2014年中央和地方预算报告(全文)Full text: Report on C

栏目:基础教育  时间:2023-01-31




  Second Session of the Twelfth National People's Congress March 5, 2014


  Ministry of Finance

  目 录


  一、2013年中央和地方预算执行情况 I. Implementation of the Central and Local Budgets in 2013 二、2014年中央和地方预算草案 II. Draft Central and Local Budgets for 2014 三、认真抓好2014年预算执行 III. Successfully Implementing the 2014 Budgets 各位代表: Fellow Deputies, 受国务院委托,现将2013年中央和地方预算执行情况与2014年中央和地方预算草案提请十二届全国人大二次会议审议,并请全国政协各位委员提出意见。 The Ministry of Finance has been entrusted by the State Council to submit this report on the implementation of the central and local budgets in 2013 and on the draft central and local budgets for 2014 to the Second Session of the Twelfth National People's Congress (NPC) for your deliberation and for comments from the members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC). 一、2013年中央和地方预算执行情况 I. Implementation of the Central and Local Budgets in 2013 2013年,面对极为错综复杂的国内外形势,各地区、各部门在党中央、国务院的坚强领导下,团结一心、奋力拼搏,经济社会发展稳中有进、稳中向好。在此基础上,财政工作与财政改革发展有序推进,预算执行总体良好。 In 2013, all regions and government departments united as one, worked hard, and made progress in economic and social development while maintaining stability under the firm leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the State Council in spite of the extremely complicated situations in China and abroad. On this basis, fiscal work, reforms and development proceeded in good order and government budgets were satisfactorily implemented on the whole. (一)加强和改善财政宏观调控情况。 1. Strengthening and improving macro-control through fiscal policy 为保持经济的平稳运行,国务院明确了经济运行合理区间,强调只要增速不滑出底线、就业保持基本稳定,就不采取短期刺激政策对经济运行进行强力干预,而是稳定市场预期,适度预调微调,同时简政放权,推进改革,激发市场活力,释放改革红利。一是坚持不扩大财政赤字,把赤字占GDP的比重控制在2.1%。二是实施促进企业发展的财税优惠政策。暂免征收部分小微企业增值税和营业税,为超过600万户小微企业带来实惠。取消或免征了34项中央级行政事业性收费和314项地方行政事业性收费。扩大了企业研发费用税前加计扣除范围,新增研发人员“五险一金”等扣除项目。三是清理财政存量资金。开展了财政存量资金的摸底和分析工作。在全国范围内开展了地方财政对外借款和财政专户检查。规定了财政结转结余、暂存款、暂付款清理压缩目标,制定了结转结余资金统筹使用的管理办法,将闲置沉淀的资金清理出来用于亟需支持的项目。四是促进优化投资结构。中央基建投资从竞争性领域开始逐步退出,并调整了投资方向和结构,加大对跨省(区、市)重大基础设施建设投入力度,推进城市基础设施建设市场化投融资改革。五是抓好各项政策措施的检查落实。积极开展重大财税政策实施情况检查和跟踪调查,强化对民生政策和资金落实情况的监督,推动党中央、国务院重大决策有效落实。 To keep the economy running steadily, the State Council defined a clear range for its functioning, stressing that as long as the rate of growth did not fall below the baseline and employment remained stable, no short-term stimulus policies would be used to intervene in the working of the economy, and efforts would be made instead to keep market expectations stable, carry out appropriate anticipatory adjustments and fine-tuning while at the same time streamlining administration, delegating more power to lower-level governments, promoting reforms, stimulating the market's vitality, and reaping the benefits of reform.

  First, we did not increase the deficit, keeping it at 2.1% of GDP.

  Second, we implemented preferential fiscal and tax policies to promote the development of businesses. We suspended value-added tax (VAT) and business tax on some small and micro businesses, benefiting more than six million businesses. We abolished or exempted 34 central government administrative fees and 314 local government administrative fees. We widened the scope of tax deductions for businesses' R&D expenses, such as the funds for buying old-age insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, workers' compensation, and maternity insurance and contributing to the housing provident fund for their R&D personnel.

  Third, we reviewed the government's financial resources. We obtained a clear picture of the funds the government had in hand. We carried out a nationwide inspection of the loans granted by local governments and their special accounts. We set the targets for reviewing and cutting carryover and surplus funds, temporary deposits, and temporary payments of the government. We formulated measures for coordinating the use of carryover and surplus funds and uncovered idle funds so that they can be used where they are urgently needed.

