heads up 你就把“头抬起来”了?这笑话闹大了

栏目:教育培训  时间:2023-08-04

  01 heads up

  对你说 heads up ,并不是命令你抬起头来。其实,heads up 是个善意的提醒。如果有人对你说 heads up ,他其实是在提醒我们有事要发生了,我们要小心点。这个词汇很多时候也会写成 heads-up。可以与give搭配表达成give someone a heads up意思是事先提醒某人。它通常用于警告他人要留意即将发生的事情或危险。

  这个短语的起源可以追溯到美国棒球比赛中的口头提示。当有一颗击球朝向观众席时,为了提醒观众注意飞来的球,球场工作人员会大声喊出"heads up"。



  1. Heads up! There's a car coming towards us.


  2. I just wanted to give you a heads up that the meeting has been rescheduled for tomorrow.


  3. Before you enter the room, heads up that there may be some construction noise.


  4. Heads up, everyone! The deadline for the project has been moved up by two days.


  5. He gave me a heads up about the difficult questions that would be asked during the interview.


  02 beat into head

  beat sth. into one's head不要按字面意思把这个短语理解为“把..敲进脑中”,意思是“不断灌输”或者“反复教育某人”。它通常用来形容通过重复强调、教导或训练来使某人理解或记住某个观点、概念或技能。




  1. My parents beat into my head the importance of hard work and perseverance.


  2. The teacher kept beating the rules into our heads until we could recite them in our sleep.


  3. It took years of practice to beat the piano technique into her head.


  4. The coach constantly beats strategies into the players' heads so they can execute them instinctively on the field.


  5. She had to beat into her own head that failure is not the end, but an opportunity to learn and grow.


  03 bite one's head off

  bite one's head off千万不要理解为“咬掉...的头”,实际意思是 “生气地责备某人”或者“粗暴地回答某人”。它通常用来形容某人以愤怒、不耐烦或傲慢的方式对待他人。




  1. She asked a simple question, but he bit her head off for no reason.


  2. I made a small mistake and my boss bit my head off in front of everyone.


  3. Don't bite my head off just because you're having a bad day!


  4. My mom is always biting our heads off when we forget to do our chores.


  5. He asked a genuine question, but the professor bit his head off with a condescending tone.


  04 put our heads together

  "Put our heads together"是一个英语短语,意思是“共同讨论、合作解决问题”。它通常用来表示多个人集思广益,通过合作和协商来找到解决方案或达成共识。



  1. We need to put our heads together and come up with a plan for the project.


  2. Let's put our heads together and brainstorm some ideas for the event.


  3. The team put their heads together and found a creative solution to the problem.


  4. Whenever we face a challenge, we always put our heads together to find the best way forward.


  5. The committee members put their heads together and reached a consensus on the new policy.







  ?? 轻松攻破的英语语法重难点





  “空姐”用英语怎么说?真的不是 air waitress!

  “sorry, WC”是啥意思?千万别误会了!跟“厕所”没关系!




下一篇:浅浅总结了 23 届的秋招经验,给大家看看
