
栏目:基础教育  时间:2023-01-20

  《茶叶科学》(Chaye Kexue)


  《茶叶科学》(英文刊名:Journal of Tea Science)于1964年8月经中宣部批准创刊,刊名系朱德委员长题字,1966年文革期间停刊,经国家科委批准1984年8月复刊,中国工程院院士陈宗懋研究员担任编委会主任,中国工程院院士刘仲华教授等专家担任编委会副主任,是茶学界唯一被中国科学引文数据收录为核心区的中文核心期刊。

  2021, Vol. 41, No.5








  参考引用:吴文亮, 童彤, 胡瑶, 周浩, 银霞, 张曙光. 可可茶及其优势化学成分的健康功效研究进展[J]. 茶叶科学, 2021, 41(5): 593-607.


  Camellia Ptilophyllaand Specific Chemical Components, Theirs Health Beneficial Effects

  WU Wenliang, TONG Tong, HU Yao, ZHOU Hao, YIN Xia, ZHANG Shuguang

  Abstract:Cocoa tea (Camellia ptilophyllaChang) is a specific tea resource in China, and theobromine (TB) and gallocatechin gallate (GCG), as the dominant chemical components ofcocoa tea, have various health effects. This paper summarized intervention effects and mechanisms ofcocoa tea, TB and GCG on cardiovascular diseases, cancers, obesity, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, dental diseases, respiratory diseases and kidney diseases, etc. This review would provide a theoretical reference for the development of functionalcocoa tea products.

  Keywords:Camellia Ptilophylla, theobromine, gallocatechin gallate, health effects

  Cite this Article:WU Wenliang, TONG Tong, HU Yao, ZHOU Hao, YIN Xia, ZHANG Shuguang.Camellia Ptilophyllaand Specific Chemical Components, Theirs Health Beneficial Effects[J]. Journal of Tea Science, 2021, 41(5): 593-607.





  参考引用:熊兴平, 张新忠, 李红斌, 孙亮, 姚明哲. 我国茶学领域2008—2019年获得省部级及以上科技奖励成果分析[J]. 茶叶科学, 2021, 41(5): 608-618.


  Analysis on the Achievements of Tea Science and Technology Awards at Provincial and Ministerial Level and above in China from 2008 to 2019

  XIONG Xingping, ZHANG Xinzhong, LI Hongbin, SUN Liang, YAO Mingzhe

  Abstract:Based on the national, provincial and ministerial science and technology awards in the field of tea science in China from 2008 to 2019, statistical analyses on the award, grade, year of award, the first completed person, the first completed unit, the main research fields, and the cooperation between industry,university and research unit were performed.The current status, characteristics and support trends of tea science and technology awards in China were clarified, aiming to provide ideas for Chinese tea science and technology personnel to cultivate achievement, determine scientific research topics and apply for awards.

  Keywords:tea science, scientific and technological achievements, basic applied research, developmenttrend

  Cite this Article:XIONG Xingping, ZHANG Xinzhong, LI Hongbin, SUN Liang, YAO Mingzhe. Analysis on the Achievements of Tea Science and Technology Awards at Provincial and Ministerial Level and above in China from 2008 to 2019[J]. Journal of Tea Science, 2021, 41(5): 608-618.


  李长乐, 葛悦, 闫美琳, 李慧, 林青青, 王璞, 赵华, 王明乐, 王郁, 郭飞, 倪德江



  参考引用:李长乐, 葛悦, 闫美琳, 李慧, 林青青, 王璞, 赵华, 王明乐, 王郁, 郭飞, 倪德江. 32份茶树地方群体种资源的遗传多样性和群体结构分析[J]. 茶叶科学, 2021, 41(5): 619-630.


  Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of 32 Tea Landraces in China

  LI Changle, GE Yue, YAN Meilin, LI Hui, LIN Qingqing, WANG Pu, ZHAO Hua, WANG Mingle, WANG Yu, GUO Fei, NI Dejiang

  Abstract:Tea plant populations are natural populations of tea plants. They are cultivated in specific production areas and contain individuals with different economic and biological traits. There are great differences among individuals and there are many types. They are important materials for studying the evolutionary relationship and breeding of tea plants. In this study, 30 pairs of SSR primers distributed on 15 linkage groups were selected to analyze the genetic diversity and population structure of 32 tea plant populations from 12 provinces, in order to provide a reference for the selection of tea breeding parents and the inference of evolution route. In this study, a total of 149 alleles were obtained withanaverage of 5.96 for each SSR marker. The average polymorphism information content of primers was 0.660. Shannon's diversity index of 32 tea populations ranged from 0.691 to 1.089, with an average of 0.954. The observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.253 to 0.633, with an average of 0.510. The expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.430 to 0.653, with an average of 0.590. The average genetic differentiation coefficient (Fst) of tea plant population was 0.205, indicating a high level of genetic differentiation. The results of clustering based on Nei's genetic distance and population structure analysis were consistent.The germplasm to be tested was divided into 4 major types, with obvious regional distribution.

  Keywords:tea landraces,SSR molecular marker,population structure,genetic diversity,evolutionary route

  Cite this Article:LI Changle, GE Yue, YAN Meilin, LI Hui, LIN Qingqing, WANG Pu, ZHAO Hua, WANG Mingle, WANG Yu, GUO Fei, NI Dejiang. Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of 32 Tea Landraces in China[J]. Journal of Tea Science, 2021, 41(5): 619-630.





  参考引用:刘苗苗, 臧连生, 孙晓玲, 周忠实, 叶萌. 茶树WRKY转录因子CsWRKY17的克隆与表达分析[J]. 茶叶科学, 2021, 41(5): 631-642.


  Cloning and Expression Analysis ofCsWRKY17Transcription Factor in Tea Plants

  LIU Miaomiao, ZANG Liansheng, SUN Xiaoling, ZHOU Zhongshi, YE Meng

  Abstract:WRKY transcription factors, a super family of plant transcription factors, play an essential role in the regulation of plant defense responses to herbivores. While the roles of herbivore-related WRKY transcription factorsarewell established in grass plants, their roles in woody plants are still largely unknown. Here, we cloned a WRKY transcription factor, namedCsWRKY17.CsWRKY17has a full length of 1?141?bp, contains a 987?bp open reading frame, and encodes 328 amino acids. Based on the conserved domain analysis,CsWRKY17belongs to the WRKYⅡ subfamily, containing one conserved WRKY domain and a typical C2H2-type zinc finger motif. Homology alignment and phylogenetic tree analysis show thatCsWRKY17 has the closest relationship withAtWKRY11 and AtWRKY17 inArabidopsis thaliana. Moreover,CsWRKY17exhibited a tissue specific expression,andwas also induced bymechanical wounding, teageometrid (Ectropis oblique) attack, simulated herbivory, and exogenous phytohormone treatments like JA. Transient expression experiments indicate that it might play a role in the nucleus. Taken together, we proposed thatCsWRKY17is a potential regulator of herbivore-induced defense responses against herbivores in tea plants through JA, ABA, GA and BR signaling. Our study paved the way for molecular analysis of herbivore-related WRKY genes in tea plants, and provided a good genetic resource and theoretical basis for future studies of pest-resistant genes and breeding of tea plants.

  Keywords:Camellia sinensis, WRKY transcription factors,CsWRKY17, expression analysis, herbivore resistance

  Cite this Article:LIU Miaomiao, ZANG Liansheng, SUN Xiaoling, ZHOU Zhongshi, YE Meng. Cloning and Expression Analysis ofCsWRKY17Transcription Factor in Tea Plants[J]. Journal of Tea Science, 2021, 41(5): 631-642.



