My Sunshine恰似寒风遇朝阳英文有声版Chapter 2
Chapter 2: Wrong Room
My Sunshine Chapter2.mp302:42来自KaylieLiu英文翻译
What kind of freak is he?
Showing up at a girl's place in the middle of the night, looking so refined and well-mannered – indeed, appearances can be deceiving!
As she expressed her anger, the man gazed at her incredulously and said, "This is Room 501. I've always resided in 501. Are you certain that you live in Room 501, miss?"
"What do you mean, 501? This is clearly 401. I've been living in 401 for almost half a year, alright? I..." Abruptly, her gaze shifted towards the room.
Oh no! Why does this place feel so unfamiliar? It appears as though it isn't her own room.
Glancing downward, she realized that even the blanket wasn't hers.
Upon surveying the surroundings once more, it was evident that the room was solely a man's domain.
Aside from her carelessly discarded clothes on the floor, the room was impeccably clean and tidy.这真的不是自己的房间,而且自己的那几件散落在地上的衣服看起来是那么地刺眼。
The entire room was spotless and orderly, with every item meticulously arranged, and her own clothes disrupted this perfection.
How could such a neat and tidy room possibly belong to her? Her own place is no different from a pigsty.
"Uh... It seems I may have entered the wrong room. I resided in Room 401 and used my key to unlock the door. I wasn't aware my key could open other rooms. I'm sorry. Please give me a few minutes to gather my belongings and leave."
"Alright!" The man calmly spoke and exited the room, gentlemanly closing the door behind him.
Upon seeing the man leave, she immediately jumped out of bed, opened the door, and checked the room number. Oh no, it really was 501.
Who would have thought that her key to room 401 could open the door of room 501?
Oh dear, what a blunder – she must have had a momentary lapse in judgment.
She had entered the wrong room without even realizing it. If it hadn't been for the actual room occupant's arrival, she might have spent the night here without ever discovering her mistake.
Ugh! Stupid! You're as dumb as a pig.
Chastising herself, she started picking up the scattered clothes around the room – underwear, panties – – gosh! She couldn't believe she'd thrown them in such an obvious spot.
Her disarray had caused her tremendous embarrassment this time. She wished she could just vanish into a crevice.
Luckily, she didn't know him, and if she switched rooms, he wouldn't recognize her either. This thought provided her with some consolation.
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