
栏目:教育资源  时间:2023-01-11


  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案 转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共 5 小题:每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 l0 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shit?A. 19.15.B.9.18.C.9.15.答案是C。

  1.(1.5分)Where is the closest ATM?

  A. In a bank.

  B. Beside a building.

  C. On his right.

  2.(1.5分)What will the man probably do next?

  A. Ask the woman for help

  B. Fill up the car himself.

  C. Pay for the gas first.

  3.(1.5分)What are the speakers talking about?

  A. The final exam.

  B. A sport.

  C. Computer games.

  4.(1.5分)What is the man doing?

  A. Asking for advice.

  B. Seeing a doctor.

  C. Working at home.

  5.(1.5分)What does the woman think of the mountain?

  A. Distant.

  B. High.

  C. Attractive.

  第二节(共 15 小题;每小题l. 5 分,满分 22. 5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

  6.(3分)(1)Why does the woman call?

  A. Her TV doesn't work.

  B. Her TV service is due.

  C. Her TV service bill is wrong.

  (2)How much should the bill be actually?

  A. 865

  B. 885.

  C. 845.

  7.(3分)(1)What does Jessica need to use the library?

  A. Her credit card.

  B. Her student ID.

  C. Her driver license.

  (2)What can Jessica borrow?

  A. Magazines.

  B. Newspapers.

  C. Novels.

  8.(4.5分)(1)What will Linda take for the meal?

  A. Beef.

  B. Vegetables.

  C. Fried fish.

  (2)How does Mark like the fish to be cooked?

  A. With some cabbage.

  B. With a little more salt.

  C. In sweet and sour sauce.

  (3)Who will pay for the bill?

  A. Mark.

  B. Linda.

  C. They'll go Dutch.

  9.(6分)(1)How does the man's family deal with the garbage?

  A. It's sorted.

  B. It's sold.

  C. It's buried.

  (2)Where will the man's wife place the waste food?

  A. Into the garbage cans.

  B. Into different containers.

  C. Into the soil in the garden

  (3)What does the man think of living a zero﹣waste lifestyle?

  A. Stressful.

  B. Natural.

  C. Difficult.

  (4)What's the possible relationship between the speakers?

  A. Host and guest.

  B. Husband and wife.

  C. Grandson and grandmother.

  10.(6分)(1)What are the activities aimed at?

  A. Mixing with colleagues.

  B. Developing team spirit

  C. Electing group leaders

  (2)What's in the backpack?

  A. Water and food.

  B. Meal tickets.

  C. Lists of tasks.

  (3)What should they do once they find a hidden box?

  A. Hand it in.

  B. Finish the task.

  C. Go back here.

  (4)Where does the announcement take place?

  A. At a gym.

  B. At a shop.

  C. At a cafeteria.

  第二部分 阅读理解(共 20 小题,每小题 2. 5 分,满分 50 分)第一节(共 15 小题,每小题 2. 5 分,满分 37. 5 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 A、B、C、D 中选出最佳选项。

  11.(6分)Skillshare is a video lesson app which has become highly popular nowadays.It will likely appeal more to older kids (age 14+) since classes focus primarily on professional development with topics like digital design,technology and marketing.

  There are also plenty of art and music classes for more creative learners.Read the developer's privacy policy for details on how your kid's information is collected,and any choices you may have in the matter,and this privacy policy applies to all users.

  What is it about?

  Skillshare has a large database of online lessons taught by industry experts.Kids can search for a class by topic or by entering key words.Each class contains a series of video lessons that are taught as a lecture.Some classes have only a few lessons,while others have 10 or more.

  In fact,one guitar class has more than 100 lessons.Many classes include projects,and any classes they begin are automatically saved to a watch list.Many classes are offered in the free version of the app,and a paid version gives users access to a much more extensive class list﹣more than 28

  Is it any good?

  All the teachers in the app are passionate about their work,so it's an excellent way to foster the same passion in your kids,as long as there is a genuine interest in the content being offered.

  What kind of membership are you interested in?