  摘要:茶尺蠖(Ectropis obliquaProut)是茶园重要的鳞翅目害虫,雄雌成虫能通过嗅觉系统感受和分辨外界环境的化学信息以助于其交尾和产卵地选择等行为。在此过程中,成虫触角高丰度表达的气味结合蛋白(Odorant-bindingproteins,OBPs)可能发挥了重要作用。以茶尺蠖成虫触角高丰度表达的两个OBPs即EoblOBP9和EoblOBP11为对象,首先发现二者cDNA编码蛋白均含有OBPs家族的典型特征,即含有6个保守的半胱氨酸,等电点预测分别为酸性和碱性,表明二者在一级结构性质上存在差异;利用原核表达技术获得重组蛋白,并免疫小鼠制备相应的多克隆抗体,再利Westernblot技术验证了二者在雄性成虫触角特异表达;通过荧光竞争结合实验分别测试二者与20种候选配基的结合力,结果表明二者均与两个性信息素成分(顺3,9-环氧-6,7-十八碳二烯与顺-3,6,9-十八碳三烯)及一种植物挥发物成分(反-2-己烯醛)呈现较强的亲和力。与此同时,二者也显示出不同的配基结合谱,如EoblOBP9与1-戊烯-3-醇、苯甲醇、苯乙酮和苯甲醛亲和力较强,结合谱较宽;而EoblOBP11与α-萜品醇亲和力较强,结合更显专一,分子对接结果也支持该结论。此外,预测二者的活性位点均位于C端,也显示出二者配基结合的共性。研究结果表明,尽管这两个茶尺蠖OBPs均在成虫触角高丰度特异表达,但无论从结构性质上还是生化结合谱上,既有保守性又存在差异性,显示出茶尺蠖触角高丰度表达OBPs功能模式的丰富度和多样性,这为解释茶尺蠖嗅觉系统在面对复杂多变的外界环境的适应机制提供了理论依据。


  参考引用:严玉婷, 吴帆, 张亚丽, 傅晓斌, 崔宏春, 韩宝瑜, 李红亮. 茶尺蠖触角高丰度气味结合蛋白EoblOBP9、EoblOBP11的配基结合功能和模式差异研究[J]. 茶叶科学, 2021, 41(5): 643-653.


  Study on the Differences in Ligand-binding Function and Mode of the Antennal High-abundance Odorant-binding ProteinsEoblOBP9 andEoblOBP11 of the Tea Geometrid, Ectropis obliqua Prout

  YAN Yuting, WU Fan, ZHANG Yali, FU Xiaobin, CUI Hongchun, HAN Baoyu, LI Hongliang

  Abstract:As an important lepidopteran pest in tea gardens, the male and female adults ofEctropis obliquaProut can perceive and distinguish the chemical information of the external environment through the olfactory system, which helps its behaviors such as mating and selection of oviposition locations. In this process, Odorant-binding proteins (OBPs)highlyexpressed in theantennae of adults may play an important role. In view of this, this studyfocused on the two OBPshighexpressed in the antennae of the adult tea geometrid, namelyEoblOBP9 andEoblOBP 11. First, it was found that bothEoblOBP9 andEoblOBP11 contain six conserved cysteines,the typical characteristics of the OBPs family,while the isoelectric points are predicted to be acidic and basic, respectively, indicating their difference in the primary structural properties. Bothrecombinant proteins wereobtained using prokaryotic expression technology, and the corresponding polyclonal antibodieswereprepared byimmunizing mice. It was verified that they were indeed expressed specifically in the antennaeof male adultsbyWestern blot. Their binding abilities with 20 candidate ligands were tested by fluorescence competitive binding experiments, and the results show that both of them were compatible with the two sex pheromone components (Z3,Z9-6,7-epo-18: Hy andZ3,Z6,Z9-18: Hy) and a plant volatile component (trans-2-hexenal) has a strong affinity.Meanwhile, two OBPs also showed different ligand binding spectra.For example,EoblOBP9 had a strong affinity with 1-penten-3-ol, benzyl alcohol, acetophenone and benzaldehyde, indicating that the bindingprofiles were wider; whileEoblOBP11 had a strong affinitywithα-terpineol with a more specific binding mode. Molecular docking analysis also supports this conclusion. In addition, itwas predicted that the active sites of both proteins are located at the C-terminus, which also shows the commonality of ligand binding. In conclusion, this study shows that althoughboth OBPs were specifically expressed in the adult tea geometrid with high abundance, they are both conservative and different in terms of structural properties and biochemical bindingprofiles. Thegeneral characters and significant differences arecoexist, showing the highabundance and diversities of the OBPs. This can also explain an adaptation mechanism of the tea geometrid olfactory system in the face of the complex and changeable external environment.