  Fourth, we promoted the optimization of the investment structure. We began to phase out central government investment in capital construction in competitive areas, and then redirected it to other areas and adjusted its structure. We increased investment in major infrastructure projects that extend beyond the borders of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government. We carried out reform to make investment in and financing for the development of urban infrastructure more market-orientated.

  Fifth, we inspected the implementation of policies and measures. We actively carried out inspections and follow-up investigations of the implementation of major fiscal and tax policies, strengthened oversight of the implementation of policies for improving the people's wellbeing and the allocation of funds for this purpose, and promoted the effective execution of the important policy decisions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council.

  (二)落实全国人大预算决议情况。 2. Implementation of the NPC's budget resolution 按照十二届全国人大一次会议有关决议,以及全国人大财政经济委员会的审查意见,研究完善体制机制,努力做好财政工作。 In accordance with the relevant resolutions of the First Session of the Twelfth NPC as well as the comments from the NPC's Financial and Economic Affairs Commission on the report on the implementation of the central and local budgets in 2012 and on the draft central and local budgets for 2013, we searched for ways to improve systems and mechanisms and strived to do public finance work well. 1. 完善有利于转方式、调结构的财税政策。把短期调控与长期发展政策有机结合起来,加快推动经济转型升级。一是大力支持科技创新。开展中央财政科技专项优化整合工作,建立“先实施、后拨款”的科技计划和科技重大专项后补助机制。完善国家自主创新示范区试点政策,扩大中央级事业单位科技成果处置权和收益权管理改革试点范围,延长试点期限。二是推进产业结构调整。支持实施“宽带中国”战略和“信息惠民”工程。促进新材料、高端装备、生物医药、现代种业等领域关键技术突破和产业链协同创新。推进新能源财税政策转型。坚持发挥市场机制作用,通过市场竞争实现优胜劣汰,化解过剩产能。三是加强节能减排。中央财政安排专项资金支持开展大气污染防治。积极促进工业、农业领域清洁生产技术示范和推广。鼓励使用节能产品,推动节能环保产业加快发展。整合专项资金,支持“三河三湖”及松花江流域水污染防治和湖泊生态环境保护。支持492个县开展重点生态功能区建设。四是支持外贸转型升级。完善进出口税收政策,降低先进技术设备、关键零部件、能源原材料等780多种商品的进口关税;对煤炭等300多种高耗能、高污染和资源性产品征收出口关税。增加进口贴息资金规模,积极扩大有关商品进口。 (1) Fiscal and tax policies were improved to facilitate changes in the growth model and structural adjustments.

  We brought short-term regulatory policies in line with long-term development policies and accelerated economic transformation and upgrading.

  First, we fully supported scientific and technological innovations. We optimized and integrated science and technology programs financed by the central government, and established a mechanism which gives state science and technology programs and major science and technology projects the go-ahead before funding is made available. We improved the policy on the trial establishment of national innovation demonstration zones, and extended the pilot reform to more selected institutions affiliated to the central government to allow them to transfer and profit from their scientific and technological advances for a longer period of time.

  Second, we advanced industrial restructuring. We supported implementation of China's broadband strategy and IT projects that benefit the people. We encouraged new materials, high-end equipment, biomedicines, the modern seed industry and other areas to make breakthroughs in key technologies and collaborative innovations in industrial chains. We overhauled the fiscal and tax policies on new energy. We have allowed market forces to determine which enterprises will prosper and which will fall by the wayside so as to address overcapacity.

  Third, we strengthened energy conservation and emissions reduction. The central government allocated funds for the prevention and control of air pollution. We promoted the demonstration and spread of cleaner production technology in industry and agriculture. We encouraged the use of energy-efficient products and accelerated the development of energy conservation and environmental protection industries. We reorganized special funds for the prevention and control of water pollution in the three rivers of Huai, Hai, and Liao and the three lakes of Tai, Chao, and Dianchi as well as the Songhua River; and for the protection of the ecosystems of lakes. We supported 492 counties in developing key eco-friendly functional zones.

  Fourth, we supported foreign trade transformation and upgrading. We improved import and export tax policies: cutting the import tariffs on more than 780 types of goods, including advanced technology and equipment, key spare parts and components, and energy and raw materials; and introducing tariffs on the export of coal and other 300-plus types of resource products and products of which production is energy intensive or highly polluting. More funds were made available to offset interest paid on imports, and great efforts were put into expanding the import of certain goods.