  Email address for contact:skillshare@gdpr﹣rep.com

  (1)The passage is intended for     .




  D.industry experts

  (2)How much should you pay monthly for an annual membership?





  (3)What can we learn from the passage?

  A.Skillshare allows curious older kids to learn at their own pace.

  B.The privacy policy is limited to the registered members of Skillshare.

  C.Subscribers can only cancel the order within one month of its purchase.

  D.Each class has more than 100 career﹣related lessons in the Skillshare app.

  12.(8分)I know what courage looks like.I saw it on a flight I took six years ago,and only now can I speak of it without tears filling eyes at the memory.

  Our flight left the Orlando Airport one Friday morning.But immediately upon take﹣off,it was clear that something was wrong.The aircraft was bumping(颠簸)up and down.All the experienced travellers,looked around with knowing smiles.If you fly much,you see these things and learn to act calmly about them.However

  Minutes after we were in the air,our plane began falling quickly.The pilot soon made a serious announcement. "We are having some difficulties," he said. "Our indicators show that the control system has failed.We will be returning to the Orlando Airport.

  The flight attendants will prepare you for a bumpy landing.Also,you will see that we are dumping fuel from the airplane.We want to have as little on board as possible in the event of a rough touchdown." In other words,we were about to crash.Many travellers looked visibly frightened now.No one faces death without fear

  Then a couple of rows to my left,I heard a still calm voice,a woman's voice,people cried.Many screamed.Finally,I saw her.In this chaos,in her mid﹣30s,was staring full into the face of her daughter,sensing the importance of her mother's words.The mother's gaze held the child so fixed that she seemed untouched by the sounds of grief and fear around her.

  Finally,I leaned over and by some miracle could hear this soft sure voice with the tone of comfort.Over and over again,the mother said,no matter what happens,I love you always." Fortunately

  However,the voice I heard that day never faded.That mom showed me what a real hero looks like.

  (1)What does the author imply by saying "some travellers' knowing smiles" in Paragraph 2?

  A.They were used to this kind of experience.

  B.They were quite familiar with each other.

  C.They were well﹣educated passengers.

  D.They were pretending to be calm.

  (2)What happened shortly after take﹣off?

  A.The plane met bad weather and had to return immediately.

  B.The flight indicators showed the plane's control system failed.

  C.One of the passengers was badly ill and the plane had to turn back.

  D.A flight attendant explained flight safety instructions to the passengers.

  (3)Hearing the pilot's announcement,how did most travellers respond?

  A.They asked for help.

  B.They remained calm.

  C.They cried and screamed.

  D.They rejected the bumpy landing.

  (4)What is the best title for the passage?

  A.The Shape of Love

  B.The Voice of Courage

  C.The Wisdom of A Pilot

  D.The Danger of A Journey

  13.(8分)These days it's hard not to have an opinion about Amazon.While some choose to focus on the negative,including workplace environment concerns in some of its warehouses or the impact that online retail has had on traditional physical retail stores,

  many others are extraordinarily grateful for the ability the company has provided during the pandemic(大流行病),reliable manner without having to step outside their homes.

  The debate is the positive impact that the company is having on small businesses,including minority﹣owned businesses.Amazon's Prime Day Event(scheduled for Oct.13﹣14)offers an interesting example.

  Given the convenience of huge traffic(物流) on Prime Day,that's powerful motivation for consumers to purchase from small businesses ﹣ something that a lot of people may not have tried just yet.

  The move also encourages the company which helps small businesses across the US(and,no doubt,many small businesses have been hurt by the rapid shift to online shopping brought on by the pandemic),there's a whole range of small businesses that have benefited from being on Amazon.

  Some of these are existing small businesses that have successfully transitioned to functioning in the digital world of online shopping,while others are new small businesses that have been created specifically for the online world,including app developers,and more.

  Toyin Kolawole,an entrepreneur who immigrated to the U.S.from Nigeria about 20 years ago," she said. "It was very expensive to participate and hard to make an impact." But she eventually succeeded in getting some of her products into Walmart and Mariano's. "With Amazon,I could take my flour and just put it in the flour section," she says.

