
栏目:教育管理  时间:2023-07-13






  好在现实中,饰演雪诺的基特·哈灵顿(Kit Harington)和饰演耶哥蕊特的萝斯·莱斯利(Rose Leslie)过得很是甜蜜,从恋爱、结婚到生子,一切都顺顺利利的。



  近日两人又宣布了好消息:喜提二胎!夫妻俩对小生命的降生感到非常开心,一家四口,儿女成全,很是幸福,网友也向二人送出了最真挚的祝福。“They’re delighted to have welcomed a little girl into the family.”“他们很高兴这个小女孩成为他们家庭的一员。”At the time of the interview, Kit also shared that his son hadn’t “conceptuallyunderstood” that he was getting a sibling just yet. “We’re trying to get him ready for it. We point to Rose’stummyand say, “Mommy’s baby.’ And he points at his tummy and says, ‘My baby.'”在接受采访时,基特还分享说,他的儿子还没有从“概念上理解”他即将有一个妹妹。“我们正努力让他做好准备。我们指着萝斯的肚子说,‘妈妈的宝宝’。结果他指着自己的肚子说,‘我的宝宝’。”萝斯·莱斯利和基特·哈灵顿于2011年在《权力的游戏》片场结缘,随后发展出一段恋情。其实,两人并不是一见钟情,他们一开始没有确定恋爱关系。Harington told the Evening Standard that initial speculation about him and Leslie dating was “allrumorand myth,” adding, “Me and Rose are very, very close and very good friends.哈灵顿曾告诉《标准晚报》,最初关于他和莱斯利约会的猜测“都是谣言和传闻”,并补充说:“我和萝斯是非常非常亲密和非常好的朋友。”事情什么时候变得浪漫了?任何一段感情的发生,都是需要契机的,需要一点点的氛围。在回忆两个人相恋的故事时,基特忍不住提起二人在冰岛拍摄《权力的游戏》的时光。He said: “Because the country is beautiful, because the Northern Lights are magical, and because it was there that I fell in love. If you’re already attracted to someone, and then they play your love interest in the show, it becomes very easy to fall in love…"哈灵顿曾说:“因为这个国家太美了,还有神奇的北极光,这就是我为什么在那里坠入爱河的原因。如果你已经被某人吸引,而这个人在剧中又是你的恋人,那么你很容易就会爱上那个人……”


  两人从2012年开始交往,爱情长跑5年多,2018年结婚修成正果。“There is nothing better in life than falling in love with the person you are in love with on-screen," he continued. "It's just astonishing. Sorry to be smushy. But you fall in love and you never get that initialgiddyfeeling back, but you'll have moments when you fall in love with each other again. The other day I reminded her of it — every time we think about it we grin.”“生活中没有什么比爱上你在屏幕上爱的人更好的事情了,”哈灵顿继续说道。“这太惊人了。对不起,我有点糊涂。但当你坠入爱河,你再也找不到最初那种眩晕的感觉了,但你会有再次爱上对方的时刻。有一天,我提醒她这件事——每次我们想到这件事,我们都会咧嘴笑。“I met my wife in this show, so in that way it gave me my future family and my life. You could not ask for a better job to have in your twenties, to take you through your twenties, than to be an actor on Game of Thrones.”“我在这部剧里遇到了我的妻子,所以从某种程度上说,它给了我未来的家庭,我的生活。在你20多岁的时候,没有比成为《权力的游戏》的演员更好的工作了。”婚礼那天,据说还在拍摄中的权游剧组也被放了一天的假,大家都前来参加他们的婚礼,很像权游剧组大聚会。




  “We think he might be quite smart, which is surprising since we’re both actors, like, we’re not sure quite where that’s come from,” he joked during the interview.哈灵顿在采访时时开玩笑地说:“鉴于我们都是演员,我们认为他可能很聪明,我们不确定这是从哪里遗传来的。“He lovesapplause[and] every time he does something good, we give him applause and we’ve been worrying that’s kind of been pushing him toward acting. ”“他喜欢掌声,每次他做了好事我们都会给他掌声,我们担心这会推动他走向表演。



  To further protect their private life, Harington added that he and Leslie won’t pose for photos together with fans, as it makes their relationship feel like “we’re a walking show.” In the time since Game of Thrones wrapped, the pair have tried to separate their real-life love and identities from their characters on the HBO series.




  conceptually/k?n's?pt???li/ adv. 概念地tummy/ ?t?mi / n.肚子,胃rumor/ ?ru?m?(r) / n.谣言;传闻giddy/ ?ɡ?di / adj.头晕的;眼花的applause/ ??pl??z / n.掌声,喝彩本文部分图片来自外网,如有侵权,请联系删除。英文部分摘自:Hollywoodlife:Kit Harington Carries Son, 23 Months, On His Shoulders While Out With Pregnant Rose LeslieInsider:Kit Harington says he knew he'd 'found the one' after he first met Rose Leslie in the makeup trailer for 'Game of Thrones'



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