  2. 注重民生投入的使用绩效。按照守住底线、突出重点、完善制度、引导舆论的思路,在确保财政可持续的基础上,落实好各项民生政策,开展重点民生支出评估,着力建立政府、企业、个人、社会协调配合的机制,树立起个人努力、各方面合理承担责任、勤劳致富的民生理念。合理区分公共性的层次,稳步推进民生相关领域的制度建设,鼓励社会资本参与民生事业建设。选择就业补助、农村危房改造等专项转移支付资金开展绩效考核,建立完善重点民生支出绩效评价机制。 (2) Attention was paid to the efficient use of investment in the people's livelihood.

  We effectively implemented policies on improving the people's livelihood whilst ensuring sustainable public finance: we kept to the bottom line, set priorities, improved systems, and guided public opinion. We evaluated key expenditures on improving the people's livelihood; established a mechanism for coordinating the efforts of the government, businesses, individuals, and society; and cultivated the idea of everyone working hard, all sectors of society sharing responsibility, and getting rich through hard work. We steadily built up systems for improving people's well-being on the basis of determining how public programs for this purpose are, and encouraged the use of nongovernmental capital in such programs. We selected special transfer payments for employment subsidies and renovation of rundown rural houses to assess their results and established a sound mechanism for evaluating key expenditures on the people's livelihood.

  3. 进一步加强预算管理。一是加强预算编制和执行管理。细化部门预算编制,进一步压缩代编预算规模,严格控制预算执行中调整事项。建立健全覆盖各级财政的预算执行动态监控体系,开展了国库集中支付电子化管理试点。建立健全公务卡强制结算目录制度,公务卡受理环境逐步改善。二是加快推进预算绩效管理。实施预算绩效管理的部门范围和资金规模进一步扩大。中央财政对部分专项转移支付项目和县级财政支出管理等开展了重点绩效评价,并积极探索实施评价结果公开、绩效约谈、绩效奖惩等绩效评价结果应用。地方预算绩效管理工作也明显加强。三是强化地方政府性债务管理。基本摸清了地方政府性债务底数,对债务高风险地区进行了风险提示,促进加强债务管理和风险防控。地方政府债券自发代还试点范围继续扩大。将土地储备机构融资纳入地方政府性债务统一管理,实行年度可融资规模控制。政府综合财务报告试编范围进一步扩大。四是深入推进预决算公开。中央财政和中央部门预决算公开内容进一步细化,中央部门预决算分别集中公开。中央本级“三公”经费预算由7月份随同中央部门决算公开,提前到4月份随同中央部门预算公开,公开的内容更加详实。推进省以下预决算公开,全国31个省份公开了省级财政总预算和省级预算单位部门预算,大部分省份公开了省级“三公”经费预决算。 (3) Budgetary management was strengthened.

  First, we improved the compilation of budgets and the management of their implementation. We made departmental budgets more detailed, further cut down the size of expenditure budgets compiled by finance departments for relevant departments and projects, and strictly controlled adjustments to items being executed. We established a sound, dynamic system for monitoring the execution of budgets at all levels of government and carried out trials to digitize centralized treasury payment in selected areas. We introduced a list of expenditure items requiring settlement by the use of government credit cards and are promoting the wider acceptance of these cards by commercial outlets.

  Second, we accelerated efforts to manage budgets more effectively. We applied performance-based budget management to more government departments and to more funds. The central government focused on evaluating the performance of some projects funded by special transfer payments and the management of expenditure at the county level. It also explored ways to release evaluation results, hold admonitory talks on performance, reward good performance and sanction poor performance and other ways to make use of performance evaluation results. Local governments also showed their eagerness to manage their budgets more effectively.

  Third, we strengthened management of local government debt. We obtained a rather clear picture on how much local government debt there is, gave warnings to regions with high amounts of debt, and strengthened debt management and risk prevention and control. More local governments were selected to begin issuing their own bonds on a trial basis that the central government would pay off. We brought financing done through land reserve institutions into local government debt management and imposed a ceiling on its annual size. More governments began to prepare comprehensive financial reports on a trial basis.