  (1)What is implied about Amazon in the first paragraph?

  A.Most people pay little attention to small business on Amazon recently.

  B.People are rarely concerned about the workplace environment in some of its warehouses.

  C.Many people think it has negative impact on traditional physical retail stores.

  D.Many are satisfied with the convenience it brings to their shopping during the pandemic.

  (2)What can we know about Prime Day Event on Amazon?

  A.Consumers are motivated to do online shopping for convenient delivery on that day.

  B.The interesting event of Amazon is scheduled from now to October 13﹣14.

  C.The event represents 99.5% of US businesses and employs half the country's workforce.

  D.This event has done more harm to small businesses by the rapid shift to online shopping.

  (3)What does the underlined word "transitioned" in Paragraph 4 mean?





  (4)What does Toyin Kolawole mostly probably think of Amazon?

  A.It was very expensive to start the small business on Amazon.

  B.It was helpful for her to be given the opportunity to compete fairly.

  C.It was hard to make her products to have an impact on Amazon.

  D.It was useless to go to food shows trying to get noticed on Amazon.


  Lessons in the Lost Art of Listening

  When was the last time you listened to someone?And when was the last time someone really listened to you?I once asked people what it meant to be a good listener.The typical response was a blank stare.

  Of course,technology plays a role.People find phone calls interrupting them,preferring text or wordless emoji.Besides,but who attempts to achieve excellence in listening?The loud unpleasant mixture of sounds of modern life also stops us from listening.

  Generally,listening goes beyond simply hearing what people say.It also involves paying attention to how they say it and what they do while they are saying it,in what context,in the process,have a clear mind of your own.

  Good listeners ask good questions.They engage in exploring the topic,not to distract attention.There are curious questions like "Wouldn't you agree…?" or "Don't you think…?"

  These questions have strong tendencies.They will greatly influence the other person to change his or her view.And you'd better stay away from some personal questions like "What do you do for a living?" or "What part of town do you live in?"

  Just try to find out what excites people.Ask about the last movie they saw or for the story behind a piece of jewelry they're wearing.Also good are expansive questions,such as,where would you go?" Research indicates that when people who don't know each other well ask each other this type of question,they feel more connected than if they spend time together achieving a task.

  Because our brain can think a lot faster than people can talk,be careful with the tendency to take mental side trips when you are listening.Smart people's attention is easily taken away by their own runaway thoughts.They may also assume they already know what the other person is going to say.

  The reward of good listening will certainly be more interesting conversations.Researchers have found that attentive listeners receive more information from speakers,even when they don't ask any questions.We are,each of us,selectively or not at all limits your understanding of the world and prevents you from becoming the best you can be.

  (1)One of the factors that influence listening is that    .

  A.our confidence in listening is decreasing

  B.our speech creates a lot of noise around us

  C.listening skills are seldom taught in school

  D.texting causes a better effect than phone calls

  (2)What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?

  A.Why the art of listening gets lost by itself.

  B.Why effective methods are used in listening.

  C.How people make themselves well understood.

  D.How people can reclaim the lost art of listening.

  (3)According to the author,what should people do when they are listening?

  A.Avoid being absent﹣minded.

  B.Come up with curious questions.

  C.Focus on the speaker's personal information.

  D.Try to find common interests with the speaker.

  (4)What can be inferred from the passage?

  A.Listening and speaking deserve equal attention.

  B.Good listeners maximize the benefits for themselves.

  C.Bad listening ultimately contributes to people's failure.

  D.Listeners' clear mind facilitates speakers' expression of thoughts.

  第二节(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 七选五


  Blind Olympic Athletes Show the Universal Nature

  Tune into any sports coverage on TV,and you will see many athletes proudly raise their arms and heads in victory,while a much larger number hang their shoulders and necks in defeat.Studies have revealed why﹣they are universal behaviours

  The discovery came from Jessica Tracy from the University of British Columbia and David Matsumoto from San Francisco State University,who wanted to see how people showed feelings of pride and shame.(1)   They tried to find a large group of people,and it was critically important that some of these subjects had never seen other people reacting to success or failure before.

