The map below shows the development of a seaside village between 1995 and present.Write a short report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.Write at least 150 words.
The two maps show the layout of the same seaside village in 1995 and at present.
Overall, it is evident that the infrastructure for housing and recreation has increased at the expense of agricultural land and commercial fishing.
The most notable changes are the disappearance of the fishing port and adjacent fish market, as well as the creation of a golf course and tennis courts in the north-east, where farmland and a forest park were still found in 1995. Furthermore, a new housing development containing apartments is now found on the waterfront at the former site of the fish market, and a number of restaurants have been built on the opposite side of the road where shops used to be.
There was also an increase in the total number of houses, from 12 in 1995 to 16 at present. In addition, the road encircling a small housing development west of the main road has been extended further westward.
The hotel and cafe in the south-east have remained as is. A new car park has been added next to the hotel.
The maps illustrate how Meadowside village and Fonton, which is a neighbouring town, have developed over three different time periods (1962, 1985 and the present).
Overall, Meadowside village increased in size and has become Meadowside Suburb as it merged together with Fonton. Furthermore, there have been significant changes in infrastructure, housing and facilities over the period given.
In 1962, both Meadowside and Fonton were completely separate with no roads or rail connecting them. While Fonton had a railway line running through it to the north, Meadowside, located to the west of Fonton, only had a small road from the west.
By 1985, there was a considerable growth in the size of Meadowside village and Fonton. The small road in Meadowside village had been converted into a main road and was also extended to the east to connect with Fonton. Meadowside, moreover, had also developed a housing estate in the west, a leisure complex and a supermarket in the south.
Currently, both Meadowside, which is now a suburb, and Fonton are joined. The railway line, which runs through Fonton, has been extended to the west where a train station has been built. To the north of the station, a hotel has been constructed and opposite the station, to the south, there is now a business park.
The diagram shows proposed changes to Foster Road.Write a 150-word report describing the proposed changes for a local committee.
The diagram shows proposals to transform Foster Road between SE 84th and 85th Avenue into a tree-lined avenue that is safer for pedestrians and cyclists.
First of all, the planners propose to widen the sidewalk on both sides of the road and add bicycle lanes. This will mean reducing the number of lanes for cars and other vehicles. A pedestrian crossing will also be installed at the lower end of the street, near the gas station. This crossing will include an island in the middle where people can wait in safety.
In addition to the safety measures above, planners also want to plant trees along both sides of the road. These trees will transform the appearance of the neighbourhood as well as provide vital extra shade for pedestrians.
To summarise, under these proposals, the needs of local residents will be better served by making Foster Road a safer and more pleasant environment.
The two maps below show an island, before and after the construction of some tourist facilities. summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
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