
栏目:教育培训  时间:2023-08-08



  look after

  look for

  look forward to

  take off

  take on

  take out

  put on

  put off

  put up with

  get along with



  look after的意思是照顾,保护,例如:

  I have to look after my little brother while my parents are out.(我父母出去时,我要照顾我的弟弟。)

  Who will look after your dog when you go on vacation?(你去度假时,谁会照顾你的狗?)


  look for的意思是寻找,寻求,例如:

  I’m looking for my keys. Have you seen them?(我在找我的钥匙。你看见了吗?)

  She is looking for a new job.(她在找一份新工作。)



  look forward to的意思是期待,盼望,例如:

  I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.(我期待着很快见到你。)

  He is looking forward to his birthday party.(他盼望着他的生日派对。)


  take off有两个常用的意思,一个是脱掉(衣服),一个是起飞(飞机),例如:

  Please take off your shoes before entering the house.(请在进屋前脱掉鞋子。)

  The plane will take off in 10 minutes.(飞机将在10分钟后起飞。)



  take on也有两个常用的意思,一个是承担(责任),一个是挑战(对手),例如:

  She decided to take on more responsibilities at work.(她决定承担更多的工作责任。)

  He is not afraid to take on anyone who disagrees with him.(他不怕挑战任何和他意见不同的人。)


  take out也有两个常用的意思,一个是拿出(某物),一个是带出(某人),例如:

  He took out his wallet and paid the bill.(他拿出钱包付了账单。)

  He asked her if he could take her out for dinner.(他问她是否可以带她出去吃晚餐。)



  put on的意思是穿上(衣服),戴上(首饰),涂上(化妆品),例如:

  She put on her coat and left.(她穿上外套就走了。)

  He put on his glasses and read the newspaper.(他戴上眼镜读报纸。)

  She put on some lipstick and smiled.(她涂了些口红,微笑了。)


  put off的意思是推迟,延期,例如:

  They decided to put off the meeting until next week.(他们决定把会议推迟到下周。)

  Don’t put off doing your homework.(不要拖延做作业。)



  put up with的意思是忍受,容忍,例如:

  I can’t put up with his bad manners any more.(我再也不能忍受他的无礼了。)

  She has to put up with a lot of stress at work.(她在工作中要承受很多压力。)


  get along with的意思是和睦相处,相处融洽,例如:

  He gets along well with his classmates.(他和同学们相处得很好。)

  How do you get along with your boss?(你和你的老板相处得怎么样?)





  I’m _________ my homework now. Don’t bother me.

  She _________ a lot of weight after she quit smoking.

  He _________ his parents very well. They are very proud of him.

  She _________ a beautiful dress for the party.

  He _________ the flight because of the bad weather.

  She _________ a lot of pain after the surgery.

  He _________ a new project at work. He is very excited about it.

  She _________ her old friends from school.

  He _________ his girlfriend to the movies last night.

  She _________ the noise from the street.



  I’m doing my homework now. Don’t bother me. (没有动词短语)

  She took off a lot of weight after she quit smoking.

  He looks after his parents very well. They are very proud of him.

  She put on a beautiful dress for the party.

  He put off the flight because of the bad weather.

  She put up with a lot of pain after the surgery.

  He took on a new project at work. He is very excited about it.

  She looks forward to seeing her old friends from school.

  He took out his girlfriend to the movies last night.

  She gets along with the noise from the street.



