试讲教案|初中英语:《Body language》

栏目:教育培训  时间:2023-06-21

  中学英语教学设计:《Body language》Unit1 They touch noses!

  Teaching aims:

  Knowledge aims:Students will know different ways of greeting in different countries.

  Students will grasp the new words ,such as bow, German and Russian.

  Ability aims:Students can actproperly in different situations.

  Students will listen for specific information by using different strategies.

  Emotional aims:Students will get close to different cultures and broaden their international horizon.

  Students will arouse interest of speaking English.

  Teaching key points and difficult points:

  Key points:

  Different greetingways.

  Difficult Points:

  How to enable the students to be have properly in different situations.

  Teaching procedures:

  Step1 Lead-in

  Greet students as usual and set a situation of meeting for the first time to create a relaxing atmosphere of learning different body languages.

  Step2 Pre-listening

  1.Ask the students to describe the pictures in their book and match the pictures with the words and expressions from

  The box.

  2.Listen to the first material and match the pictures with the nation alities.

  Step3 While-listening

  1.Global listening: ask students to listen for the first time and write down the name so different countries.

  2.Careful listening:ask students to answer the following questions:

  ①How do people in Russia greet each other?(kiss three times)

  ②What do people in the US usually do when they meet?(shake hands, and some kiss or huge a chother)

  ③What do Maori people in New Zealand do when they meet visitors?(touch noses)

  Step4 Post-listening

  Group work: students work in groups of 4 and collect more in for mation of different body language in different countries,then perform out.

  Step4 Summary and homework

  Summary: Ask the students to retell the passage according to the key words.

  Home work: Ask students to make a poster about body language.

  Black board design:

  They touch noses!

  Russia kiss three times

  US shake hands and nod their heads

