
栏目:素质教育  时间:2023-02-20



  在国际空间站 (ISS) 进行的一项研究旨在评估无定形碳酸钙 (ACC) 纳米粒子在维持和加速太空中骨形成细胞(成骨细胞)和骨骼肌细胞(肌细胞)活动方面的功效。


  受澳大利亚蓝鳌虾( Cherax ) 的启发,一种仿生和稳定的无定形碳酸钙 (ACC),一种非结晶材料相,目前生产用于各种生物医学应用。

  Cherax具有天然的能力,可以在蜕皮前 7 天内在粘附在其胃壁上的 2 个胃石“腺体”内有效地形成和储存 ACC。然后,它将 ACC 内容物调动到其外骨骼区域,以在创纪录的三天内脱落并重新长出整个外骨骼。



  ACC 已证明骨形成细胞(成骨细胞)和骨骼肌细胞向肌纤维的增殖、分化和活性率增强。

  研究 · 内容

  成骨细胞负责骨基质合成及其随后通过羟基磷灰石(磷酸钙相)的沉积而矿化。成骨细胞分化可分为三个阶段:(a) 细胞增殖,(b) 基质成熟, (c) 基质矿化。


  代谢性酸中毒似乎会引起骨矿物质的变化,这与骨骼作为质子缓冲液的所谓作用是一致的。矿物质钠、钾、碳酸盐和磷酸盐的下降将各自缓冲质子并导致全身 pH 值向生理正常值增加。

  矿物质成分的这些变化导致矿物质溶解,随后骨细胞功能发生改变。酸中毒显着抑制成骨细胞活性,特别是在特定基质蛋白合成和碱性磷酸酶活性方面。伴随酸刺激成骨细胞产生前列腺素,以旁分泌方式起作用,从而增加成骨细胞 RANKL (ODF) 合成。

  然后 RANKL 刺激破骨细胞活动以促进骨吸收和质子负荷的缓冲。骨骼维持全身 pH 值的明显保护功能对哺乳动物具有明显的生存优势。

  微重力条件会破坏稳态平衡,并且在持续微重力暴露期间可能导致骨量每月损失高达 1%。尽管,衰老导致的骨质流失很常见,但暴露于微重力后骨质流失的程度和速度远远大于衰老过程中常见的骨质流失。

  在考虑长期太空飞行的影响时,这是人类最关心的问题。加剧的骨质流失导致骨矿物质密度 (BMD) 降低、骨折风险增加和过早出现骨质疏松症状。


  运动设备和营养品显着减轻了在国际空间站 (ISS) 等运载工具上执行长期任务期间观察到的骨矿物质密度损失,未来对火星等目的地的探索任务将显着延长,并施加质量限制,不允许使用相同、高效的锻炼设备。



  骨骼肌萎缩是有问题的,因为它起病迅速且严重。暴露在微重力环境中的宇航员在1个月内平均骨骼肌质量最多可减少 20%,在 1 个月内平均骨骼肌强度最多可减少30%。

  拟议的 ACC 治疗会促进钙的摄取,并且被发现在与局部酸中毒相关的病例中非常有效。

  作为 Axiom Space AX-1 首次国际空间站私人任务的一部分,SPIC2 被发射到太空(2022 年 4 月 8日发射,2022 年 4 月 25日返回地球)。

  在任务期间,为数据和图像下行链路(显微镜/遥测)以及命令上行链路提供了 SPIC2 和地面(遥测和遥控)之间近乎实时的日常通信窗口。在任务结束时,SPIC2 被回收到地面,并运回 Amorphical 的实验室。

  研究 · 结果


  在轨实验是使用遥控芯片实验室微重力平台 SPIC2(SpacePharma R&D Israel Ltd.)进行的,该平台由 3.5个尺寸为 35 × 10 × 10 cm 且总重量为 4.0 Kg 的 CubeSat 单元组成(图 1)。

  SPIC2 3.5U 微重力实验室配备了一个服务模块,包括机载计算机 (OBC) 和专业电路设计 (PCD) 电子设备、温度控制单元、流体处理系统、储液器、引导流体流动的歧管,带有光源和光谱仪的微型显微镜(日本滨松,波长范围为 420-750 纳米)。


  Figure 1. Assembly of SpacePharma SPIC2 3.5U Microgravity Lab showing the internal elements: service module comprising an on-board computer (OBC) and professional cir-cuit design (PCD) electronics, temperature control unit, fluid handling system, liquid reservoirs, manifold which directs the fluid flow, microscope, and spectrometer.