  The answer was Athens,during the 2004 Olympic Games.Its sister competition﹣the Paralympics﹣included many athletes who were born blind. (2)   Working with a professional photographer,

  Tracy and Matsumoto compared the body language of 108 competitors,41 of whom had lost their sight,and the researchers carefully recorded the positions of their heads,arms and bodies. (3)    The winners tilted their heads up,smiled,lifted their arms and puffed out their chests

  (4)    Men and women who have never seen other people behave in these ways still make exactly the same movements.And while it's possible that parents may have taught their blind children some of these actions,it's very unlikely that they could have taught them all﹣particularly the expansion or narrowing of the chest.

  These actions were also remarkably consistent between contestants from every part of the world.Tracy and Matsumoto argue that pride and shame deserve a place alongside other primary emotions like happiness,fear and surprise.(5)

  A.They are inborn behaviours and are accompanied by their own distinct sets of actions.

  B.In fact,the culture was found to have only a very small effect on their body language.

  C.Therefore,they could not have witnessed how other people reacted to winning and losing.

  D.The result suggested that the athletes were showing their pride based on careful observation.

  E.The athletes' behaviours give strong evidence that they have had the actions naturally since birth.

  F.Analyzing the data,they found that the sighted and sightless athletes behaved in almost exactly the same ways.

  G.In particular,they wanted to know whether these expressions were culturally determined and learned through observation.

  第三部分 英语知识运用完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题中所给的四个选项(ABCD)中,选出可以填入空白处的 最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

  16.(30分)When Mrs.Rubins asked her daughter Lena to bring muffins to a sick neighbor,Lena said sure.But when Lena(1)    who the neighbor was,she was not so sure.The neighbor's name was Mrs.Redmayne,and kids in the neighborhood said she was the(2)    person who ever lived.

  Lena walked up the path to Mrs.Redmayne's.She did not(3)    the idea of anyone being sick and alone,but what if the kids were(4)   ?A girl in Lena's science class said that Mrs.Redmayne had poked(戳)her with a stick last Halloween.Sometimes people heard(5)    and moans(呻吟声)coming from inside.

  And a boy in Lena's math class said Mrs.Redmayne had hung him upside down and painted him yellow when he(6)    kicked a soccer ball onto her lawn.(7)    between wanting to help someone who needed help and not wanting to come home a different color,Lena decided to be(8)   .

  Finally Lena(9)   the door.After a few moments,Mrs.Redmayne answered the door and(10)    in a rough tone, "Who are you?What are you doing here?"

  Lena said(11)   ,"My mother heard you were(12)   .She baked you muffins." Mrs.Redmayne(13)   . "My,that's sweet.I'm sorry if I seemed(14)   ,but young people sometimes dare each other to come to my door,(15)    they think I'm going to do something to them.As soon as I(16)    the door,they(17)    laughing or play a trick on me."

  (18)   ,Lena heard a loud howl(嚎叫).Mrs.Redmayne(19)    as Lena jumped. "Oh,that's just Roland,my parrot.He's watched too many scary movies ﹣like you(20)   that people are not always what they seem.


  第Ⅱ卷第四部分 写作第一节:语法填空(共 10 题,每题 1.5 分,共 15 分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

  17.(15分)The National Center for Health Statistics of the United States found a significant rise(1)   the number of severe obesity (肥胖) cases in very young children aged 2 to 5.

  In an effort(2)   (end) unhealthy food habits and raise an awareness of proper nutrition,Roberta Falah,an Ohio entrepreneur(企业家)

  (3)    idea came to her when she was teaching at school. "I would watch my students come into the classroom(4)   (eat)chips.Anytime I asked them why they ate so poorly,a very common(5)    (respond) was "Healthy food just doesn't taste good",Falah recalls.

