中考英语总复习讲义考点练习 七年级下册 Units 10

栏目:教育管理  时间:2023-08-04




  ( )1. —Do you know ________ man in blue?

  —Yes, he’s a professor of________ university.(2011烟台)

  A. the; a B. a; an

  C. the; an D./; the



  到某物要用a/an, university是辅音音素开头的,故“一个大学”要说a university,


  ( )2. My mother ________ dumplings for us ________ last Sunday.

  A. makes; on B. made; /

  C. is making; on D. making; /


  解析:考查动词时态和介词的用法。last Sunday上个周日,故时态为一般过去时,且last


  ( )3. —Why didn’t you buy the car?

  —It was too ________. I want a cheaper one.

  A. cheap B. high

  C. expensive D. low




  ( )4. Sorry, I ________ you but I didn’t ________ what you said.

  A. listened; hear B. listened to; hear

  C. heard; listened D. heard; heard


  解析:考查动词辨析。listen to 强调听的动作,hear强调听的结果。句意:对不起,我


  ( )5. Could you tell me ________ next, please?

  A. how to do B. what to do

  C. how do it D. what do it



  ( )6. Lucy: Does Aunt Tara enjoy ________?

  Mark: Yes. She has three dogs, two rabbits, four birds, and some fish in her house.

  A. collecting dolls B. keeping pets

  C. visiting the zoo D. working on the farm


  解析:考查动词辨析。句意:在她的房子里有三只狗,两只兔子,四只鸟和一些鱼。故应填入“keeping pets 饲养宠物”。

  ( )7. ________ sleep too late. It’s bad for your health.

  A. Do B. Not

  C. Don’t D. Please not



  ( )8. I don’t have ________ color pencils, but Mary has ________. You can borrow them

  from her.

  A. some; some B. any; any

  C. some; any D. any; some



  ( )9. —People mustn’t smoke in the public.

  —I agree ________ you.

  A. for B. to

  C. with D. on


  解析:考查固定短语。agree with 同意某人。

  ( )10. We are trying to help those children ________ lost their parents in Yushu, Qinghai


  A. which B. when

  C. who D. whose


  解析:考查定语从句。先行词those children指人,故关系代词用who。

  Ⅱ. 词汇运用

  A. 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。

  taste stay interest sun talk

  1. She often at home on Saturdays.

  2. It’s a beautiful and day.

  3. The story sounds .

  4. What are your parents about?

  5. People enjoy Chinese food because it has different and is usually very delicious.

  答案:1. stays 2. sunny 3. interesting 4. talking 5. tastes

  B. 根据所给中文或首字母提示填写单词。

  1. Your trousers are d . You must wash them.

  2. Have you seen my pen? I can’t f it.

  3. S is the best season for planting trees.

  4. It is cold outside. We must keep all the windows (关).

  5.The weather today is good for (钓鱼).

  6. You must come to school on (按时).

  答案:1. dirty 2. find 3. Spring 4. closed 5. fishing 6. time


  The computer is fast, and never makes a mistake, while people are too slow, and full of mistakes sometimes. That’s __1__ people often say when __2__ talk about computers. For over a quarter of a century, scientists have been __3__ better and better computers.

  Now a computer can __4__ a lot of __5__ jobs wonderfully. It is __6__ used in factories, hospitals, post offices and airports. A computer can report, decide and control in almost __7__ field.

  Many computer scientists are thinking of __8__ the computer “think” like a man. With the help of a person, a computer can __9__ pictures, write music, talk with people, play chess, recognize voices, translate languages and so on. Perhaps computers will __10__ really think and feel.

  Do you think the people will be afraid __11__ they find that the computer is too clever to listen to and serve the people? No, people will __12__ better use of the computers in __13__ future. Man is __14__ the master of the computer. The computer works only __15__ the help of man. It cannot take the place of man.