  流体处理系统 - 由用于溶液和试剂的主动和被动泵和储液罐组成,是模块化的,并通过“即插即用”模式连接到每个基于微流体的芯片实验室。


  图 2 描述了为适应两种类型的细胞(成骨细胞和骨骼肌)而定制的芯片实验室设计图。


  Figure 2. 1 Illustration and an image of the customized microfluidic lab-on-chip (LOC). The LOC is made of polystyrene and is composed of 4 separated flow chambers, split into duplicate reaction of volume 60μl each. Each cell type had two duplicates experimental (ACC) and con-trol (CaCl2). Each duplicates had its own inflow/outflow ports. Before cell seeding, the cham-bers were flushed with 70% EtOH, DMEM/F12 without serum and coated with fibronectin at a concentration of 0.01mg/ml for 20 minutes. Chambers (slots) were washed from the fibronectin, with DMEM/F12 without serum. Cells (osteoblasts and myocytes) were seeded 2 days before launching into space and kept under controlled temperature (37°C) and medium perfusion. Once in space the SPIC2 system automatically controlled the temperature and media feeding into the different devices. Cell viability was monitored using an embedded miniatured micro-scope.

  定制微流控芯片实验室 (LOC) 的插图和图像。LOC 由聚苯乙烯制成,由 4 个独立的流动室组成,分成每个 60 μl体积的重复反应。


  在轨运行期间,SpacePharma SPIC2 3.5U 实验室位于 ICECUBES 模块(比利时、美国)中,通过来自地面的实时交互提供电力和数据交换(图 3)。


  Figure 3. SpacePharma SPIC2 3.5U Microgravity Lab inside the International Space Station (ISS) accommodated in the ICECUBES module.

  国际空间内的 SpacePharma SPIC2 3.5U 微重力实验室空间站 (ISS) 安装在 ICECUBES 模块中。


  在太空任务实验之前,ACC 对成骨细胞功能的影响在地球上通过监测细胞外钙沉积进行了研究。实验在小鼠成骨细胞 MBA-13 细胞上进行,并与 CaCl 2作为培养基中的钙源进行比较。

  如材料和方法中所述,MDX 细胞用作阴性对照。固定后,使用两种类型的染色试剂对细胞外钙或骨沉积进行染色,以评估成骨细胞的功能茜素红和碱性磷酸酶。茜素红用橙红色染色证明了钙沉积。

  结果显示,与表现出弱染色的 CaCl 2相比,用 ACC 处理的成骨细胞样本中有强信号,如图 4) 所示。该图显示了 ACC 培养物中的大块染色钙沉积,这在任何对照处理中都没有观察到。


  Figure 4. Representative images showing Alizarin Red staining of MBA-13 osteoblasts cells following 10 days in culture as a function of various medium treatments. (A) MSCgo differentiation medium + ACC, (B) MSCgo differentiation medium + CaCl2, (C) MSCgo differentiation medium only, and (D) MSC-NutriStem complete proliferation medium (negative control).Note the intense signal from large calcium plaques deposited by cells treated with ACC enriched medium - group A.Figure 4E. The staining intensity was determined using ImageJ software Pixel Counter application, as indicated in Materials and Methods. Higher staining intensity was obtained in the ACC group. Figure 4F. Fold Change of the staining intensity, in comparison to the positive control (MSCgo only, 4C).