  With some creative ideas in her mind,Falah started experimenting on a unique recipe(6)    ingredients include nuts,seeds and honey.Finally,she created some organic healthy bars(7)    possible to put her ideas into practice.Her business took off soon and now she meets four to six thousand orders a month.

  In fact,Falah doesn't just want to change people's health but also to tackle hunger. "We have a mission behind the company:With every bar(8)   (sell),we will donate a bar to the homeless.

  We are(9)    (actual) donating a percentage of our profits towards reducing world hunger.We(10)   (give) help to over 200,000 people in the US and abroad in the past four years," Falah said in a TV interview.

  第二节:短文改错(满分 10 分)







  Once there was a tale tell of a spider with the name Anansi. He wondered what to be more intelligent. He went around the village to collect for wisdom with a basket. Soon his basket was full and he decided to hide it on the top of a tree. With the basket tied to the front part of his body, he found hard to climb up.

  Then her youngest son walked by, "Why not carry a basket on your back instead?" Following his advice, and he wasn't happy. "I have collected so many wisdom, but my baby son is still wise than me. Take back your wisdom!" He throw the basket of wisdom into the air. And that's how wisdom went all over the world.

  第三节 写作(满分 25 分)

  19.(25分)假设你是学生李华,得知美国外教Peter最近经常头痛,西医(western medicine),推荐中医治疗(traditional medicine),简介中医的优点(如副作用小,价格低等),并期待他早日康复。





  Dear Peter,



  Li Hua












  11.解答:(1)B.细节理解题。根据第二段Skillshareisavideolessonappwhichhasbecomehighlypopularnowadays.Skillshare是一款非常流行的视频教学应用,whileothershave ormore.Skillshare拥有一个由行业专家讲授的大型在线课程数据库。每节课包含一系列的视频课程。有些课程只有几节课。可知,故受众群体应该是家长

  (2)C.细节理解题。根据表格12 months﹣﹩10.99 month.可知 ,故选C.

  (3)A.推理判断题。根据第三段Kids can watch the lessons within that class directly from the app.They can also save classes to watch later。他们还可以保存课程以便以后观看。可知。A.Skillshareallowscuriousolderkidstolearnattheirownpace.Skillshare(允许好奇的大孩子按照自己的节奏学习)符合文意

  12.解答:(1)A.推理判断题。根据原文第二段"All the experienced travellers,looked around with knowing smiles.If you fly much,包括我在内,会心一笑,你会看到这些东西,对这种情况很熟悉。故选A.

  (2)B.细节理解题。根据原文第三段"Our indicators show that the control system has failed.我们的指标显示控制系统已经失效"可知是飞机设备出现了某种问题。故选B.

  (3)C.细节理解题。根据原文第四段"All around。许多人在尖叫"可知大部分的乘客是这样的反应。故选C.

  (4)B.标题判断题。根据原文后半部分对比大部分人哭叫的反应,这个是作者想强调的"勇敢的声音",the voice I heard that day never faded.That mom showed me what a real hero looks like.然而。那个妈妈让我知道什么是真正的英雄"可知。文章的主旨是在描述那位母亲"勇敢的声音"。故选B.

  13.解答:(1)D.推理判断题。根据第一段Traditional retail ,many are grateful the the has during pandemic to order anything receive虽然很多人可能会认为,许多小型企业而受到伤害的快速转移到网上购物带来的大流行)。可知许多人对流感大流行期间购物带来的便利感到满意

  (2)A.推理判断题。根据第三段While choose focus the including environment in of warehouses the 。可知为了方便当天的送货。故选A.

