
栏目:教育资源  时间:2022-12-05





  outlookon values价值观


  porcelainand pottery陶瓷

  poeticcouplets 对联


  massculture 大众文化

  spiritualcivilization 精神文明

  preserve the cultural relics 保护文化遗产


  humanehistorical sites 人文历史遗址

  humancivilization 人类文明

  cradleof culture 文化摇篮

  mainstreamculture 主流文化

  culturaltraditions 文化传统

  nationalpride 民族自豪

  localcustoms and practices 风土人情

  coexist peacefully 和平共处

  thefour great inventions of ancient China 四大发明


  Chineseand overseas scholars中外学者

  spiritualenhancement 精神升华

  nurtureimagination 培养想象力

  nationalvalue 民族价值观

  culturalreconstruction 文化重建

  culturalcrash/conflict 文化碰撞/冲突



  absorbthe essence and discard the dregs 取其精华去其糟粕

  traditional values 传统价值观

  intellectualcirculation 人才流动

  culturalintegration and interaction文化融合交汇

  Confucius institute


  internationalcultural trade 对外文化贸易

  indigenous culture 本土文化

  globalization ofculture 文化全球化

  nationalpublicity film 国家宣传片

  exchangesand cooperation 交流与合作


  overseasexchanges 海外交流

  culturalforum 文化论坛

  culturaldiplomacy 文化外交

  teamworksprit 团队合作精神

  mutualsupport 相互支持

  commondestination 共同的目标

  unionis strength 团结就是力量

  changedisadvantages into advantages 化劣势为优势

  achievea win-win situation 创建共赢局面

  complementaryadvantages 优势互补

  Chinesecostume 中国传统服饰

  culturalingredients 文化元素

  inheritand spread our own culture 继承并传播本土文化

  manyhands make light job 众人拾柴火焰高

  extendpersonal relationship 扩展个人关系

  teammorale 团队士气

  sticksin a bundle is unbreakable一根筷子容易折,一把筷子难折断


  作文素材   Fromthe above cartoon we can see that on the day of Spring Festival, a Chinesetraditional festival, two men are greeting each other. What is most striking isthat the Chinese man wears a suite and a tie, while a foreigner is in Chinesetraditional costume。

  Apparently,the cartoonist intends to remind us of the great influence of Chinese cultureon foreign people.  With the development of China, the increasingcharm of Chinese tradition attracts more and more foreigners who come to Chinawith an eagerness to see the true color of China. First, it heightens oursplendid Chinese culture—now universally accepted as the invaluable treasureof the world. Attracted by the splendid Chinese culture, now many foreigners areflooding to China to study or to work. Next, it reflects our greatachievements. During the last two decades no one can ignore the rapid progressof China. How can’t people be fascinated with such an energetic country with along and colorful culture!

  We should cherish, rejuvenate and popularize ourculture as aggressively as Americans do. We are confident that abetter-educated China armed with modern science and technology will surprisethe world with greater progress. How nice to be a modern Chinese!


  外国人学习汉语人数调查示意图   Demonstrated in the chart isthe result of an investigation on the number of foreigners learning Chinesefrom the year 2006 to 2014. As can be clearly notices, during the past nineyears, the number of foreigners who choose to learn Chinese as a foreignlanguge rose dramatically from 30 million to 120 million, increasing by threetimes。

  What contributes to the greatinfluence of Chinese language? As far as I am concerned, the rapid economicdevelopment in China would be the primary reason for this change. In the pastdecade, an increasing number of foreigners are increasingly interested in ourcountry, especially its culture, including the language of Chinese. Besides,Chinese market provides amounts of opportunities for both foreign individualsand businesses. So learning mandarin, no doubt, is a necessary tool tounderstand Chinese market and make more profits. Furthermore, ConfuciusInstitudes in an ever-increasing number are establishing all over the world topromote Chinese language and culture, which also attracts many foreigners。

  Based on the above analyses,with the prosperity of our country, the trend shown will continue in the comingyears, which should be encouraged. To me, this trend reflects our nationalpower and influence and is beneficial for both China and the whole world aswell。(来源:万学教育)

下一篇:把握高考新动向 提高选科精准度 鄄城一中举办选课走班方法指导报告会
