roller coasters过山车 carousels美[?k?r??s?lz] 旋转木马bumper cars美/?b?mp?r/碰碰车
Have you ever visited an amusement park? please describe it.
Amusement parks are usually large areas filled with various rides, games, and attractions designed for entertainment. Some popular rides in amusement parks include roller coasters, Ferris wheels, carousels, bumper cars, and water rides. They also often have live shows, performances, and parades.
The atmosphere of amusement parks is often lively and energetic, with bright colors, loud music, and excited screams from visitors enjoying the rides. Visitors can also try their luck at carnival games and win prizes.
There are usually many food and beverage options available, including typical carnival foods like cotton candy, popcorn, and hot dogs, as well as more substantial meals like burgers, pizzas, and sandwiches.
Overall, a visit to an amusement park can be a fun and exciting experience for people of all ages.
amusement park游乐园
rides 美/ra?dz/摩天轮(泛指)
roller coasters过山车
Ferris wheels 摩天轮
carousels 美[?k?r??s?lz] 旋转木马
bumper cars 美/?b?mp?r/碰碰车
Playing bumper cars can reduce stress
parade 美/p??re?d/ n,vt游行
carnival 美/?kɑ?rn?v(?)l/ 庆祝活动;(学校的)游园会,嘉年华会
substantial /s?b?st?n?(?)l/ adj. 大量的,价值巨大的;牢固的,结实的;基本的,实质性的;(饭菜)丰盛的;重要的,真实的;有地位的,富有的
n. 重要材料
2、How do you feel about waiting in a line for a long time for a famous activity?
Waiting in long lines is a common experience at popular attractions in amusement parks, and it can be frustrating and tiring for many visitors. However, some people may feel that the wait is worth it for the experience of enjoying the ride or activity they have been waiting for.
To make the wait more bearable, amusement parks often offer line management systems, such as virtual queues, fast passes, or express lanes, which can reduce wait times for some rides or attractions. Visitors can also bring snacks, water, and other items to keep themselves comfortable while waiting.
Overall, the experience of waiting in line for a long time for a famous activity can vary depending on individual preferences and expectations.
? 美/?fr?stre?t??/ adj. 令人懊恼的,令人沮丧的
? v. 使懊恼,使沮丧;挫败,阻挠;受挫(frustrate 的现在分词形式)
bearable 美/?ber?bl/可忍受的;支持得住的
bear 美/ber/ v. 手持,携带;(车,船)运输,运送;写有,刻有;以(姓名,头衔)相称;见证,作证;承担,担负(责任);经得起;承受,容忍;生育(孩子);(树,植物)结(果实),长出(花);拐弯
? n. 熊;粗暴无礼的人,没教养的人;体格笨重的男人,行动迟缓的男人;(股票)卖空者,做空头者;麻烦事,棘手之事;<非正式>“北极熊”(俄国的外号)
express lanes 快车道
lane 美/le?n/ n. 线路,跑道
preferences /?pref(?)r?ns?z/ n. 偏爱,偏好;参数选择;选择权
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