
栏目:素质教育  时间:2023-01-20

  ◇ 明德奖学金(Mingde Scholarship)◇ 光华奖学金 (Kwang-Hua Scholarship)◇ 李兆基奖学金(Lee Shau Kee Scholarship)◇ 方正奖学金(Founder Scholarship)◇ 李彦宏奖学金 (Robin Li Scholarship) ◇ 中国工商银行奖学金(ICBC Scholarship)◇ 福光奖学金(FuGuang Fellowship)◇ 李惠荣奖学金(Lee Wai Wing Scholarship)◇ 金龙鱼奖学金(Arawana Scholarship)◇ 董氏东方奖学金 (Tung OOCL Scholarship) ◇ 唐仲英德育奖学金 (Cyrus Tang Scholarship)◇ 宝钢奖学金(Baosteel Scholarship) ◇ 中国石油奖学金(CNPC Scholarship)◇ 陶氏化学可持续发展创新奖(The Dow Sustainability Innovation Student Challenge Award (SISCA))◇ 蒋震奖学金(Chiang Chen Scholarship)◇ 苏州工业园区奖学金(Suzhou Industrial Park Scholarship)◇ 韩亚金融集团奖学金(Hana Financial Group Scholarship of Peking University)◇ 奔驰奖学金 (“Ben Chi”Scholarship) ◇ 杨芙清-王阳元院士奖学金(Yang Fuqing & Wang Yangyuan Academician Scholarship)◇ 戴德梁行奖助学金(DTZ Scholarship)◇ 腾讯创新奖学金(Tencent Innovative Scholarship)◇ 三星奖学金(Samsung Scholarship)◇ 三菱东京日联银行奖学金(Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Scholarship)(Huawei Scholarship)◇ 航天科工奖学金(China Aerospace Science & Industry Corporation)◇ 佳能奖学基金(Canon Scholarship)◇ 膳府奖学金(Sempio Scholarship)◇ 章文晋奖学金(Zhang Wenjin Scholarship)◇ 中国航天科技集团CASC奖学金(CASC Scholarship)◇ 友利银行奖学金(WOORI BANK SCHOLARSHIP )◇ POSCO奖学金(POSCO Fellowship CHINA at Peking University) ◇ 华润奖学金(China Resources Scholarship)◇ 笹川良一优秀青年奖学基金(The Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund: SYLFF)◇ 王家蓉-王山奖学金(Janet Chia-Rong Wang & Sang S. Wang Scholarship)◇ 华为奖学金(Huawei Scholarship)◇ SK奖学金 (SK Scholarship)◇ 三菱商事国际奖学金(Mitsubishi Corporation International Scholarship)◇ 西南联大国采奖学金(The National Southwest Associated University Guocai Scholarship) ◇ 休斯顿校友会奖学金(BAA Houston Scholarship)◇ 住友商事奖学金(Sumitomo Corporation Scholarship)◇ 费孝通奖学金 (Fei Xiaotong Scholarship)◇ 冈松奖学金(The Okamatsu Scholarship) )◇ 西南联大奖学金(The National Southwest Associated University Scholarship)◇ 长岛奖学金(Long Island Scholarship)◇ Panasonic育英基金奖学金(Panasonic Education Scholarship Fund )◇ 北京大学92奖学金(Peking University 92 Scholarship)◇ 季羡林奖学金(Ji Xianlin Scholarship)◇ 张昀奖学金(Zhang Yun Scholarship)◇ 林超地理学奖学金(LIN Chao Geography Scholarship)◇ 中国石油塔里木奖学金(PetroChina Tarim Scholarship)◇ 钟天心奖学金(CHUNG Tien-Seen Scholarship)◇ 通化东宝生命科学奖学金(Dongbao Scholarship)◇ 庄绍华奖学基金(Chuang Shou Hwa Scholarship)◇ IBM奖学金 (IBM Scholarship) ◇ 成舍我奖学金 (Cheng Shewo Scholarship)◇ 邓真邓琨奖学金(Deng Zhen-Deng Kun Scholarship)◇ 欧阳爱伦奖学金(Ellen Eoyang Scholarship Scholarship) ◇ 社会育才周昭庭奖学金(Talent Pool-Zhou Zhaoting Scholarship)◇ 田村久美子奖学金(Tamura Kumiko Scholarship)◇ ESEC奖学金 (ESEC Scholarship)◇ 乐生奖学金(Harrison Ho scholarship)◇ 西南联大曾荣森奖学金(The National Southwest Associated University Tseng Yung-Sen Scholarship )◇ 顾温玉生命科学奖学金(Gu Wenyu Scholarship)◇ 谢培智奖学金(Xie Peizhi Scholarship)◇ 西南联大吴惟诚奖学金(The National Southwest Associated University Wu Weicheng Scholarship)◇ 张景钺-李正理奖学金(Zhang Jingyue-Li Zhengli Scholarship)◇ 方树泉奖学金(Fong Shu Chuen Scholarship)◇ 芝生奖学金(Zhisheng Scholarship)

