Get China | 霍格沃茨在河北开了“分校”?是的,你甚至可以……
Wang Yan has fulfilled her dream of getting married in a castle at the age of 22.
Wang, in a white wedding dress, poses in front of the castle, like a real princess.
The Gothic-style castle has dozens of gray spires that stretch into the smoggy sky of Hebei Province in North China.
"It's so beautiful here. The scenery is so nice," Wang told the Global Times.
Wang and her fiancé, surnamed Li, live 25 kilometers away in Xingtang, a county under Shijiazhuang, capital of Hebei.
That day they paid 500 yuan for the permit to take wedding photos on the castle grounds.
The building is part of the Hebei Academy of Fine Arts campus, located west of the Zhengding airport in Shijiazhuang.
The castle became an internet phenomenon after a Hebei vlogger, Schlieffen, visited the campus and published a video on Sina Weibo in May. In the video, titled "Hogwarts Hebei branch," Schlieffen showed the collection of items on campus, such as printed masterpieces in a basement and a pirate boat in the canteen.
The video, only three minutes long, had received more than 8.8 million views with 11,000 comments on Weibo as of press time.
它为世人所知是去年五月微博网红“史里芬Schlieffen”的探秘视频。史老师的视频展示了校园一些匪夷所思的特色,收获了超过八百万的播放量,也让人看到了“Make Hebei great again”的雄心。
The stunning castle towers of Hebei Academy of Fine Arts come into view when driving on national road No. 107, about 20 minutes from Shijiazhuang's Zhengding Airport.
The castle, named Cinderella Castle, contains a set of buildings, each in different styles, colors and materials.
The Global Times reporters entered one and found a multi-functional building: a management office occupied the third floor, the second floor had restaurants, one serving Korean bibimbap, and students rushed into the basement, where some classrooms were located.
One of the castles serves as a hotel, which is run by a hotel company operating out of the school. The price of a night's stay is around 100 yuan ($14.50).
Apart from the castle, the campus also features traditional Chinese buildings and replicas of other world landmarks, such as pagodas, the Confucius temple, the Statue of Liberty and London's Tower Bridge.
Liu Yunhao, assistant director of the management committee of the campus region, told the Global Times that ... 2 billion yuan has been put into the project and estimated it would take 3 billion more to finish.
"The old headmaster of the school told us, 'You build a big castle there. The castle will bring a lot of resources to our students,'" Liu said. "The art students could learn something about Western art history. They could also do sketches on campus."
Zhen Zhongyi, headmaster and a local businessman, built his fortune through art education in the 1990s before building the academy. His当时我们老校长说过,说以后我们要在那边建个城堡。ambition is to build the school into an "empire of art," according to China Newsweek.
Liu told the Global Times that the campus was built starting around 2009.
"The buildings here have borrowed some things from the famous architecture of China and overseas," Liu said. "Ours is Gothic, and the Harry Potter castle as well."
"But it is just a style. We have made our own changes based on the style. We do not copy," Liu said. "Basically, all ancient European castles were of those styles, Gothic or Baroque."
Liu said enrollments are increasing year by year.
"I saw the advertisements for the school and thought the castle was so beautiful," Wang Delin, a media student at Hebei Academy of Fine Arts, said when asked why he chose to attend.
"We are all Harry Potter," Ning Yi, Wang's classmate said.
“他们当时发了很多招生简章,觉得这个城堡太美了,还有许多古建筑,又有山又有水,风景特别美,” 大二学生宁一说。“我们都是哈利·波特。”
Castles are not common in China. However, in recent decades, modern takes on the medieval structures have popped up around China, some of them rivaling the originals in Europe in luxury and grandeur.
Sputnik reported in November that a Chinese castle had caught the attention of Russian netizens.
Jilong Castle Country Club, a four-star hotel located in the center of a remote lake in Southwest China's Guizhou Province, looks very much like the famous Bavarian Neuschwanstein Castle, which served as inspiration for Disney.
However, not all fairytales can come true for such a low price. At the Castle Hotel in Dalian, a coastal city in Northeast China's Liaoning Province, rooms go for at least 1,248 yuan per night.
Besides the standard rooms, the hotel, which opened in 2014, also features the Castle Suite, Knight Suite and Noble Suite. The Presidential Suite, priced at 59,396 yuan per night on Ctrip, occupies 620 square meters.
For many Chinese people, castles are exotic and attractive, so they have been built to draw tourists. "It is not necessary to say China lacks confidence in culture when seeing castles," noted Jiang Haisheng, head of the Journalism and Communication Department at Shandong University of Political Science and Law.
In current consumer society, castles are no longer a symbol of war andfortresses anymore, but they stand for a "noble" spirit and lifestyle, and some hotels, schools and scenic spots have adopted this symbolism and built castle-like buildings, said Shi Wenxue, a Beijing-based cultural critic.
However, whether they choose Western- or Chinese-style nobility, it shows that the newly wealthy long to package themselves as a more traditional upper class, Shi noted. "They want to change 'new money' into 'old money.'"
This psychology indicates some people's feelings of inferiority, vanity and anxiety about the identity of the newly rich, he said.
石文学称,不管是追求西式的贵族,还是中式的皇家,都是“新富求老贵”也即“NEW MONEY”变“OLD MONEY”的心态,也即新贵阶层想通过追根溯源或者外部包装摇身一变成传统贵族的心理。“这种心理掺杂着自卑、虚荣,以及身份认同和对阶层固化的焦虑。”
原文/翻译:单劼 黄依然 韦曦
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