  (3)C.词义猜测题。根据最后一段Some these existing businesses have transitioned functioning the of shopping others new businesses have created for online 现有的小型企业,而其他的是专门为网络世界创建的新小型企业 "transitioned"意思为"改变";B.Related相关;D.Contributed有助于

  (4)B.推理判断题。根据最后一段With ,I could my and put in flour ,so gave the to fairly,我可以把面粉放在面粉区,可知给她机会公平竞争对她很有帮助


  (2)D.段落大意题。根据第三段"Generally,in what context,in the process,倾听不仅仅是听别人说什么、他们说的时候做了什么。这不仅仅是在别人滔滔不绝的时候保持沉默,大量的倾听与你如何回应有关一一你在多大程度上促进了他人思想的清晰表达,你有一个清晰的自己的头脑,第三段主要讲了人们如何重新找回失传的倾听艺术

  (3)A.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段"Because our brain can think a lot faster than people can talk,所以当你在听的时候。聪明人的注意力很容易被自己失控的想法带走,作者认为人们在倾听的时候应该避免心不在焉

  (4)B.推理判断题。根据最后一段中"The reward of good listening will certainly be more interesting conversations.Researchers have found that attentive listeners receive more in,even when they don't ask any questions.(善于倾听的回报肯定会是更有趣的对话,细心的听众会从说话者那里获得更多信息,selectively or not at all limits your understanding of the world and prevents you from becoming the best you can be.(而不善倾听,会限制你对世界的理解,优秀的听众为自己争取到了利益的最大化

  15.解答:(1)G.推理判断题。根据上文"The discovery came from Jessica Tracy from the University of British Columbia and David Matsumoto from San Francisco State University,他们想知道人们是如何表达自豪和羞愧的)"可知,本句应承接上文进一步说明他们想法。故G选项"他们尤其想知道这些表达方式是否是文化决定的,故选G.

  (2)C.推理判断题。根据上文"Its sister competition﹣the Paralympics﹣included many athletes who were born blind. (它的姊妹比赛﹣﹣残奥会﹣﹣包括许多天生失明的运动员)"可知,故本句与上文构成因果关系,C选项中they指代上文many athletes who were born blind,他们无法目睹其他人对胜利和失败的反应"符合语境

  (3)F.细节理解题。根据上文"Working with a professional photographer,41 of whom had lost their sight,and the researchers carefully recorded the positions of their heads,Tracy 和Matsumoto比较了108名参赛者的肢体语言,12人从出生就失明,研究人员仔细记录他们头部,smiled,while shoulders bent forward and narrowed chests were the marks of losers.

  (获胜者仰起头、举起双臂,而失败者的标志是肩膀前倾,上文提到Tracy 和Matsumoto在对比运动员的姿势,可推测他们发现有视力和失明的运动员的行为方式几乎完全相同,他们发现有视力和失明的运动员的行为方式几乎完全相同"符合语境

  (4)E.推理判断题。根据上一段中"The winners tilted their heads up,lifted their arms and puffed out their chests、微笑、挺起胸膛、胸膛狭窄)"以及后文"Men and women who have never seen other people behave in these ways still make exactly the same movements.

  And while it's possible that parents may have taught their blind children some of these actions。虽然父母可能教过他们的盲童一些这些动作,上一段对比的结果是有视力和失明的运动员行为方式几乎完全相同,后文则提到从来没有见过别人有这种行为的男人和女人仍然做出完全相同的动作。故E选项"运动员的行为有力地证明了他们从出生起就具有天生的动作能力"符合语境

  (5)A.推理判断题。根据上文"These actions were also remarkably consistent between contestants from every part of the world.Tracy and Matsumoto argue that pride and shame deserve a place alongside other primary emotions like happiness。Tracy和Matsumoto认为,如快乐,一起占有一席之地)"可知,说明骄傲和羞耻是天生的行为。故A选项"它们是天生的行为,故选A.