  Fourth, extensive efforts were made to release budgets and final accounts. The released budgets and final accounts of the central government and its departments were more detailed. The budgets of all the central government' s departments were made public together in April, and their final accounts were made public together in July. More detailed budgets for central government departments' spending on official overseas visits, official vehicles, and official hospitality were released in April together with their other budgets, instead of July when such budgets used to be made public together with these departments' final accounts. We got more governments at and below the provincial level to disclose their budgets and final accounts: General fiscal budgets at the provincial level and departmental budgets of provincial-level organs responsible for preparing budgets were disclosed in the country's 31 administrative areas, and budgets and final accounts for the spending on official overseas visits, official vehicles, and official hospitality at the provincial level were made public in most provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities under the central government.

  4. 加快推进财税体制改革。坚持顶层设计与分步实施相结合的原则,在研究提出深化财税体制改革总体思路的同时,不失时机地推出一系列改革措施。交通运输业和部分现代服务业营改增试点顺利推向全国,全年减轻企业税负超过1400亿元,促进了服务业发展和产业结构优化。实施部分品目资源税从价计征改革试点。取消和下放了一批财政行政审批事项。出台了政府向社会力量购买服务的指导意见,积极组织开展政府购买服务工作。研究明确了清理规范中央专项转移支付的思路和方案,压减了一批专项转移支付项目,下放了一批专项转移支付项目的审批权。支持黑龙江省开展“两大平原”涉农资金整合试点。推动地方结合实际,清理整合省对下的转移支付项目。 (4) Fiscal and tax reforms were accelerated.

  In light of the principle of carrying out reform step by step in accordance with the top-level design, we lost no opportunity to introduce a series of reform measures while working out a master plan to deepen fiscal and tax reforms. The pilot project to replace business tax with VAT in the transportation industry and some modern service industries was carried out across the country successfully, thereby reducing the tax load on businesses by more than 140 billion yuan for the year and helping develop the service industry and optimize the industrial structure. We implemented a trial reform of levying price-based taxes on some resources. We abolished or delegated a number of financial items subject to administrative review and approval. We have unveiled guidelines for government procurement of public services from nongovernmental sectors and actively organized and carried out this work. We studied and defined our ideas and plan for reviewing and straightening out special transfer payments from the central government, reduced a number of special transfer payments, and delegated the authority of review and approval over certain items to lower levels. We supported Heilongjiang Province in launching a pilot project to combine funds concerning agriculture, rural areas, and farmers for the Songnen and Sanjiang plains. We encouraged provincial-level governments to review and integrate their transfer payments to governments at lower levels in light of their actual conditions.

  5. 厉行勤俭节约。认真贯彻中央八项规定精神,按5%比例压减中央本级一般性支出,腾出的资金转入中央预算稳定调节基金,留待以后年度经预算安排使用。各地也都相应压减了支出。加强厉行节约反对浪费制度建设,围绕落实《党政机关厉行节约反对浪费条例》,发布了中央和国家机关会议费、培训费、差旅费、外宾接待经费、因公临时出国经费和因公短期出国培训经费等管理办法,增强制度的可操作性和权威性,为建立健全厉行节约反对浪费长效机制奠定了基础。 (5) Every area was economized.

  We faithfully complied with the Party Central Committee's eight-point regulations and cut regular expenditures of the central government by 5%, with the funds saved transferred to the Central Budget Stabilization Fund for future budgetary purposes. Local governments also reduced their spending accordingly. We have strengthened the system to stringently economize and curb waste. Focusing on implementing the Regulations on Practicing Thrift and Opposing Waste in Party and Government Bodies, we formulated measures for managing expenditures of the bodies of the CPC Central Committee and the central government on meetings, training, business travel, hospitality for foreign guests, temporary overseas trips, short-term overseas training and other official business purposes, thus making the system more operational and authoritative and providing a foundation for establishing a sound, permanent mechanism.