  在 MSCgo 分化培养基中生长的细胞的茜素染色也显示出一些钙沉积染色,但沉积的大小和数量明显较少,并且类似于在 CaCl 2处理组中观察到的形态和数量。

  在生长于 MSC NutriStem 完全增殖培养基,含 ACC(阴性对照组) 。在该组中,细胞汇合,但未观察到钙沉积。因此,表明 ACC 处理影响 MBA13 分化为骨细胞并增加细胞钙沉积,即它们的功能。



  这种分析技术被用作检测成骨细胞分化和功能的补充方法,以试图验证通过茜素染色检测钙(以排除可能未清洗的 ACC 的存在)。碱性磷酸酶染色通过黑色染色检测。碱性磷酸酶染色图像如图 5 所示。


  Figure 5. Representative images showing Alkaline phosphatase staining of MBA-13 osteoblasts cells fol-lowing 10 days in culture as a function of various medium treatments. (A) MSCgo differentiation medium + ACC, (B) 爱情片 MSCgo differentiation medium + CaCl2, (C) MSCgo differentiation medium only, and (D) MSC- NutriStem complete proliferation medium (negative control). Note the intense staining obtained for cells treated with medium enriched with ACC indicating that addition of ACC accelerates bone maturation of calcium deposition.

  与其他处理相比,用 ACC 处理的 MBA13 细胞表现出强烈的信号。事实上,碱性磷酸酶染色支持成骨细胞分化在用 ACC 处理的培养物中更好。


  进行了一项辅助实验以确认染色技术不会错误地指示残留 ACC 的存在。肌肉 MDX 细胞的茜素红染色,在接种后 10 天用富含 ACC 的培养基处理,表明使用和不使用 ACC 的处理之间的染色没有重大差异,如图 6所示。


  Figure 6. Representative images showing MDX cell lines treated with (A) MSCgo differentiation medium + ACC, (B) MSCgo differentiation medium + CaCl2 and (C) MSCgo differentiation medium only. Cells were stained with Alizarin Red 10 days following seeding. Note that no staining was seen in all treatments in-dicating that the presence of ACC does not cause false staining. Similar culturing experiments performed with many types of cells (aside osteoblasts) have demonstrated similar observations.

  该结果支持以下假设:在成骨细胞的情况下茜素红染色这是由于成骨细胞的钙沉积而不是 ACC 本身的沉积。


  本研究的目的是评估 ACC 在外星条件下作为成骨细胞活性和分化为骨细胞(骨细胞)加速剂的潜力。

  地球上评估ACC对BM-MSC增殖和分化为成骨细胞的影响的实验表明ACC加速了BM-MSC向骨细胞的分化。图 7 显示了2018 年在国际空间站进行的一项先前较小的研究记录。

  由于严重的负载限制,之前的实验仅限于 BM-MSC 的单个培养管。这些细胞在 RT 条件下储存在富含 ACC的增殖培养基中 3 周,然后再运送到太空,在 Nanorex 提供的带有蛤蜊的特殊柔性管中,通过夹子将增殖培养基与富含 ACC 的分化培养基分开ACC 和另一个固定解决方案的夹具。


  Figure 7. Representative microscope images of stained cells from cultures containing ACC in a previ-ous space experiment. (A) In Space. (B) On Earth. The differentiation period at the ISS was 2 weeks and 3 weeks on earth. Intense formation of calcium deposition was observed in both in-space and on-earth experiments with ACC demonstrating the formation of mature Osteocytes (bone cells). The results ob-tained in the presence of ACC at extraterrestrial conditions were similar to those observed on earth, or even slightly better, indicating the benefits of the ACC presence in microgravity conditions. Figure 7C. The staining intensity was determined using ImageJ software Pixel Counter application, as indicated in Materials and Methods. Non-significant differences in staining intensity, was obtained in the space group. Statistic analyzed using t-Student test.