  Keywords:EctropisobliquaProut, antennalhigh-abundance,odorant-binding protein, prokaryotic expression

  Cite this Article:YAN Yuting, WU Fan, ZHANG Yali, FU Xiaobin, CUI Hongchun, HAN Baoyu, LI Hongliang. Study on the Differences in Ligand-binding Function and Mode of the Antennal High-abundance Odorant-binding ProteinsEoblOBP9 andEoblOBP11 of the Tea Geometrid,Ectropis obliquaProut[J]. Journal of Tea Science, 2021, 41(5): 643-653.



  摘要:采用凋落物分解袋法,以贵州久安生态茶园内云南樟(Cinnamomum glanduliferum)、光皮桦(Betula luminifera)、杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)和马尾松(Pinus massoniana)叶凋落物以及茶树(Camellia sinensis)修剪物为研究对象,分析5种单一凋落物类型,以及9种混合凋落物类型(茶树-云南樟、茶树-马尾松、茶树-杉木、茶树-光皮桦、杉木-光皮桦、云南樟-光皮桦、云南樟-马尾松、云南樟-杉木、光皮桦-马尾松)分解速率和木质素、纤维素释放特征及差异性。结果表明,单一凋落物类型中,阔叶树种凋落物分解速率大于针叶树种;阔叶树种凋落物木质素含量总体上呈现增加趋势,而针叶树种总体上则呈现下降趋势;凋落物纤维素含量总体上呈现下降趋势。单一凋落物纤维素释放规律与混合凋落物纤维素释放一致,均为直接释放;单一凋落物木质素释放存在3种规律;混合凋落物木质素释放规律有5种。分析9种混合凋落物分解特征,44.4%的混合凋落物混合分解表现为加和效应,11.2%的混合分解表现为拮抗效应,44.4%的混合分解表现为协同效应;22.2%的混合凋落物木质素的释放表现为促进释放,55.6%的混合凋落物木质素释放表现为促进富集;22.2%的混合凋落物纤维素释放表现为促进释放;11.1%的混合凋落物纤维素释放表现为促进富集。研究结果可为维持茶园肥力提供理论依据。


  参考引用:刘莎茜, 杨瑞, 侯春兰, 马觉兵, 郭家瑞. 贵州山区生态茶园不同凋落物木质素、纤维素分解特征[J]. 茶叶科学, 2021, 41(5): 654-668.


  Decomposition Characteristics of Lignin and Cellulose in Different Litters of Ecological Tea Gardens in Mountainous Areas of Guizhou

  LIU Shaqian, YANG Rui, HOU Chunlan, MA Juebing, GUO Jiarui

  Abstract:The litter decomposition bag methodwas used to analyze the decomposition of five single litter types and nine mixed litter types in Guizhou Jiu'an Ecological Tea Garden withCinnamomum glanduliferum,Betula luminifera,Cunninghamia lanceolataandPinus massonianaleaf litters andCamellia sinensistrims as the research objects. Thedecomposition rate and release characteristics and differences of lignin and cellulose were studied. The results show that in a single type of litter, the litter decomposition rate of broad-leaved species was higher than that of coniferous species. The lignin content of litter of broad-leaved species showed an increasing trend. While that of coniferous species showed a downward trend as a whole. The content of cellulose in litteralsoshowed a decreasing trend. According to the analysis of the release law of lignin and cellulose, both single litter release law and mixedlitter cellulose release lawwere direct release.There were three release laws for single litter lignin, and 5 laws for mixed litter lignin. According to the analysis of the decomposition characteristics of 9 kinds of mixed litter, 44.4% of mixed litter decomposition showed additive effect,11.2% mixed decomposition showed antagonistic effect, and 44.4%mixed decomposition showed synergistic effect.While22.2% of mixed litter lignin release showed promoting release, and 55.6% mixed litter lignin release promoted the enrichment. A total of 11.1% of the mixed litter cellulose appeared to promotetheenrichment, and 22.2% of the mixed litter cellulose was to promote the release. This study provided a theoretical basis for further maintaining the fertilityin tea gardens.

