
栏目:素质教育  时间:2023-05-15






  April?23rd, 2023 marks the 28th?World Book Day. In this interview, we have invited BISUers who love reading?from different academic backgrounds?to share?their views and?stories?about?books.










  Wutong Medal, Reading Festival and abundant book funds have all witnessed BISU’ s great effort in forming a good reading environment.

  Nowadays, the significance of reading becomes?more?prominent, which highlights the?role?of better reading atmosphere. And a?teacher advises us to develop critical thinking skills and clear?self-cognition?through?reading.


  In this progressive era with hustle and??bustle, information technology advances rapidly and various information floods in. The big data presents fragmented information up to our favor. Meanwhile, heated debate about the pros and cons of paper books and e-books emerges. We,?born after 2000, have used multiple reading tools like?Kindle and smartphones, which have?facilitated our reading but given rise to new concerns?about the existence and development of paper books.





  “How can we young students resist such a rich seam of knowledge and wisdom? It’s a pity to give up reading.” Mei Jia majoring in translation exclaimed. Li Hongbo, dean of the School of Chinese Culture and Communication, suggests that we should not only get down to reading?and writing, building up a broad spectrum of knowledge and thinking independently, but also relish reading by spending most time on paper books and using e-books to search for information.

  The School of Chinese Culture and Communication has been attaching great importance to organizing book clubs?and promoted mutual communications between teachers and students in academic work, future career and the meaning of life.




  Dazzled?by?fragmentary information, most?netizens are confined in?cocoons?of?information. Under the circumstances, only with?a stronger desire?to read?and?by constantly assimilating?new ideas?can we defy the impulse to idle away our?time?and decline to?follow the herd?so that?we can?make progress?day?by?day?and finally?find our true selves in pursuit of freedom and purity.





  “To me, reading is an essential hobby. Books are to me?what?exercises?is to some?others.” Mei Jia said with certainty. He loves reading so deeply as to spend a large amount of money purchasing books when feeling depressed. What he has read ranges from Chinese classics to western literature.

  Zhang Zijing, Mei’s classmate, gives?a different answer. “Books build a?world?beyond reality?and?the lessons we draw?from?life experiences could?be?found?elaborated?in books.” Rao Zihan majoring in Chinese agrees. “Falling in love with reading, we?will start to think deep?about?what we have taken?for granted, which spices up our lives.” she said with a smile.





  Zhang also mentioned how she?developed a?liking for?books. When she was a child, she was?taken selecting books?by?her mother?in?a bookstore?and could be?lost in?reading?what fascinated her until the?store?shut. “Adventures?in?bookstores?on?the doorstep?enriched so many people’s lives?in?their?childhood.” She exclaimed.

  Thanks to today’s reasonable standard of living, we hardly fail to afford books, whereas things are different to the elderly who have experienced the era when the living conditions were?not so good. “At that time, not every family could afford to collect books. But luckily, I grew up in a family in love with books, where my grandfather and my father had a great influence on me. I still have very fond memories of that tranquil time we read together.” Dean?Li recalls.




  As a graduate?from a?department?of?Chinese?language and literature,?Li?now?works?as a teacher of Chinese, He?leads a life intertwined?with books. “For me, reading is my hobby as well as part of my job, and books are like old friends from whom I can enjoy learning anytime.”




  First, read for a great insight. “Books teach us lessons on human nature, social relations and so forth, which is beneficial to me all the time.” Lou Zhenyu from the School of European Studies gives?full?recognition?to the role of books in this regard.



  Zhou Ruijia majoring in journalism once experienced a?few?downs?over a period?when thoughts and wisdom in books served as her emotional anchor. “I was so addicted to reading during that period, particularly?enlightened by Camus’ philosophy and Demian?by Hesse.” She said, “When reading, we?are actually communicating with different people, which?brings?spiritual contentment and?arouses?great empathy.” Since then, inner peace?and security?she finds?from?books?have?become a?power?within, encouraging her to go on in the face of difficulty.

  Almost everything that?puzzles us has an answer in books, and anecdotes?recorded?in?books?are?indeed?occurrences in history. Sometimes, what books reward?to?us is not immediate?comfort or enlightenment but a resilient and firm heart. Hence, start to read and you will find?yourselves?amazingly empowered.




  Second, read for a healthy mind. Liu Yirun majoring in Japanese always gains spiritual contentment?from?reading. “Books are magical, bringing me to my spiritual homeland. Once I start to read, my heart overflows with calm, peace, freedom and contentment.?A?sense of?security?and belonging?arises.”



  Jin En from the?School of Tourism Sciences who enjoys reading between classes believes?that din and tumult?give way to serenity during this process. She has an air of calm, not because she intends to do so – its formation is a natural process?as she keeps?on?reading.

  Open?ourselves to a world?of?books.?We?will?understand?the

  minds?of others?and feel the charm?of words. Maybe there will?be?no instant change, but please hold on and trust the power of books. One day our?efforts?will pay off.




  When you are at a loss, overwhelmed by pressure and anxiety, try to read a book.




  Read more and read good books. At different stages of life, we read different?books. Right now, we can read books that are conducive to our own progress and breakthrough instead of what we were told to read before entering university. Don’t expect instant benefits and just enjoy?the contentment and freedom that books?bring to us.?Anxiety?will?then be eased?along?the way.

  Scent the smell?of?a?paper?book,?rub?idly?a?corner of some?page?and?just imagine your participation in the stories. Or read on EPD (E-paper display)?to?create?a?tranquil world?of?our?own?amid?noises?around?in?a?subway?train. Choose the books that you are truly interested in, that withstand the test?of time?and that?offer you?a?different perspective. Don’t rush nor bite off?more?than you can?chew. Just enjoy the books and understand them fully.


  It pays to ponder, and books provide us with the chance to do it. Today is World Book Day. Let’s read right now!






  World Book and Copyright Day




