Describe a museum that you have visited
Possible Answer:
I have visited 5-6 museums in total in different countries .I went to the museum 2 years back while visiting the city. Visiting the museum was not in our tour plan and yet we went there as it was prominently expressing its present in front of us. I went there with my 2 friends and one cousin who were my tour partners. My cousin and one of my friends were not at all interested to roam inside the museum as they had other plans. I insisted them to go there and convinced them by saying that if you do not enjoy it; I would pay for the dinner!
After we entered inside the museum, we found that the place is even larger than we initially thought it would be. There were 5 floors in the museum and the inside architecture reminded us the imperial age.
The first floor of the museum had some art from famous artist of the world and sculptures from different era. The first floor gave us the impression of visiting a theatre or art gallery rather than museum. We came to know that some of the arts were so expensive that one can buy an island by selling it! Then we moved to the second floor which was full of Second World War memories.
When we reached third floor, it’s been already 2.5 hours. We found all the costumes and traditional things from different parts of the world have been placed here. One can easily learn about the customs of different ages and countries just by visiting this floor.
The next floor had more adventure and surprises for us. It has placed all the major inventions of different ages and they were historically famous. I felt overwhelmed seeing the First computer, Speed boat, Wheel, Motor Engine and many more famous invention of history at this floor. I was so much dying to touch the first 4 wheeler that had been placed there.
We had visited the whole museum as much as possible and spent almost the whole day. We were so enthralled to visit the place that we literally forgot to have our lunch. The overall experience was fantastic and I learned so many things in few hours. As soon as I left the place, I planned to revisit it someday.
Describe a wild animal in your country.
You should say:
what animal it was
what it looked like
where you saw it
and explain what people in your country feel about this animal.
One never tires of watching lovely red-crowned cranes.
Red-crowned Crane is snow white with a black neck, black patches on its wings and red on top of its head. It stands almost five feet tall and has long legs. It has a long pointy beak for spearing its prey.
Cranes are regarded as a bird of good luck in China. In Chinese culture, cranes have existed for over 3,000 years. Then there have been a lot of legends and stories about cranes. Red-crowned Crane can live as long as 60 years. So it is the longest-living of all bird species. For centuries, cranes have been revered in China as symbols of longevity.
The image of the Red-crowned Crane can be seen in many places in China. People often draw red crowned crane and pine together. The lifespan of both pines and cranes are very long. So people use them to symbolize longevity. Red-crowned cranes dance the most beautiful dances in the world of birds. While dancing, they half-open their wings, and they jump around and sing for each other. That's why peopele consider crane as elegance.
Red-crowned cranes are one of the world's most endangered species. Despite protective laws, poaching continues to remain a problem.
Describe a song or melody that you remember from your childhood.
You should say:
where you heard this song or melody
how old you were when you first heard it
what the song was about
and explain how you felt when you heard this song.
My mother used to sing me lullabies. One of the songs she sang was "Scarlet Ribbons". I remember being about 4 or 5 and really identifying with the little girl who wanted the ribbons and fascinated with the "magical answer" to the mother's prayer.
It's a folk tune that Harry Belafonte sang ...I suppose you could also identify it as religious or Christmas music, although Christmas isn't mentioned. I also have a newer version of Michael Crawford singing it, but no version comes anywhere close to how my mom sang it for me.
Now that I'm a mom myself, I identify with the mother in the song, wanting so badly to give her child a simple thing she wants, and I still believe prayers are answered, although many times God answers them through the actions of other people who are instruments in his hands.
Describe an art or craft activity you did at school.
You should say:
When this happened
What you did in the activity
Who you did it with
and explain how you felt about this activity
art or craft activity 艺术活动或者制作手工艺品活动,这个题算是旧题新编,在以往的考试当中考过艺术品,也考过手工制作只不过这里限定了一个地点——学校各位考生注意把地点限定说对了就OK了另外,需要注意的是时态,题目当中给的是an art or craft activity you did at school 所以时态显然应该是过去时大家注意动词的不规则变化
When this happened: last semester/ last academic year/ a couple of years agohttps://www.eol.cn/waiyu/ 当然也能说记不清什么时候参加的活动 my memory fails me and I cannot recall the exact date when I attended the craft activity
What you did in this activity:
papercut 剪纸
pottery 陶器
Chineseknot 中国结
Photography 摄影
The activity that I remember be part of is the photography competition in my highschool, aiming to help students get familiar with photography and be more conscious about preserving traditional culture. Actually, the theme of the competition is “ Where is our tradition”, which means all the participants have to take a series of pictures of things related to our tradition or culture.
Who you did it with
可以说自己,小组的group project都没有问题Some of my classmates who were interested in photography and me formed a team and we did the project together. Some of my team members are really brilliant and professional in photography and some others are specialized in traditional stuff and history.
Talking about an art activity that I remember be part of is the photography competitionin my high school. Well, to be frank, my memory fails me and I cannot recall the exact date when I attended the craft activity but I am sure it must be in the high school.
The activity actually was kind a like a project, aiming to help students get familiar with photography and be more conscious about preserving traditional culture. Actually, the theme of the competition is “ Where is our tradition”,which means all the participants have to take a series of pictures of things related to our tradition or culture.
Some of my classmates who were interested in photography and me formed a team and we did the project together. Some of my team members are really brilliant and professional in photography and some others are specialized in traditional stuff and history. After we registered for the competition, we were really excited and eager to do it well. So, naturally, we did a lot of preparation,the whole group was divided into 3 teams, Team 1 was responsible for searching information on the Internet and Team2 to design the framework and album, and I was in the Team 3, taking the pictures. My team went to lots of places in my hometown and took lots of pictures, including paper cut, pottery, embroidery and even Chinese knot. We worked really hard for it after school because the time for us was quite limited, only 1 week I guess. For one or two days, we even burned mid-night oil together in my home. But, when we finished the album,we achieved great sense of fulfillment. I mean we really do something by ourselves. More importantly, through this art activity we learnt more and about our tradition.
>> 雅思 托福 免费测试、量身规划、让英语学习不再困难<<
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