
栏目:素质教育  时间:2023-07-22







  Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation and the argument on which it is based are reasonable. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation.

  第二种我们称之为 evidence指令,like:

  Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.

  第三种我们称之为 assumption指令,like:

  Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions, and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.

  第四种我们称之为 alternative explanations指令,like:

  Write a response in which you discuss one or more alternative explanations that could rival the proposed explanation and explain how your explanation(s) can plausibly account for the facts presented in the argument.


  今天我们就来讲讲第三种最难的assumption指令,分析下我们在面对这个指令时,到底应该做些什么。咱们就以下面这道argument为例:The following recommendation appeared in a memo from the mayor of the town of Hopewell."Two years ago, the nearby town of Ocean View built a new municipal golf course and resort hotel. During the past two years, tourism in Ocean View has increased, new businesses have opened there, and Ocean View's tax revenues have risen by 30 percent. Therefore, the best way to improve Hopewell's economy — and generate additional tax revenues — is to build a golf course and resort hotel similar to those in Ocean View."Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.

  通过阅读,大家会发现这题的大意是Ocean View建了新的golf course and resort hotel之后,当地的旅游业,商业和税收状况都有很大的改善,于是Hopewell也应该效仿Ocean View的做法来改善它的经济。在这题中有个很明显的,许多同学都能找到的漏洞,我们一般称之为类比错误,但是在开始把这个漏洞写成符合assumption指令之前,我们需要用一个固定的结构去把这个漏洞展开,然后再放入assumption指令句型,这个结构也是我在很多公开课上讲过的四步法:02


  Step 1:作者的逻辑漏洞是什么

  Step 2:因为作者缺什么

  Step 3:举例(对这个漏洞攻击的支撑)

  Step 4:反向陈诉作者想证明的


  对于类比错误而言,它的四步法展开具体呈现以下的状态:Step 1:作者的逻辑漏洞是什么-A这样做能行不代表B这样做也行Step 2:因为作者缺什么-因为作者没有考虑到A和B的差异Step 3:举例(对这个漏洞攻击的支撑)-如果差异具体是XXXStep 4:反向陈诉作者想证明的-反向陈诉作者想证明的敲黑板重点:


  接下来,咱们把这篇文章中的信息代入到这个模板中去,就会变成这样:Step 1:作者的逻辑漏洞是什么Ocean View能通过建新的golf course and resort hotel来提升它的经济不代表Hopewell这样做也能获得同样的效果。Step 2:因为作者缺什么因为作者没有考虑到两个town之间的差异。Step 3:举例(对这个漏洞攻击的支撑)具体差异:(1) 可能由于地理位置的原因,Hopewell气候较差,经常下雨且夏天热冬天冷,而Ocean View能在海边,气候适应。(2) 可能受到Hopewell当地物价高的影响,高尔夫球场和度假酒店的费用也超过其他城市的,导致游客不太愿意来Hopewell。(3) 可能Hopewell当地政府的管理较差,犯罪率高,城市规划不合理,旁边有工业区,污染严重,且道路拥堵,难以通过高尔夫球场和度假酒店吸引游客,从而也无法促进经济和提升税收。这些例子其实只要能写出一个就可以了Step 4:反向陈诉作者想证明的Hopewell效仿Ocean View的做法后不一定能改善它的经济。



  最后,我们来看看assumption指令到底要我们干什么:Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions, and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.


  首先是第一句:Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. 指令的第一句话其实没有特别的意义,它让我们找出文中所有的假设,但是这句话并没有给我们提供有用的线索。第二句:Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions. 这句的意思是让我们解释下这篇 argument是如何建立在这些assumptions的基础上的。从刚才我们的四步法结构来看,其实我们的step1就是建立在step2的基础上的,因为正是因为作者没有考虑到step2的内容,才导致文章中出现的step1的漏洞。综上所述,咱们的step2正是作者的assumptions。而我们的step1就是建立在这些assumptions的基础上的。

  第三句:and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted. 这句的意思很明显,意思就是如果作者的这些假设都是靠不住的,那么对文章会产生怎样的影响。答案很简单,如果这些assumptions都站不住脚,对文章只会产生负面的影响,也就是我们要去反驳文章,这很自然。在这里给大家提供一套模板:The author assumes that step 2.

  Then, he depends on the assumption to assert that step 1.

  Yet, the assumption is dubious and weakens the validity of the argument due to the lack of specific information strengthening the assumption.






  最后一步,我们把刚才写好的四步法放入到这个句型中去,就变成了:The author supposes that (step2) 两个town之间没有差异. Then, he depends on the assumption to assert that (step 1) Ocean View能通过建新的golf course and resort hotel来提升它的经济就代表Hopewell这样做也能获得同样的效果. Yet, the assumption is dubious and weakens the validity of the argument due to the lack of specific information strengthening the assumption.(step3)具体差异:(1) 可能由于地理位置的原因,Hopewell气候较差,经常下雨且夏天热冬天冷,而Ocean View能在海边,气候适应。(2) 可能受到Hopewell当地物价高的影响,高尔夫球场和度假酒店的费用也超过其他城市的,导致游客不太愿意来Hopewell。(3) 可能Hopewell当地政府的管理较差,犯罪率高,城市规划不合理,旁边有工业区,污染严重,且道路拥堵,难以通过高尔夫球场和度假酒店吸引游客,从而也无法促进经济和提升税收。(step4) Hopewell效仿Ocean View的做法后不一定能改善它的经济。这里注意我们要先写step2, 再写step1。并且step1要从原本的否定句变成肯定句,step2也需要从否定变成肯定。我们这是英文写作,所以最后一定要翻译成英文,like:The mayor assumes that Hopewell has no other ways to promote economic growth. Then, he depends on the assumption to assert that erecting a new golf course and the hotel is the best measure. Yet, the assumption is dubious and weakens the validity of the memo due to the lack of specific information strengthening the assumption. Hopewell may have abundant undeveloped natural resources, such as minerals, coal, or natural gas, so exploiting and exporting these resources might generate economic growth to a greater extent. Equally possible, Hopewell might have several top-ranking universities and world-famous private high schools, which are replete with domestic or international students. Thus, the construction of shopping centers, students' apartments, and sports and recreational facilities may well enrich students' spare time and boost consumption. Therefore, without taking these and other possible measures into consideration, it is arbitrary for the mayor to regard the erection of a golf course and resort hotel as the best means to promote Hopewell's economy.


  近期开班时间07/30 GRE写作全程班


