老人养老雅思写作 雅思作文备考通用框架
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task、
Write about the following topic:
Nowadays,fewer people tend to look after their old family members but send them to some more professional nursing homes、
What is the situation in your country?
Who do you think should be responsible for looking after the people in need of help?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience、
Write at least 250 words、
The ageing population is increasingly big、As the number of old people grows,so does the hidden problem of looking after them、Presently,there is a great tendency that an increasing number of young people choose to send their elder family members to some professional nursing homes,rather than taking care of them in person、
In China,traditionally,the great majority of old people live on their own or with their spouse,children,siblings,or other relatives、However,the number of elder people who are sent to nursing homesis increasing recently、Many factors contribute to the situation、Firstly,many young couples have to support 4 elder people,which may be a great burden on their life、In addition,young people are always busy with their business,with no time or energy to look after their parents、So it is hoped thatthe elder family members can receive good and patient care at the professional nursing homes、
As far as I am concerned,the governmentshould take up the challenge andthe family members of the elder peopleshould also assume the responsibility oftaking good care of the people who are old or disabled、The governmentshould take effective measures,such asincreasing the retirement pensionandmedical insurance、The familiy membersshould also pay much attention tothe physical and mental health of the elder people、It is the children's duty to look after the elder family members、The elder people would also reduce their loneliness and live more comfortably with family members、
To sum up,we should attach great importance tothe life of the elder people、No matterhow busy we are,we are supposed tooffer help and care timely、And at the same time,every feasible means should be made full use of bythe authoritiesandthe youthto make surethe elder can live a happy and comfortable life after retirement、
The ageing population is increasingly big、As the number of old people grows,so does the hidden problem of looking after them、Presently,there is a great tendency that_________、
In China,traditionally,_________、However,_________ is increasing recently、Many factors contribute to the situation、Firstly,_________、In addition,_________、So it is hoped that_________、
As far as I am concerned,_________ should take up the challenge and _________should also assume the responsibility of_________、_________should take effective measures,such as_________ and _________、_________should also pay much attention to _________、_________、_________、
To sum up,we should attach great importance to _________、No matter _________,we are supposed to _________、And at the same time,every feasible means should be made full use of by _________and _________to make sure_______
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