  Keywords:litter, decomposition characteristics, lignin, cellulose

  Cite this Article:LIU Shaqian, YANG Rui, HOU Chunlan, MA Juebing, GUO Jiarui. Decomposition Characteristics of Lignin and Cellulose in Different Litters of Ecological Tea Gardens in Mountainous Areas of Guizhou[J]. Journal of Tea Science, 2021, 41(5): 654-668.



  摘要:通过肠道菌群改变研究青砖茶(GBT)对小鼠非酒精性脂肪肝(NAFLD)的预防作用。C57BL/6小鼠随机分为5组,即正常对照组(NC),模型对照组(MC),阳性药物对照组(PC)以及青砖茶低剂量组(LD)、高剂量组(HD),高脂饲料喂养小鼠建立NAFLD模型,同时预防性给予低、高剂量青砖茶水提取物和阳性药物血脂康,分别测定小鼠的体重、食物利用率、肝重、肝指数、TC、LDL-C/HDL-C及ALT含量,HE染色和油红O染色观察肝组织病理切片,ELISA检测肝组织IL-1β、IL-18含量变化,16?S rDNA V3-V4区高通量测序分析肠道菌群变化,Spearman相关性分析方法分析菌群与NAFLD表型的相关性。与模型组比较,青砖茶组小鼠体重、食物利用率、肝重、肝指数、血清TC、LDL-C/HDL-C、ALT、肝组织TC、IL-1β、IL-18含量均有显著性降低,肝脏病变程度有所改善;肠道菌群分析及相关性分析显示Bacteroides物种丰度降低,且与NAFLD表型呈正相关,Lactobacillus、Alloprevotella、Saccharibacteria_genera_incertae_sedis物种丰度增加,且与NAFLD表型呈负相关,与NAFLD表型相关性最强的菌群为Bacteroides和Lactobacillus。青砖茶对NAFLD具有一定的预防作用,其作用可能与影响肠道菌群的改变有关。


  参考引用:周婷婷, 陈桂婷, 曹楠, 何建刚, 何功威, 肖长义, 李世刚. 从肠道菌群改变探讨青砖茶对非酒精性脂肪肝的预防作用[J]. 茶叶科学, 2021, 41(5): 669-680.


  Preventive Effect of Green Brick Tea on Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease via Gut Microbiota Changes

  ZHOU Tingting, CHEN Guiting, CAO Nan, HE Jiangang,HE Gongwei, XIAO Changyi, LI Shigang

  Abstract:The preventive effect of green brick tea (GBT) on the mouse non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) modelwas studied by affecting changes in gut microbiota.C57BL/6 mice were randomly divided into 5 groups, including normal control group (NC), model control group (MC), positive drug control group (PC), low-dose group (LD) and high-dose group (HD) of GBT. A NAFLD model was established by feeding mice with high-fat diet, and supplemented with low and high doses of GBT water extract and positive drug (Xuezhikang) respectively. The body weight, food utilization efficiency, liver weight, liver index, TC, LDL-C/HDL-C and ALT contents of mice were determined. Liver tissue pathological sections were observed by HE staining and Oil Red O staining. ELISA method was used to detect changes of IL-1βand IL-18 in liver tissue. The changes of gut microbiota were analyzed by high-throughput sequencing in 16?S rDNA V3-V4 region, and Spearman's correlation analysis method was used to analyze the correlation between gut microbiota and NAFLD phenotype. Compared with the model control group, the body weight, food utilization efficiency, liver weight, liver index, serum TC, LDL-C/HDL-C, ALT, liver tissue TC, IL-1β, and IL-18 contents of mice in the GBT group were significantly reduced, and the degree of liver disease was improved. Gut microbiota analysis and correlation analysis show that the species abundance ofBacteroidesdecreased, and it was positively correlated with the NAFLD phenotype. The species abundance ofLactobacillus,Alloprevotella, andSaccharibacteria_genera_incertae_sedisincreased, and they were negatively correlated with the NAFLD phenotype.BacteroidesandLactobacillushad the strongest correlation with NAFLD phenotype.Green brick tea has a certain preventive effect on NAFLD, and its effect may be related to the changes in gut microbiota.