  ( )1. A. that B. what

  C. how D. why

  ( )2. A. we  B. they

  C. you D. people

  ( )3. A. loving B. taking

  C. making D. thinking

  ( )4. A. have B. get

  C. do  D. offer

  ( )5. A. everyday B. every day

  C. each day  D. some day

  ( )6. A. widely B. wide

  C. great  D. deeply

  ( )7. A. either B. all

  C. both D. every

  ( )8. A. producing  B. ordering

  C. making D. building

  ( )9. A. take   B. look at

  C. draw  D. put

  ( )10. A. one day B. a day

  C. any day D. the other day

  ( )11. A. when B. that

  C. how D. while

  ( )12. A. choose B. get

  C. take D. make

  ( )13. A. a   B. an

  C. the D. /

  ( )14. A. often B. never

  C. always  D. sometimes

  ( )15. A. with B. under

  C. by  D. for


  1.B。这里需要一个表语从句的引导词,并在从句中作say的宾语,代替上文的内容。 what从意思和语法上都合乎文意,为正确选项。



  4.C。do a lot of jobs意思为“干许多事情”。其余三个动词皆不合文意。

  5.A。词组every day意思为“每天”;some day指将来的“某一天”;形容词everyday意思为“日常的”,合乎文意,为正确选项。



  8.C。make作使役动词时,后面应接不定式的复合结构,且不定式省去to,即make sb. do sth.,故选择make。


  10.A。the other day指过去的某一天;one day既可指过去的某一天,也可指将来的某一天。这里讲的是将来的设想,故选one day。


  12.D。固定结构make use of意思为“利用”。

  13.C。in the future意思为“将来”,为正确选项。而in future意思为“今后”,不合文意。


  15.A。固定结构with the help of意思为“在……的帮助下”。


  Money management(管理) skills is very important for us, but many parents don’t take time to teach their children about the value of money, and unfortunately, many of those children grow up to be adults who struggle with money management skills.

  What age should parents begin educating their children about money?Financial(金融) experts agree that it’s never too early. The more children learn about money, the more they will be able to make wise financial decisions as they grow older. First, parents can begin teaching young children how to count money. It is very important for young child.

  Next, you can teach the value of saving. Once they learn that saving is a good idea and that it is something they should always do, their financial future will be brighter. For example, your child wants a new bicycle. You can teach them to save part of their allowance (零花钱) for that bike, while still keeping some money for ice cream, or for going to the movies with their friends. In this way they will begin to understand the value of both short-term saving and long-term saving.

  It’s never too early, also, to teach your child different ways to make money. For example, they can sweep the floor, wash dishes and so on. Sit down with your children and talk with them on some ways they would like to earn money. You’ll be surprised and glad at the effort they will begin making.

  Help your children chart their financial course in life. Teach them basic money management skills and their future will be brighter.

  ( )1. When should parents teach their children some money management skills?

  A. As children grow up.

  B. As children are teenagers.

  C. As early as possible.

  D. When they go to school.

  ( )2. When children are very young, in order to educate them about money, first, parents

  may start with ________.

  A. teaching them to count money

  B. teaching them to make money

  C. teaching them to save money

  D. teaching them to go shopping with money

  ( )3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the underlined sentences?

  A. Buying a new bicycle needs a long-term saving.

  B. Keeping some money for ice cream shows the value of a short-term saving.

  C. Keeping some money for going to movies with their friends shows the value of a

  long-term saving.

  D. It shows us how we should teach children the value of saving.

  ( )4. From the passage, we can know that ________.

  A. money management skills must be taught when children are teenagers

  B. if we teach children basic money management skills, their future will be brighter

  C. we shouldn’t ask children to learn to make money by themselves before they grow


  D. children are our future

  ( )5. What is the best title of the passage?

  A. Parents and Children

  B. Children Should Learn to Save Money

  C. We Should Save Money

  D. Teaching Children about Money Management


  1. C。细节推理题。由第二段第一句和第三句可知应选C。由it’s never too early可判断A、B和D是错误项。

  2. A。 细节推理题。由第二段最后两句First, parents can begin teaching young children how to count money. It is very important for young child.判断应选A。而B、C和D都是孩子稍大后才学的内容,故不选。

  3. C。推理判断题。由画线部分可知,买冰淇淋的钱和与朋友拍电影的钱属于短期储蓄,所以应选C。

  4. B。推理判断题。B项体现了本文的主旨,所以是正确的。由第二段第二句和倒数第二段第一句判断,A和C都是错误项;D项与本文无关,故不选。

  5. D。归纳概括题。整篇文章讲的都是教孩子如何理财,故选D。A项“父母与孩子”太笼统;B项只说应学习节约钱,不是主旨;C项所指的对象有误,文章说的是孩子,而不是我们。


  初中三年的英语学习中,我们与北京阳光中学的同学成了朝夕相处的朋友,其中Daniel的善良和助人为乐等优秀品质给我们留下了深刻的印象。请根据课本内容及下表提示,用英语写一篇题为“My Friend Daniel”的短文。



  My Friend Daniel

  My friend Daniel comes from Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. He _______________