  在太空呆了 2 周后,宇航员打开第一个夹具,将细胞引入分化培养基中。2 周后,从第一个夹子打开开始,第二个夹子打开,用于用多聚甲醛 (PFA) 溶液固定细胞。

  作为模拟和控制,在地球上同时进行了控制实验。(由于错误信息,在地球上进行的对照实验按原计划暴露于分化培养基 3 周。)ACC 处理明显影响 BM-MSC 分化为骨细胞并显着增强细胞的钙沉积,即它们的与地球上以 ACC 作为钙源的类似对照实验直接比较的功能。

  如图 7 所示,国际空间站实验本身证明了在太空中用 ACC 处理的成骨细胞的非常强烈的增殖。


  ACC 对培养肌肉细胞的积极影响已经在地球上早期的内部临床前研究中得到探索。之前的体外研究表明,与在富含 CaCl 2的培养基中生长的对照组相比,向培养基中添加 ACC 会导致 C2 和初级肌肉细胞系的增殖率更高。


  Figure 8. Representative microscope images of MDX muscle cell cultured with the addition of ACC or CaCl2 (as a control). All samples contained final Ca2+ ions concentration of 2 mM. Cultures were fixed at the indicated days and stained with Giemsa. Note the enhancement in myotubes/muscle fiber formation in cultures exposed to ACC starting from day 5. The original magnification was x100.

  此外,对从新生 MDX 小鼠中提取的细胞进行的体外研究,[一种用于评估杜氏肌营养不良症 (DMD) 的动物模型],表明在培养基中添加 ACC 会导致更好的形态、更高的细胞计数和更早的肌管/ 肌纤维形成,与图 8、10 和 9 中吉姆萨和肌球蛋白染色所代表的 CaCl 2和 CCC 对照相比。


  研究结果表明释放的物质减少了约 2 倍 与接受正常饮食的组相比,接受 ACC 饮食的 MDX 组的肌酸激酶 (CK) 酶。CK水平用肌酐激酶活性检测试剂盒检测。


  Figure 9A. Representative fluorescence microscope images showing enhancement of myotubes formation by ACC. MDX muscle cells extracted from newborn mice MDX thigh muscle were cultured with the addition of ACC or CaCl2. All samples contained final Ca2+ concentration of 2 mM. Cultures were fixed at the indicated days and stained with Fluorescent Myosin antibody. Note the enhancement in myotubes formation in cultures exposed to ACC starting from day 3. Original magnification X100.Figure 9B. The fluorescence intensity was determined using ImageJ software Pixel Counter ap-plication, as indicated in Materials and Methods. All fold changes were calculated from the CaCl2 fluorescent intensity on day 2 (FC=1). Higher fluorescence intensity was obtained in the ACC group.

  这种显着的减少可能表明在 ACC 治疗的情况下可能会改善肌肉功能的生化过程。对 MDX 细胞的体外研究表明,用 ACC 培养的细胞具有更好的形态、更高的细胞计数,并且它们比对照细胞更早开始收缩(图 8 和 9)。


  图 10 中显示的结果表明,暴露于 ACC 的培养物在培养的 4 天内表现出肌管的早期形成,而在其他对照组(CCC 或 CaCl 2 )中,肌管形成较晚。

  7 天后,ACC 治疗组表现出许多更长、更粗的肌纤维,而对照组则发展出更少、更细、更短的肌纤维。


  Figure 10. Effect of ACC on formation of muscle myotubes. Representative microscope images of primary skeletal muscle cells. Normal primary skeletal muscle cells extracted from newborn rat were seeded in culture medium containing 1mM Ca2+ enriched with additional 1mM Ca2+ originated from ACC, CCC or CaCl2 solutions. Cultures were fixed after 4 or 10 days and stained with Giemsa. Note that cultures enriched with the ACC contains significantly longer and thicker myotubes compared to cultures enriched with CCC or CaCl2. Original magnification x 40.

