英语四六级作文模板:抗击疫情 进入阅读模式
1、 说明现在的现象
2、 医疗人员做了什么
3、 我们能做些什么来控制疫情
4、 未来的样子
【范文】Qili fight the epidemic
2020,When people are still immersed in the Spring Festival gathering time,We heard the news of the new type of coronavirus infection in Wuhan.From Wuhan to the whole country, the latest information of the epidemic is always moving our heartstrings. We saw the most beautiful and retrograde figure in the fight against the epidemic without gunsmoke.
Academician Zhong Nanshan, 84, was once again in charge of the expedition and rushed to Wuhan at the first time. Medical workers across the country set up a request for war, pressed the fingerprints and rushed to rescue them. General Secretary Xi Jinping made important instructions to put the people's health and safety first. Once again, we witnessed the speed of the motherland's strength and China. They are the brightest stars in the night sky. They try their best to pass their hopes on to every Chinese.
Under the epidemic situation, no one can stay out of the business. As a party member, we need to be ahead of others, have a sense of responsibility and responsibility, do not spread rumors, do not believe rumors, open and transparent information in time, and give the public the greatest confidence and peace of mind. Consciously abide by the organizational regulations, cooperate with the leading cadres to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control, timely report to the village, community, and people returning home for filing and registration, do a good job in personnel, materials and transportation inspection in densely populated areas such as railway station and supermarket, and timely conduct medical observation on suspected patients, so as to achieve "early detection, early report, early diagnosis and early treatment" ”To control the source of infection and minimize the possibility of epidemic spread.
2020 is destined to be an extraordinary year. We are experiencing such a special winter when spring comes. But as Shelley said, "winter is coming, will spring be late?" winter is coming to an end, and spring will come. We are bound to win in the fight against the epidemic. At this moment, we are sitting in a quiet time, but someone is carrying us forward. Let's pay our highest respect to the most beautiful rebel, Wuhan and China. Let's make an agreement to work together for a better tomorrow when we are prosperous and prosperous!
2020年,在人们还沉浸在春节聚会的时候,我们听到了武汉新型冠状病毒感染的消息。从武汉到全国,疫情的最 新消息总是让我们心潮澎湃。在没有硝烟的对抗中,我们看到了最美丽的倒退的身影。
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