
栏目:教育培训  时间:2022-12-06

  Hello! I'm a reader of FT Chinese and a Blizzard game player. I see you as one of the authors of the article on the break of? Blizzard and NetEase. Another player collected public information about the CEO of Activision Blizzard, Bobby Kotick, which implies there's tunneling in the contract, not limiting to this Bobby acquires a huge amount security deposit so that he can get extra payment before the Microsoft buys Activision Blizzard, which directly leading to the break of licensing agreement. Would you and FT take a deep research on that? A revenage on the archcriminal will relef the heartbreaking players who have built deeply bond with other players and fictional characters.

  You can connet the author of the article onWeibo:


  The article link is here:



  还有俩消息,一个是动视暴雪 CEO 因涉嫌内幕交易遭美司法部、证监会调查, 还有一个是白宫那个请愿网站We the People好像下线到现在还没重新开,本来想说去请愿查考迪克的。

上一篇:湖南一小学高级教师猥亵8名女童近3年 败露后装疯
