
栏目:素质教育  时间:2023-02-20

  Welcome to UNNC


  Please scroll down for the English version.













  Opening and Greetings

  Professor Yang Fujia, President of UNNC:

  Congratulations to all freshmen on entering the University of Nottingham Ningbo, China. Welcome!

  Mr Ying Xiong, Party Secretary of UNNC:

  Hi, I am Ying Xiong, the Party Secretary of the University of Nottingham Ningbo, China. Welcome to the big family of UNNC.

  Professor Nick Miles, Provost and Pro-Vice-Chancellor of UNNC:

  Welcome, Class of 2025! I’m Provost Nick Miles. It’s my pleasure to welcome you all to the University of Nottingham Ningbo China.

  It’s a great pleasure to welcome our new students here today for what is sure to be the most life-changing and influential years of your lives. I hope you are ready for the next four years at UNNC where we will prepare you to be extraordinary.

  First, I would like to invite President Yang to share his opinions of UNNC.









  我们招收最有潜力的学生,支持他们实现自己的目标 ——所以你们应该为自己自豪,如果不是足够优秀,你们就不会坐在这里了。










  What kind of university is UNNC?

  President Yang:

  One of the reasons that makes UNNC special is that it places priority on the cultivation of its students. Therefore, graduate students from UNNC will be talented and professional enough to meet the demand of the market and the country. Modern society is changing rapidly, and the things students previously learnt may be out of date in a short amount of time. So, in UNNC, the various programmes are geared to make students possess the most fundamental qualities. In this way, students are able to contribute to the society for longer periods.

  However, the foreign universities are different. Harvard University is ranked at 8th and the Yale University is ranked at 10th in the world in the perspective of just cultivating the talents of university students. Therefore, different universities have different aims and hence requirements, and how those strengths are exerted determines how much contribution the students can make to the country and the world.

  Provost Nick Miles:

  Thank you, Professor Yang. You gave an excellent explanation of what UNNC stands for.

  As the first Sino-foreign university in China, the University of Nottingham Ningbo China, or UNNC in its shortened form, stands for a pioneering spirit, a global mindset and a world-class education we provide for our students.

  Here we recruit students with the highest potential and support them to achieve their goals - so be proud of yourself. You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t a high achiever.

  As a university without borders, we provide an international experience for everyone. This means a diverse student body, an inclusive campus culture, and the opportunities for global mobility – our study abroad programmes span across 40 countries and regions. We are also deepening our exceptional international research and teaching partnerships, and refining our curricula in the light of new global demands.

  Our graduates are acknowledged internationally, not only for their intellectual and academic abilities, but also their enterprise and entrepreneurship - they are known for a willingness to experiment and innovate.

  These qualities are not gained by simply opening a textbook or attending a lecture or seminar. They come from challenging the norms and conventions, from actively participating in both curricula and extra-curricular activities, and from experimenting without the fear of failure.

  We want to empower you to grow, break through and go beyond. But of course, it also relies on every one of you to make UNNC a place for creativity, innovation and unlimited potential.

  Mr Ying Xiong is our Party Secretary, and I think he might have more to add from his perspective.

  Mr YING Xiong:

  What kind of university is UNNC? I would say this is an easy but complicated question. If I were to use one word to describe UNNC, it would be ‘Responsibility’. It is this sense of responsibility which has shaped UNNC since the very beginning, although the time is not very long compared to most other universities. Today I want all of you to think, understand and learn this sense of responsibility to support you in your own life.









  杨校长刚提到了一个很重要的点 —— 为了在宁诺取得成功,你们必须是积极的学习者和思考者,这意味这你们要主动掌控学习。不仅要学习书本上的知识,也要了解与课题相关的其他知识。要用出色的表现惊喜老师,为你们的室友、同学和朋友树立榜样。这就是宁诺——我们不做被动学习者。

  除了成为一个积极学习者, 你们还应该积极探索世界,对塑造更美好的世界充满信心。












  What does it mean to be a UNNC student?

  President Yang:

  I also want to add something. People are different and only when they play to their strengths and are both satisfied with and recognised by the university, they can have the opportunity to achieve their wants. However, no matter how professional or intellectually developed they are, the conditions are hard for them to bring their achievements to the society and the world when they choose the wrong road.

  Provost Nick Miles:

  Professor Yang just mentioned an important point - you have to be dynamic learners and thinkers in order to succeed at UNNC, which means taking control of your own education. Not just following the script but also reading around your subject, impressing your teachers and setting an example to your flat mates, classmates and friends. This is UNNC - we don’t do passive learning.

  Besides being a proactive learner, you should also engage actively with the world and have the confidence to shape the world for the better.

  The past few years have seen many students graduating from UNNC with exceptional achievements.

  Some of them have found jobs in London's top financial investment banks, the world's four largest accounting firms, large multinational companies, cutting-edge technology laboratories, top universities in various countries, and in government departments at all levels. Some of them realised their dreams to be professors and entrepreneurs.

  No matter how far they move ahead in their careers, the distinctive traits they acquired at UNNC remain with them. They’re confident and optimistic, familiar with international rules, and adept at cross-cultural communication.

  These graduates didn’t succeed by sitting back and waiting for others to solve problems for them. They made these opportunities happen through their curiosity, creativity and entrepreneurship.

  We celebrate these attributes, because we believe in an ever-changing world, these abilities enable you to overcome the uncertainties we encounter in everyday life.

  If this sounds like a lot to live up to, a lot to aspire to, then you’d be right – it is! As Provost of this university, I make no apology for that.

  But don’t forget, our tutors and staff are always here to help. Just as Mr Ying said earlier, UNNC is not simply a university. It’s a supportive community of staff, teachers and – most importantly – you, the students. People in communities look after each other, they keep an eye on their friends and lend a helping hand when one is needed.

  This is, in my view, what it takes to be a UNNC student.

  Mr Ying Xiong:

  From today, all of you have started your beautiful university life, and before this beginning, there is one question we need to ask ourselves: Why are we here in UNNC?

  I guess most of you would just say, ‘I’m here to be more professional and to improve my skills for a brighter future’.

  This is definitely right, but I believe that to learn to behave with integrity is much more important.

  In China, when we use the word ‘talent’, it comprises of the character for ‘human’ followed by the second character ‘intelligence’. In other words, a talented person needs to learn to be an upright person first before being useful to the society. So, I really hope you can learn to become a mature person with a sense of justice and what is right and love in your heart at UNNC.













  Mr Ying Xiong:

  Finally, I would like to wish you all a happy four-year university life. Study hard and make the most of this time at university to experience the unique life available to you while you go on to become extraordinary. Thank you all.

  Provost Nick Miles:

  Your journey here starts today. There will be great days ahead and a few tough ones as well. But all of these experiences will serve to forge that future ‘you’ – a well-rounded individual – qualified, confident, fortified and enriched by those wonderful four years you spend here with us. Go on! Create your extraordinary future here at UNNC!

  President Yang:

  As the President of the University of Nottingham Ningbo, China, I would like to extend a warm welcome to the new students. I sincerely hope that you can make use of your talents and make outstanding contributions to the country and the world after your graduation!







  卓越学术 精彩未来


