2018英语四级真题试卷部分及完整四级参考答案 四级第一套真题
Section A
1. C) Setup a mobile phone network on the moon.
2. A) It is stable.
3. B) No injuries were yet reported.
4. B) Pull down the deserted shopping mall.
5. D) Insufficient potatosupply.
6. C) It is afraid of the spread of disease.
7. A) Global warming.
Section B
8. C) Dull
9.D) she takes notes
10. A) it keeps her mind active
11. B) it helps her better remember what she learns.
12. A) To spend her honeymoon.
13. A) In memory of a princess.
14. D) It has walls decorated with jewels.
15. B) They are mostly crowded.
Section C
16. C) They provide residents with the resources they need.
17. B) By inspiring their creativity.
18. D) Their number increased modestly.
19. C) It is an unusual cross breed.
20. A) They are as loyal as dogs.
21. C) They shower with them
22. D) Excited but somewhat sad.
23. D) It starts the moment they are born.
24. D) Set a good example for them to follow.
25. B) Their home life.
选词填空 Millions
26-30 F B M D G 31-35 E H K I O
A) ability
I) exclusively电影蜜蜂
36-40 答案D B G A I 41-45 F C J E G
Passage One——California
46-50 B B A D C
46. B) By drawing water from the depths of the earth.
47. B) It was not considered worth the expense.
48. A) The sinking of land surface.
49. D) They provide a steady supply of freshwater.
50. C) The cost may go up due to desalination.
Passage Two——The AlphaGo program’s victory
51-55 DCBAC
51. D) Computers can become highly intelligent.
52. C) They make sensible decisions when facing moral dilemmas.
53. B) How to ensure that super-intelligent AI machines act ethically.
54. A) She could not distinguish good from bad.
55. C) It will prove to be asset to human beings.
Due to the rapid development of communication network, China's smartphone users are growing at an amazing speed in recent years. This has greatly changed the way many people read. They often read news and articles on their smart phones instead of buying traditional newspapers or magazines.
The development of numerous mobile apps has enabled people to read novels and other forms of literature on their phones. As a result, sales of printing books have been affected negatively. Despite steady growth in the smartphone reading market, however, more than half of the adults still prefer printing books, according to the survey.
The challenges of living in a big city
Nowadays, instead of rushing into big cities as many graduates did in previous years, an increasing number of college students choose to work in small cities after graduation. As far as I am concerned, this phenomenon results from a series of reasons.
In the first place, the life and working pressure in big cities is much heavier than that in small cities. For a college graduate, it would take more efforts to make a living in big cities, not to mention living comfortably. For example, the housing price in big cities may be several times of that in small cities
So is the consumption level. What's more, it usually takes more years for us to get success in big cities. In the second place, many college graduates choose to work in small cities for the more comfortable environment. Living style in small cities is usually much simpler than that in big cities, which is preferable for those who want to lead a simple life.
When deciding whether to work in big cities or in small ones, I would prefer the latter, since life in small cities is more comfortable for its simplicity.
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