  此外,在接种后第 7 天就已观察到暴露于 ACC 的培养物中的肌肉收缩,而在暴露于 CCC 和 CaCl 2的培养物中肌肉收缩仅在 10 天或更长时间后出现。


  升级后的空间研究利用了已安装在国际空间站的独特 SPIC2 3.5U 微重力实验室,并将实验加载到设计的 SPAD 模块中,这是一种用于细胞培养的预编程自动化设备,只需简单安装并连接到SPIC2。所讨论的细胞在专门设计和预涂层的微流控芯片内培养,温度被控制并保持在所需的生物范围 (37 o C)。在国际空间站逗留期间,远程拍摄显微照片以进行实时控制和评估,如上文“材料和方法”部分所述。


  Figure 11. Representative phase-contrast microscope images illustrating the effect of the ACC, in space, on Human BM-MSC Alizarin Red stained cells. (A) BM-MSC growing in MSCgo medium with ACC and (B) without ACC. Note intense formation of calcium deposition is observed in cells with ACC in comparison with the culture without it.Figure 11C. The staining intensity was determined using ImageJ software Pixel Counter applica-tion, as indicated in Materials and Methods. Significant differences were obtained between the control group (CaCl2) (n=7, number of images is lower than from the ACC group, since much fewer cells were survived) and the ACC treated group (n=12). Results are from different images. Statistic analyzed using t-Student test, (**** P value < 0.0001).

  如图 11 所示,与对照组相比,在 ACC 治疗组中获得了更多成熟的骨细胞-骨细胞。此外,ACC使细胞在地外微重力和辐射环境中的存活类似于它们在地球上类似条件下的存活。这种有益效果已通过形态学(显微镜)分析得到证实 如图 11 和 12所示,细胞与在没有 ACC 的情况下培养的细胞相比较。

  茜素红染色表明,与补充有 CaCl 2的培养物相比,补充有 ACC 的成骨细胞培养物中有非常强的橙红色染色。后者表明存在微弱的钙沉积物(图 11A 与 11B)。




  Figure 12. Representative phase-contrast microscope images illustrating the effect of the ACC on Earth on Human BM-MSC Alizarin Red stained cells. The differentiation period was 6 days. (A) BM-MSC growing in MSCgo medium with ACC and (B) without ACC. Intense for-mation of calcium deposition is observed in cells with ACC in comparison with the absence of ACC. Figure 12C. The staining intensity was determined using ImageJ software Pixel Counter applica-tion, as indicated in Materials and Methods. Significant differences were obtained between the control group (CaCl2) (n=7), number of images is lower than from the ACC group, since much fewer cells were survived) and the ACC treated group (n=8). Results are from different images. Statistic analyzed using t-Student test, (**** P value < 0.0001).

  最近的实验表明,尽管国际空间站的分化期很短(6 天),但 ACC 加速了成骨细胞向骨细胞的转化,无论是在太空中(图 11)还是在地球上(图 12)。


  此外,成熟的 骨细胞(骨细胞)在太空中的存活率更好,如图 11 和 13 所示。


  Figure 13: Embedded space microscope images illustrating the effect of the ACC on Human BM-MSC's in space. The pictures were remotely captured by the microscope installed in the SPIC2 3.5U unit installed at the ISS. Slot 6 BM-MSC's without ACC: (A) Date: 07.4.22 Hour: 22:47; (B)Date: 11.4.22 Hour: 22:47; (C) Date: 15.4.22 Hour: 22:47. Slot 7 BM-MSC's with ACC: (D) Date: 07.4.22 Hour: 22:50; (E) Date: 11.4.22 Hour: 06:43; (F)Date: 15.4.22 Hour: 22:50. On the first day the concentration of the cells, in both groups is similar. In space, number of cells was decreased. The reduction in the group without ACC B & C is higher, in comparison to the ACC group E & F, demonstrating that cells with ACC survived better in comparison to the control group. BM-MSC's survived better in comparison to the muscle cells, see Figure 16. Those results coin-cide with the fact that the loss of muscle tissue is higher than loss of bone mass in space.