  Keywords:gut microbiota, NAFLD, green brick tea, high-throughput sequencing, correlation analysis

  Cite this Article:ZHOU Tingting, CHEN Guiting, CAO Nan, HE Jiangang, HE Gongwei, XIAO Changyi, LI Shigang. Preventive Effect of Green Brick Tea on Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease via Gut Microbiota Changes[J]. Journal of Tea Science, 2021, 41(5): 669-680.



  摘要:为研究茯砖茶对葡聚糖硫酸钠(Dextran sulfate sodium,DSS)诱导的溃疡性结肠炎(Ulcerative colitis,UC)小鼠的抗炎作用及肠道微生物多样性的影响,将60只C57BL/6雌性小鼠随机分成正常对照组、10?mg·kg-1EGCG对照组、高剂量茯砖茶(300?mg·kg-1)对照组、DSS模型组、DSS+10?mg·kg-1EGCG处理组、DSS+低剂量茯砖茶(100?mg·kg-1)处理组、DSS+中剂量茯砖茶(150?mg·kg-1)处理组、DSS+高剂量茯砖茶(300?mg·kg-1)处理组,对照组n=5,处理组n=9。DSS造模1周后,灌喂处理4周,试验5周后处死小鼠,观察小鼠结肠组织病理学变化,评估小鼠结肠炎疾病指数(Disease activity index,DAI),检测小鼠血清中IL-6、IL-8、IL-1β、TNF-α、IFN-γ等炎性因子水平及小鼠结肠组织中JAK2、STAT3基因表达水平,利用PCR-DGGE、克隆测序等技术分析小鼠肠道微生物菌群多样性。结果表明,与DSS模型组相比,灌喂EGCG和不同剂量茯砖茶后,小鼠生存质量、结肠组织形态明显改善,显著降低了小鼠血清中IL-6、IL-8、IL-1β、TNF-α、IFN-γ水平(P<0.05);显著降低JAK2、STAT3基因表达(P<0.05),抑制了JAK2/STAT3炎性信号通路;肠道微生物多样性增加、丰富度提高,不同处理组优势菌群发生变化。综上所述,茯砖茶可通过抑制JAK2/STAT3炎性信号通路以及调节小鼠肠道微生物多样性来改善DSS诱导的小鼠溃疡性结肠炎。


  参考引用:黄翔翔, 谭婷, 禹利君, 王坤波, 黄建安, 徐诗钰, 刘仲华. 茯砖茶对葡聚糖硫酸钠诱导UC小鼠炎症及肠道微生物的影响[J]. 茶叶科学, 2021, 41(5): 681-694.


  Effects of Fu Brick Tea on Inflammation and Intestinal Microflora Diversity in Mice with DSS-induced Ulcerative Colitis

  HUANG Xiangxiang, TAN Ting, YU Lijun, WANG Kunbo, HUANG Jian'an, XU Shiyu, LIU Zhonghua

  Abstract:In this study, we investigated the effects of Fu brick tea on theanti-inflammation and intestinal microflora ofulcerative colitis (UC) mice induced by Dextran sulfate sodium (DSS). Sixty C57BL/6 female mice were randomly divided intothenormal control group, 10?mg·kg-1EGCG control group, high dose brick tea (300?mg·kg-1, HBT) control group, DSS model group, DSS+10?mg·kg-1EGCG group, DSS+low dose brick tea (100?mg·kg-1, LBT) group, DSS+middle dose brick tea (150?mg·kg-1,MBT) group and DSS+HBT group, with thecontrol groups n=5and thetreatment groups n=9. After 1 week of DSS modeling, the mice were gavaged for 4 weeks. The mice were executed after 5 weeks of the treatments. The histopathological changes of mice colon were observed, and the disease activity index (DAI) of mice colitis was assessed. The levels of IL-6, IL-8, IL-1β, TNF-αand IFN-γinflammatory factors in mice serum and the expression levels ofJAK2andSTAT3genes in mice colon tissues were measured. The intestinal microflora of mice was analyzed by PCR-DGGE and clone sequencing techniques. The results show that compared with the DSS model group, the quality of survival and colonic tissue morphology of mice were significantly improved after feeding EGCG and different concentrations of brick tea, and the levels of inflammatory factors IL-6, IL-8, IL-1β, TNF-αand IFN-γin mice serum were significantly reduced (PJAK2andSTAT3genes were significantly reduced (PJAK2/STAT3inflammatory signaling pathway and modulating intestinal microflora diversity.

