You are to write an email to Jack, your cousin who is hesitating what to study in college. Please recommend a major to him and give reasons for your recommendation.
You should write nearly on the answer sheet.
Dot not sign your own name at the end of the email. Use “Li Ming” instead.
Do not write the address. (10 points)
Dear Jack,
I have received your email, in which I know you are choosing a major. I am writing to recommend an ideal one to you, Electricity Business.
The details are as follows. To start with, why I make such a proposal is that this major is consistent with your hobby, thus leading to the potential/prospect of spurring your enthusiasm and creative mind. To continue, it is due to the deficiency of talents in the field that you needn’t worry about job-hunting, making it possible for you to focus on academic research.
I cling to the hope that my suggestion can be conducive to your selection.
Li Ming
Your American friend Bob is visiting China. Write him an email about 100 words to recommend a requisite mobile application for his travelling.
You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET.
Do not sign your own name at the end of the email.
Use“Li Ming”instead.
Do not write the address. (10 points)
Dear Bob,
I am delighted to know that you will come to China for a tour, and I’m writing to recommend you a popular mobile application--- Alipay which must be functional during your tourism in China.
Since online payment is increasingly hot in China, we seldom pay in cash in stores. We just show the payment code to the cashier to scan, and the transaction is done. Besides, Alipay also allows users to add personalized services, thus you can use it to call a taxi, order food, take public transport and so on. As far as I know, Alipay also issues the overseas version which must be more convenient for you.
Hope you will have a wonderful journey. And I will be pleased 电影盒子 to answer any questions you may have.
Yours Sincerely,
Li Ming
1. 手机应用 mobile application
2. 电子支付 online payment / electronic payment
3. 电子支付码 payment code
4. 现金 cash
5. 交易 transaction
6. 扫码 scan code
7. 收银员 cashier
8. 个性化服务 personalized service
9. 网约车 ride-hailing
10. 海外版 overseas version / overseas edition
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