
栏目:素质教育  时间:2023-05-03








  Dear Jim,






  Dear Jim,

  How is everything going?【首句寒暄+问候】I'd like to share with you my plans for the upcomning summer vacation.【这部分就是写作背景的介绍:我想和你分享我对即将到来的暑假的计划。】

  First, I'm going to take a trip with my parents. It's a great way to unwind and recharge after a year of hard work. Moreover, we can explore breathtaking scenery and spend quality time together during the journey.【首先,我要和我的父母去旅行。这是在辛苦工作了一年之后放松和充电的好方法。此外,我们可以探索令人惊叹的风景,并在旅途中度过美好的时光。】

  Learning some new skills is also on my agenda. Passionate about programming, I'm planning to attend relevant online courses to take my programming skills to the next level, which will be bencficial for my future major.【学习一些新技能也在我的日程上。我对编程充满热情,我计划参加相关的在线课程,将我的编程技能提升到一个新的水平,这对我未来的专业有好处。】

  I just can't wait to kick off my summer vacation! Have you got any vacation plans yet? Looking forward to your reply.【尾段再次表达自己的想法:我等不及要开始我的暑假了!你有什么假期计划吗?期待您的回复。】


  Li Hua










  Dear Jim,

  How are you doing? I’m currently swamped with work as I’m a high school senior preparing to graduate. Speaking of which, you asked me about my summer plans. Well, I’m torn between two options.你好吗?作为一名即将毕业的高中生,我现在有很多工作要做。说到这个,你问我的暑假计划。嗯,我在两个选择之间左右为难。

  The first one is to take up an internship position at a local company. I want to gain some practical work experience before I head off to college. Besides, it would be a good opportunity for me to learn and network in the industry of my interest.【第一个是在当地公司实习。我想在上大学之前获得一些实际的工作经验。此外,这将是一个很好的机会,让我在我感兴趣的行业学习和交流。】

  The second option is to travel abroad. It would be a wonderful chance for me to broaden my horizon, improve my language skills, and immerse myself in different cultures. However, it may be expensive and time-consuming. Worse still, it might even affect my grades and academic performance.【第二个选择是出国旅游。这将是一个很好的机会,拓宽我的视野,提高我的语言技能,让自己沉浸在不同的文化。然而,它可能既昂贵又耗时。更糟糕的是,它甚至可能影响我的成绩和学习成绩。】

  I’m still deciding, but I’ll let you know once I’ve made up my mind. How about you? Any plans for the summer?【我还在决定,但一旦我下定决心,我会告诉你的。你呢?暑假有什么计划吗?】

  Best wishes,

  Li Hua


  Dear Jim,

  How are you doing? Thank you for your letter asking about my summer plans after graduation. As for me, I am planning on taking a gap year and traveling to Southeast Asia for a few months.【你好吗?谢谢你来信询问我毕业后的暑期计划。至于我,我计划休个空档年,去东南亚旅行几个月。】

  There are several reasons for my decision. Firstly, I want to gain more life experience and broaden my horizons before starting university. Secondly, I have always been fascinated by the diverse cultures, customs and traditions of Asia, and I want to immerse myself in them. Lastly, I hope to improve my language skills by learning a new language.【我的决定有几个原因。首先,我想在上大学之前获得更多的生活经验,开阔我的视野。其次,我一直被亚洲的多元文化、习俗和传统所吸引,我想让自己沉浸其中。最后,我希望通过学习一门新的语言来提高我的语言能力。】

  I have been researching and planning for this trip for a long time, and I feel very excited about it. I know it will be a challenging and rewarding experience, but I am ready for it.【我已经为这次旅行做了很长时间的研究和计划,我感到非常兴奋。我知道这将是一个具有挑战性和有益的经历,但我已经准备好了。】

  What are your plans for the summer? I look forward to hearing from you soon!【你这个夏天的计划是什么?我期待着你的回复!】

  Best regards,

  Li Hua


  Dear Jim,

  How are you? I hope everything is going well with you. As for my summer plans after graduation, I have decided to go to Beijing to participate in a language exchange program.【你好吗?我希望你一切都好。至于我毕业后的暑期计划,我已经决定去北京参加一个语言交流项目。】

  The reason why I chose this program is that it will provide me with a great opportunity to improve my Chinese language skills as well as experience the Chinese culture firsthand. Moreover, I believe that communication and language are important skills to possess in today's globalized world.【我选择这个项目的原因是,它将为我提供一个很好的机会来提高我的汉语技能,并亲身体验中国文化。此外,我相信在当今全球化的世界中,沟通和语言是重要的技能。】

  Apart from the language exchange program, I also plan to travel around China to visit some famous scenic spots, such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, and Jiuzhaigou Valley. I am really excited about this trip and can't wait to explore all the amazing places.【除了语言交流项目,我还计划周游中国,参观一些著名的景点,如长城、故宫和九寨沟。我对这次旅行感到非常兴奋,迫不及待地想去探索所有令人惊叹的地方。】

  That's my plan for the summer! How about you? Do you have any exciting plans? I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.【这就是我的暑假计划!你呢?你有什么激动人心的计划吗?我期待着很快收到你的来信。】

  Take care and all the best!【保重,万事如意!】

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Hua


  Dear Jim,

  How are you doing? I hope everything is fine with you. Thanks for your email and your concern about my summer plan.【你好吗?我希望你一切都好。谢谢你的邮件和你对我暑假计划的关心。】

  Actually, I am considering two options for my summer vacation. The first plan is to take a part-time job so that I can earn some money for my college tuition. The second plan is to travel to a foreign country with my family to broaden our horizons.【事实上,我正在考虑暑假的两个选择。第一个计划是找一份兼职工作,这样我就可以赚一些钱支付大学学费。第二个计划是和我的家人去国外旅行,开阔我们的视野。】

  As for the job, I think it is a good opportunity to learn some practical skills and improve my social experience. Plus, my parents have already encouraged me to get a job to prepare for my future.【对于这份工作,我认为这是一个学习实用技能和增加社会经验的好机会。另外,我的父母已经鼓励我找一份工作为我的未来做准备。】

  As for the travel plan, it will be a great chance for me to appreciate different cultures and customs, which can help me to develop a more global outlook. Besides, it is also a good opportunity for family bonding and relaxation.【至于旅行计划,这将是一个很好的机会,让我欣赏不同的文化和习俗,这可以帮助我发展更多的全球视野。此外,它也是家庭联系和放松的好机会。】

  In conclusion, I have not made a final decision yet, but I will take your advice into consideration. Hope to hear from you soon.【总之,我还没有做出最后的决定,但我会考虑你的建议。希望能尽快收到你的来信。】

  Best regards,

  Li Hua


上一篇:北影节I杨凡大师班开讲:不喜欢“唯美”两字 人生不可以贪心
