj tthat 从句和iis tadi tfor sb. to do sth. 有时可以互换

  It is necessary that we train ourselves before the walk.

  =It is necessary

  ourselves before the walk.

  【语法】C.It is + adj.+ofsb.to do sth. 表示某人做某事是………..

  这个结构中的ofsb 是不定式to do sth 的逻辑主语.

  句中的形容词是表示人物品质或特征,是用来描述人的,如:kind, nice,clever, wise, polite, brave,twrons, tright, strong, good, bad, honest, foolish,stupid, careful, careless 等。

  Eg: It's nice of you to donate your own money to people in need.

  It's careless of the boy to leave the tap running.

  It's wrong of the people to drop litter everywhere.

  It's right of you to donate money to those people in need.


  (1) How + adj. + it is + of sb. to do sth.!

  How kind it is of you to help me solve the problem!

  ② Sb. +is + adji. + to do sth!

  You are kind to help me solve the problem!

  (3) it 还可代替to do和 That 从句作形式宾语

  find/make /think it tadj +to do sth


  1.give seats to the elderly 把座位让给老年人

  2.donate money to charities 把钱捐给慈善机构【大donate (vt.) -rdonation (n) 】

  *①donate sth. to sb. 把某物捐赠给某人

  £②raise/collect sth. for sb. 为某人募集/筹集某物

  ③charity 作:慈善机构时可数;作慈善(事业)时不可数。

  3.help blind people to cross the road 帮盲人过马路

  4.mean a lot (to me)


  5.do their work one-to-one without the help of volunteers


  6.Do you have any trouble talking to people with intellectual disabilities?

  *have problems/trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难

  =have problems/trouble/difficulty with sth.

  7.make friends with them 和他们交朋友

  8.look after a lost pet 照看一只走失的宠物

  9.donate blood to people in need 把血捐给需要的人 【blood:不可数名词】

  10. drop litter everywhere 到处扔垃圾

  MY. Integrated skills

  la training plan 一个培训计划

  2.take part in volunteer project 参加志愿者项目

  3.learn more about the poor areas in China 了解更多有关中国的贫困地区

  4.live in villages far avay 住在遥远的村庄

  5.help local people improve their lives 帮助当地人改善他们的生活

  6.in our daily lives 在我们的日常生活中

  7.save one's pocket money 节省某人的零花钱

  8.work in a mountain area 工作在一个山区

  五、Study skills









  1.space order 空问顺序

  2.g0od reading habits 好的读书习惯

  3.help our mind relax 帮助我们的思想放松下来

  à. Task

  1give a helping hand 伸出援助之手

  2.a Grade 9 student


  3.be ill in hospital 生病住院

  4.have a serious blood disease 患严重的血液方面的疾病

  tdisease,sickness,illness 区分:三者都可表示“疾病”,区别如下:

  ①discase 表示“疾病”,通常指具体的“疾病”(可数)。注:有时指疾病的总称(不可数),即通称的“疾病”。

  ②illness 和sickness 常可通用,它们主要用于表示生病的时间或因病(disease)导致的不健康状态等。如:He can't come because of illness. 另外,sickness 还可表示“呕吐2恶心”。

  ③医学上表示具体某种病称时,通常用 disease。

  如:English disease 气管炎

  heart disease 心脏病

  lung disease 肺病

  a nervous disease 神经病

  skin disease 皮肤病

  5.The operation will cost over 300,000 yuan. 这个手术将花费超过 30万元。

  * operate on sb.


  【operate 为不及物动词】

  * @ do/perform an operation on sb.

  【operation 为可名词】

  6. have enough money for such an operation

  7. It is important for him to have the operation as soon as possible.


  8. lose / save one's life 失去(挽救)某人的生命

  g.ask for your help 寻求你的帮助

  10.get well again soon 很快康复

  11.children without parents 孤儿

  12.someone with a serous disease 患有严重疾病的人

  13.earthquake survivors 地震幸存者


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