  16.解答:(1)B.考查动词短语及语境理解;B.found out发现;D.carried out执行,她就不那么确定了,此处指"发现。故选B项。




  (5)B.考查名词及语境理解;B.screams尖叫;D.whispers低语。根据文章最后Redmayne太太所说"Oh,my parrot.He's watched too many scary movies"可知,所以是"尖叫声"和"呻吟声"并列。



  (8)C.考查形容词及语境理解;B.stubborn固执的;D.sensitive敏感的,Lena决定勇敢起来,根据后文"Finally Lena(9)the door"可知,虽然她在两难中犹豫了,完成妈妈交代的任务。

  (9)A.考查动词短语及语境理解;B.broke down损坏;C.went towards走向。句意:最后。根据后文"Mrs.Redmayne answered the door"可知。故选A项。

  (10)D.考查动词及语境理解;B.demanded要求,要求,请求,Redmayne太太开了门?你在这儿干什么?What are you doing here,此处指"问道"。


  (12)D.考查形容词及语境理解;B.tired累的;D.ill生病的。她给你烤了松饼,Lena said sure."可知。故选D项。

  (13)B.考查动词及语境理解;B.relaxed放松;D.stopped停止。根据前文"Mrs.Redmayne answered the door and__(_10)___in a rough tone"以及后文Redmayne太太所说"My,that's sweet.I'm sorry…"可知。故选B项。

  (14)C.考查形容词及语境理解;B.nervous紧张的;D.impatient不耐烦的,我很抱歉,因为他们认为我要对他们做些什么(10)in a rough tone"可知,Redmayne太太刚才表现很粗鲁。故选C项。


  (16)A.考查动词及语境理解;B.try尽力;C.shut关闭。句意:我一开门,要么就捉弄我(10)in a rough tone"可知,此处Redmayne太太描述有的孩子捉弄她,她(应声)一开门。故选A项。

  (17)A.考查动词短语及语境理解;B.move on继续前进;D.show up出现,他们要么笑着跑开。基于上文分析可知,调皮孩子敲她的门,孩子们就跑走了。


  (19)C.考查动词及语境理解;B.shouted喊叫;D.expressed表达,Redmayne太太笑了,that's just Roland,鹦鹉的嚎叫,所以Redmayne太太大笑。



  (2)to end.考查动词不定式。句意:为了结束健康的饮食习惯,俄亥俄州企业家罗伯塔法拉(Roberta Falah)于2016年6月创办了名为Cure的快餐店公司,此处为动词不定式作定语修饰effort





  (7)it.考查形式宾语。句意:最后,使她的想法付诸实践成为可能,此处作形式宾语 put ideas practice

  (8)sold.考查过去分词。句意:每卖出一个果条。分析句子可知,宾语 bar与sell之间是被动关系,故填sold.


  (10)have given.考查动词时态。句意:在过去的四年里。时间状语为 past years,主语We我复数形式

  18.解答:Once there was a tale tell of a spider with the name Anansi. He wondered what to be more intelligent. He went around the village to collect for wisdom with a basket. Soon his basket was full and he decided to hide it on the top of a tree, he found∧ hard to climb upher youngest son walked by,

  "Why not carry a basket on your back instead?" Following his advice, and he wasn't happy. "I have collected so many wisdom, but my baby son is still wise than me. Take back your wisdomthrow the basket of wisdom into the air. And that's how wisdom went all over the world.

  1. tell改为telling,story和tell之间是主动关系.

  2. what,根据句意:他想知道如何更聪明.

  3. 去掉for,collect是及物动词.

  4. 加it,it是形式宾语.

  5. her改为his,从文中可知,此处要用his.

  4. a改为the,此处basket是第二次提到.

  7. and改为but,前后两个分句之间是转折关系而非并列关系.

  8. many改为much,many后跟复数名词.

  7. wise改为wiser,根据句中than可知.

  10. throw改为threw,此处讲述的是过去的事情.

  19.解答:Dear Peter,

  I am sorry to learn that you have been suffering headaches,which prevents you from performing well in your work. Worse still,I would like to recommend Chinese medicine to you

  From my perspective,Chinese medicine is superior to western medicine in a sense. First,which will do less harm to your health.【高分句型二】 In addition,Chinese medicine is less expensive,it is an unbelievable cure for headache,I do believe the treatment appeals greatly to you.(中医的优点)

  If there is anything you need me to do,don't hesitate to inform me.Hope you will recover soon.(愿意帮助


  Li Hua