  Keywords:Fu brick tea, ulcerative colitis, inflammationfactors, intestinal microflora diversity, PCR-DGGE

  Cite this Article:HUANG Xiangxiang, TAN Ting, YU Lijun, WANG Kunbo, HUANG Jian'an, XU Shiyu, LIU Zhonghua. Effects of Fu Brick Tea on Inflammation and Intestinal Microflora Diversity in Mice with DSS-induced Ulcerative Colitis[J]. Journal of Tea Science, 2021, 41(5): 681-694.





  参考引用:焦海珍, 邵陈禹, 陈建姣, 张晨禹, 陈佳豪, 李云飞, 沈程文. 重度遮阴及复光条件下茶树根系的生理响应及抗氧化酶活性动态变化[J]. 茶叶科学, 2021, 41(5): 695-704.


  Dynamic Changes of Physiological Responses and Antioxidant Enzyme Activities in Tea Root System under Severe Shading and Removal of Shading

  JIAO Haizhen, SHAO Chenyu, CHEN Jianjiao, ZHANG Chenyu, CHEN Jiahao, LI Yunfei, SHEN Chengwen

  Abstract:Shading is one of the important measures to improve the quality of summer and autumn tea. Therewere a lot of studies on the effect of shading on tea leaves, but therewere few reports on the root system. In this study, a pot experiment was used to explore the dynamic changes of physiological indexes and antioxidant enzyme activities of ‘Xiangfeicui’ and ‘Jinxuan’ under 95% shading treatment.Data were collected after shading for 0, 4, 12?d and the 4?dafter regaining light. The results show that the number of new absorbing roots and lateral roots of tea plants increased after shading for 12?d, and decreased on the 4th day after regaining light. The trends of root vigor changeswere the same. The soluble sugar content of ‘Xiangfeicui’ increased after shading, and the soluble sugars of ‘Xiangfeicui’ and ‘Jinxuan’ increased by 5.82% and 8.04% on the 4th day after regaining light. On the 4th day of heavy shading, the APX and POD activities of the two cultivars reached the peaks. On the 12th day of shading, the activities of SOD and APXthehighest. The APX activity of tea roots after regaining lightwas significantly higher than that without shading. This study reveals that the roots of tea plantswere osmotically regulated by increasing the content of soluble sugars, enhancing root vigor to absorb and transport nutrients, and increasing antioxidant enzyme activities to scavenging free radicals in response to heavy shade environments. Under a shading environment (95%), ‘Jinxuan’ was more shade-tolerant, and regaining light might cause a certain degree of stress to the roots of tea plants.

  Keywords:Camellia sinensis, shading, root vigor, antioxidant enzyme, root physiology

  Cite this Article:JIAO Haizhen, SHAO Chenyu, CHEN Jianjiao, ZHANG Chenyu, CHEN Jiahao, LI Yunfei, SHEN Chengwen. Dynamic Changes of Physiological Responses and Antioxidant Enzyme Activities in Tea Root System under Severe Shading and Removal of Shading[J]. Journal of Tea Science, 2021, 41(5): 695-704.





  参考引用:许丽佳, 刘琦, 代建武, 陈小虎. 茶叶嫩梢采摘末端执行器的设计研究[J]. 茶叶科学, 2021, 41(5): 705-716.


