
栏目:教育管理  时间:2023-10-17

  01:40每个湖南人的记忆里,都藏着一碗粉的味道。如果说长沙可能是辣椒炒肉味的,那么常德,应该就是牛肉味的。Behind the memory of every Hunanese, there is a bowl of rice noodles. If the side dish of rice noodles in Changsha might be pork with sliced chili, that of Changde could be stewed beef.传统常德米粉,细长润滑。取一把米粉,在沸水中翻滚起舞,随着漏勺的起落,它完成了最终的进化。Traditional Changde rice noodles are slender and silky. Take a handful of rice noodles. See them dancing with the boiling water, rising and falling with the funnel. And now, they’re finished.接着就是汤头。八角、香叶、草果、干辣椒等二十余种香料和中药材相继入锅。热油翻炒,再混入焯水牛腩,倒入牛肉汤,这是鲜辣与咸香的相遇。Next, soup. Star anise, bay leaf, Amomum tsao-ko, Chili flakes, etc. Over 20 kinds of dried spices and herbal cuisines are added into the wok stirred with hot beef tallow and blanched brisket.炖好的牛肉柔软而有嚼劲,配上香滑的米粉,把醇厚的汤汁分毫不差地送入口中。一碗入魂。偶尔裹挟上来的葱花,令口感又丰富了一个层次。于是再嗦一口,又嗦一口,直至一碗见底。酣畅淋漓!Pour the beef broth into the wok. That’s when umami embraces spiciness and saltiness. Stewed beef tastes tender and chewy. With silky rice noodles and mellow soup. That’s unbelievable. Sometimes, chopped scallions show up, which brings a richer taste. Take a sip. Take another sip until nothing left in the bowl. This is the life.常德米粉,以津市为最。如今,津市牛肉粉店遍布全国,门店超过5000家。截至2023年,津市牛肉粉已获批国家地理标志证明商标。津市,更是成为了“中国牛肉米粉之乡”。Jinshi has the best rice noodles in Changde. Now, its beef rice noodles can be seen in almost every corner of China with shops over 5000. As of 2023, Jinshi beef rice noodles have been granted a GI (Geographical Indication Of P.R.China), and Jinshi city has become “ the home of Chinese beef rice noodles”.举报/反馈