  第一天,两组的细胞浓度相似。在太空中,细胞数量减少了。与 ACC 组 E 和 F 相比,无 ACC B 和 C 组的减少更高,表明与对照组相比,具有 ACC 的细胞存活得更好。与肌肉细胞相比,BM-MSC 的存活率更高,参见图 16。这些结果与空间中肌肉组织损失高于骨量损失这一事实相吻合。


  空间实验的结果如图 14 所示,代表固定培养物吉姆萨染色后的空间任务分析。图 14 A1 和 A2 代表具有 ACC 的培养物,图 14 B1 和 B2 代表具有 CaCl 2的培养物。


  Figure 14: Representative phase-contrast microscope images illustrating the effect of the ACC on Human Muscle cells in space with Giemsa staining. Figures 14 A1 and A2 represent muscle cells growing in HI medium with ACC, and 14 B1 and B2 capture muscle cells growing in HI medium without ACC. Enhancement of muscle fiber cells formation and better survival was observed for the ACC treated group, in comparison with the cells grown without ACC.Figure 14C. The staining intensity was determined using ImageJ software Pixel Counter applica-tion, as indicated in Materials and Methods. Significant differences were obtained between the control group (CaCl2) (n=7), (number of images is lower than from the ACC group, since much fewer cells were survived) and the ACC treated group (n=18). Results are from different images. Statistic analyzed using t-Student test, (**** P value < 0.0001).

  向分化培养基中添加 ACC 比等效添加常规钙离子源 (CaCl 2 )更好地增强细胞融合和转化为纤维细胞。此外,图 14 表明 ACC 使细胞在空间的微重力和辐射环境中存活。


  如图 14C 和 15C 所示,该实验证明即使在仅 6 天的短时间内,在存在 ACC 的空间环境中,肌肉细胞的增殖和分化也得到改善和加速。


  Figure 15: Representative phase-contrast microscope images illustrating the effect of the ACC on earth (control to the space experiment), on Human Muscle cells stained with Giemsa. Figures 15A represent muscle cells growing in HI medium with ACC, and 15B il-lustrate muscle cells growing in HI medium with CaCl2. Human muscle cell cultures were exposed to the following calcium compounds (final Ca2+ concentration of 2 mM): ACC primary nanoparticles or completely dissolved CaCl2. Enhancement of muscle fiber cells formation was observed in the ACC treated group, in comparison to the cells grown without ACC.Figure 15C. The staining intensity was determined using ImageJ software Pixel Counter application, as indicated in Materials and Methods. Significant differences were obtained between the control group (CaCl2) (n=13), and the ACC treated group (n=23). Results are from different images. Statistic analyzed using t-Student test, (**** P value < 0.0001).

  在太空中,大多数没有 ACC 的细胞都死亡了。细胞仅在少数区域存活。应该注意的是,在太空中拍摄的显微照片是在随机预定义的位置拍摄的,没有扫描代表性区域。这与分析后的结果形成对比,后者是在地球上完成的,如图 14 所示。


  在太空中进行的远程显微镜也捕捉到了这一显着的结果(图 16)。需要强调的是,ACC 在介质制备过程中并未完全溶解,而是以 pH 依赖的方式缓慢溶解。


  Figure 16: Embedded space microscope images illustrating the effect of the ACC on Human Muscle cells, in space. The pictures were remotely captured by the microscope installed in the SPIC2 3.5U unit installed at the ISS. Slot 2 Muscle cells without ACC: (A) Date: 11.4.22 Hour: 22:36; (B) Date: 13.4.22 Hour: 22:36. (C) Date: 15.4.22 Hour: 22:36. Slot 3 Muscle cells with ACC: (D) Date: 11.4.22 Hour: 22:39; (E) Date: 13.4.22 Hour: 22:39; (F) Date: 15.4.22 Hour: 22:39. On the first day the concentration of the cells, in both groups is similar. In space, number of cells was decreased. The reduction in the group without ACC B & C is higher, in comparison to the ACC group E & F, demonstrating that cells with ACC survived better in comparison to the control group. The muscle cells were damaged from the microgravity environment more than the bone cells, which coincided with previously studies, re-ported that the loss of muscle tissue in astronauts, is higher than the loss of bone mass in space. In the presence of the ACC the muscle cells survived better, as demonstrated in figure 14.

