1. The scientist said that many animals seem to be highly _______ to
various signals associated with earthquakes.
A. scared
B. resistant
C. sensitive
D. sensual
2. Before you can start a business, you will have to raise the necessary
_______ .
A. investment
B. savings
C. income
D. capital
3. The mayor expressed his gratitude for the timely assistance that people
from other cities have kindly _____ to his citizens after the city was struck by
the earthquake.
A. rendered
B. secured
C. sought
D. furnished
4. The purpose of the survey was to _______ the inspectors with local
A. inform
B. instruct
C. acquaint
D. notify
5. The students failed to meet the necessary _______ for admission to the
A. fulfillment
B. requirements
C. qualities
D. competency
1 题:答案为C。sensitive 敏感的;scared 害怕的;resistant 抵抗的;sensual 肉体感觉的)
2 题:答案为D。做生意开始的时候需要筹集资capital;investment 投资;savings 积蓄; income 收入。
3 题:答案为A。render assistance and support to sb. 给予某人的帮助;secure 确保;sought
寻找;furnish 供应。
4 题:答案为C。acquaint sb with sth: 使某人熟知某事;inform 告知;instruct 指导;notify 通知。
5 题:答案为B。meet requirements for: 满足对..的要求。Fulfillment 完成;qualities
品质;competency 能力。
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