  Design of End Effector for Picking Tea Shoots

  XU Lijia, LIU Qi, DAI Jianwu, CHEN Xiaohu

  Abstract:In order to solve the selective picking of tea shoots, based on the physical characteristics of tea shoots, an end effector of picking tea shoots with clip was designed in this study. The GUI module of MATLAB software and SolidWorks software were used to optimize the structural parameters of the picking end effector,and the optimal combination structural parameters were obtained. The kinematics simulation analysis was feasible and met the requirements of clamping force. The model of picking end effector was tested in tea garden, and the results show that the missed picking rate of one bud and one leaf was 2.8%, and the picking integrity rate was 91%. Whilethe missed picking rate of one bud and two leaves was

  Keywords:teashoot picking, picking manipulator, picking end effector, kinematics simulation

  Cite this Article:XU Lijia, LIU Qi, DAI Jianwu, CHEN Xiaohu. Design of End Effector for Picking Tea Shoots[J]. Journal of Tea Science, 2021, 41(5): 705-716.





  参考引用:马佳丽, 王晨, 陈红平, 柴云峰, 诸力, 刘新. 注射器内分散固相萃取-超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法快速测定茶叶中24种农药残留[J]. 茶叶科学, 2021, 41(5): 717-730.


  Rapid Determination of 24 Pesticide Residues in Tea by in-Syringe Dispersive Solid Phase Extraction-Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry

  MA Jiali, WANG Chen, CHEN Hongping, CHAI Yunfeng, ZHU Li, LIU Xin

  Abstract:Based on the characteristics of tea matrix, a rapid pretreatment technology of in-syringe dispersive solid phase extraction (dSPE) was developed, and an analytical method based on ultra high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry was established for the detection of 24 pesticide residues in tea. Tea samples were extracted using acetonitrile, salted-out with MgSO4, purified with primary secondary amine and graphitized carbon black as dispersive adsorbents in designed syringe devices, and detected by UPLC-MS/MS.Recoveries of 24 pesticides in black and green teas were 61.7%-98.8% at three spiked levels (0.01?mg·kg-1, 0.05?mg·kg-1and 0.5?mg·kg-1), which indicated high accuracy with the relative standard deviations of 0.4%-5.5%. The calibration curves of 24 pesticides in black and green teas showed good linearity with correlation coefficients (R2) higher than0.995. The limits of detection (LOD) and the limits of quantitation (LOQ) were 0.05-5.36?μg·kg-1and 0.18-17.86?μg·kg-1, respectively, which show high sensitivity of this method. Being simple, fast, less instrument required and time-saving, this method is suitable for quantification of multiple pesticide residues in tea.

  Keywords:tea, ultra high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, pesticide residues, in-syringe dispersive solid phase extraction

  Cite this Article:MA Jiali, WANG Chen, CHEN Hongping, CHAI Yunfeng, ZHU Li, LIU Xin. Rapid Determination of 24 Pesticide Residues in Tea by in-Syringe Dispersive Solid Phase Extraction-Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry[J]. Journal of Tea Science, 2021, 41(5): 717-730.





  参考引用:魏妮茜, 项国鹏. 长三角地区茶产业与旅游产业融合发展的效果测度研究[J]. 茶叶科学, 2021, 41(5): 731-742.


  Study on the Effect Measurement of the Integration Development of Tea Industry and Tourism Industry in Yangtze River Delta

  WEI Nixi, XIANG Guopeng

  Abstract:Based on the provincial panel data from 2011 to 2019, the integration effect of tea industry and tourism industry in the Yangtze River Delta was measured by the coupling coordination degree model. The results show that the comprehensive development level of tea industry and tourism industry in the Yangtze River Delta had been continuously improved, but there were some differences between the two industries. The staged and regional imbalance of tea industry development was prominent, while the regional synergy effect of tourism industry was significant. The synchronous characteristics of tea industry and tourism industry in the Yangtze River Delta were obvious, and the trend of industrial convergence was obvious. However, the rising trend of coupling coordination degree was slow. As a whole, there was a long way to go to promote the benign interaction and high-quality integration development of tea tourism industry system in the Yangtze River Delta. Finally, the countermeasures for the integration of tea industry and tourism industry in Yangtze River Delta were put forward.

  Keywords:tea industry, tourism industry, industrial convergence, Yangtze River Delta

  Cite this Article:WEI Nixi, XIANG Guopeng. Study on the Effect Measurement of the Integration Development of Tea Industry and Tourism Industry in Yangtze River Delta[J]. Journal of Tea Science, 2021, 41(5): 731-742.