  因此,与源自CaCl 2的钙相比,钙浓度实际上较低。与 ACC 一起生长的肌肉细胞继续生长并在空间中形成纤维细胞,而没有 ACC 的细胞无法存活并且大部分死亡,如图 1和4 (B1 和 B2)所示。

  这项研究的结果有力地表明,无论是在太空中还是在地球上,ACC 都可以作为成骨细胞活性和分化为骨细胞(骨细胞)的加速器,以及肌肉细胞活性和分化为成熟肌纤维细胞的加速器。


  此外,肌肉细胞活性的增强和空间分化为先前在 MDX 杜氏肌萎缩症 (DMD) 小鼠模型上进行的研究中发现的观察结果提供了进一步的证据,其中 ACC 处理的小鼠比对照小鼠具有更好的运动性能。

  研究结果表明:与接受正常饮食的组相比,接受ACC 饮食的 MDX 组的肌酸激酶 (CK) 酶释放的物质减少了约 2 倍。CK水平用肌酐激酶活性检测试剂盒检测。这种显着的减少可能表明在ACC可能会改善肌肉功能的生理过程。对 MDX 细胞的体外研究表明,用 ACC 培养的细胞具有更好的形态、更高的细胞计数,并且它们比对照细胞更早开始收缩(图 8 和 9)。

  对多种细胞的其他体外研究,例如人类 T 细胞、人类和鼠类间充质干细胞、大鼠胚胎神经细胞、小鼠胚胎、精子细胞等,都显示出增强的性能:更高的增殖率,更好的分化率、更好的形态、改善的胚胎发育(达到囊胚阶段的百分比更高)、改善的精子活力等等。

  综合研究数据强化了ACC作为 pH 调节剂(缓冲剂)的作用,由于其独特的化学和物理特性,缓慢释放受控方式(无定形和纳米尺寸)。

  一项不同领域的研究是对源自小鼠乳腺的 4T1 癌细胞进行的。使用 Seahorse 测试,检查了 ACC 对细胞代谢的影响。结果表明,癌细胞在富含 ACC 的培养基中生长 4 天后,在一定程度上改变了它们的代谢特征,从癌细胞的特征性厌氧(糖酵解呼吸)转变为有氧线粒体呼吸(克雷布斯循环)。这种现象仅在 ACC 处理的细胞中检测到,而在对照处理中未检测到:富含 CaCl 2或 CCC 的培养基。

  研究结果意义重大,表明 ACC 改变了癌细胞从糖酵解到有氧呼吸的首选呼吸路径。已知有氧呼吸以三磷酸腺苷 (ATP)、NADH 和 FADH2 单位的形式储存更多能量。

  综合上述结果表明,不仅来自可溶性 ACC 的钙离子具有一定的活性作用,而且碳酸根离子也对改变细胞代谢和影响其生理过程具有重要作用。

  因此,假设是对于体外细胞培养(有氧条件),ACC 的添加使乳酸和丙酮酸之间的平衡反应在逆反应中移回,这增强了克雷布斯循环的活性并导致更高的能量储存在细胞中。这一假设可以解释在太空和地球上 MSC 和各种肌肉细胞的活动增强所获得的一致结果。

  研究 · 结论


  国际空间站的第二项ACC实验证实了早期的观察结果,即在 ACC存在的情况下,成骨细胞可以以大约 1.5 倍的速度分化和成熟。


  实验表明,与太空和地球上含有典型氯化钙的介质相比,含有 ACC 的培养基改善并加速了人类 (a) 初级骨骼肌细胞转化为肌纤维和 (b) 骨髓间充质干细胞(BM-MSC) 转化为成熟成骨细胞和骨细胞的增殖、分化和功能。此外,ACC提高了两种细胞类型在微重力和辐射环境中的生存能力。

  该研究表明,ACC 是防止外层空间条件下骨骼肌和骨骼严重退化的良好补充候选物,有助于延长太空定居的能力。