  (三)2013年预算收支情况。 3. Budgetary revenue and expenditures in 2013 1. 公共财政预算。 (1) Public finance budgets 2013年上半年我国经济下行压力较大,财政收入增速下滑,低于年初预算预计的增幅;下半年经济企稳回升,财政收入特别是税收收入增速回升,加上一些一次性增收因素,全年财政收入比年初预算略有超收。全国财政收入129142.9亿元,比2012年(下同)增长10.1%。加上从中央预算稳定调节基金调入1000亿元,地方财政调入资金149.74亿元,使用的收入总量为130292.64亿元。全国财政支出139744.26亿元,增长10.9%。加上补充中央预算稳定调节基金1164.38亿元,以及地方政府债券还本支出1384亿元,支出总量为142292.64亿元。全国财政收支总量相抵,差额12000亿元。 There being considerable downward pressure on our economy in the first half of 2013, the growth in government revenue slowed, falling short of the figure forecasted at the beginning of the year. As the economic situation improved in the second half of the year, the increase of revenue and in particular tax revenue picked up. That, coupled with some one-time factors contributing to revenue increases, raised revenue for the year slightly above the figure budgeted in early 2013. National revenue totaled 12.91429 trillion yuan, an increase of 10.1% over 2012 (as below). Adding the 100 billion yuan from the Central Budget Stabilization Fund and 14.974 billion yuan from local government finances, utilized revenue totaled 13.029264 trillion yuan. National expenditure amounted to 13.974426 trillion yuan, up 10.9%. Including the 116.438 billion yuan used to replenish the Central Budget Stabilization Fund and the 138.4 billion yuan used to repay the principal on local government bonds, expenditure totaled 14.229264 trillion yuan. Total national expenditure therefore exceeded total national revenue by 1.2 trillion yuan. 中央财政收入60173.77亿元,为预算的100.2%,增长7.1%。加上从中央预算稳定调节基金调入1000亿元,使用的收入总量为61173.77亿元。中央财政支出68509.39亿元,完成预算的98.5%,增长6.8%(其中,中央本级支出20471.75亿元,增长9.1%,完成预算的101.3%,主要是执行中压减补助地方的零散项目,将部分原列中央对地方转移支付的基建投资、用车辆购置税安排的支出,调整用于增加铁路投资等,相应增列中央本级支出)。加上补充中央预算稳定调节基金1164.38亿元,支出总量为69673.77亿元。收支总量相抵,中央财政赤字8500亿元,与预算持平。2013年末中央财政国债余额86750.46亿元,控制在年度预算限额91208.35亿元以内。中央预算稳定调节基金余额为1483.08亿元。 Central government revenue amounted to 6.017377 trillion yuan, 100.2% of the budgeted figure and an increase of 7.1%. Adding the 100 billion yuan contributed by the Central Budget Stabilization Fund, total revenue used by the central government came to 6.117377 trillion yuan. Central government expenditure amounted to 6.850939 trillion yuan, 98.5% of the budgeted figure and an increase of 6.8%. (This includes 2.047175 trillion yuan in central government spending, a rise of 9.1% year on year and 101.3% of the budgeted figure. This was mainly because we reduced the subsidies for miscellaneous local projects during execution of the budget and part of the central government transfer payments to local governments for capital construction investment and sales tax revenue on motor vehicles were reallocated for increased investment in railways, with a corresponding increase of expenditure at the central level.) Adding the 116.438 billion yuan used to replenish the Central Budget Stabilization Fund, central government expenditure totaled 6.967377 trillion yuan. Total expenditure of the central government exceeded total revenue, leaving a deficit of 850 billion yuan, the same as the budgeted figure. The outstanding balance on government bonds in the central budget was 8.675046 trillion yuan at the end of 2013, which was kept within the budgeted limit of 9.120835 trillion yuan for the year. The Central Budget Stabilization Fund had a balance of 148.308 billion yuan. 地方本级收入68969.13亿元,增长12.9%。加上中央对地方税收返还和转移支付收入48037.64亿元,地方财政调入资金149.74亿元,地方财政收入总量为117156.51亿元。地方财政支出119272.51亿元,增长11.3%,加上地方政府债券还本支出1384亿元,支出总量为120656.51亿元。收支总量相抵,差额3500亿元。 The revenue of local governments came to 6.896913 trillion yuan, an increase of 12.9%. Adding the 4.803764 trillion yuan in tax rebates and transfer payments from the central government to local governments, plus the 14.974 billion yuan transferred to the central government from local governments, local government revenue totaled 11.715651 trillion yuan. Local government expenditure amounted to 11.927251 trillion yuan, up 11.3%. Adding the 138.4 billion yuan used to repay the principal on local government bonds, local government expenditure totaled 12.065651 trillion yuan. Total expenditure of local governments exceeded total revenue by 350 billion yuan. 2013年中央预算收支执行具体情况如下: The following is specific details of the central budget in 2013: (1)主要收入项目执行情况。国内增值税20527.92亿元,为预算的98%。国内消费税8230.27亿元,为预算的96.3%。进口货物增值税、消费税14003.34亿元,为预算的88.2%,下降了5.4%;关税2630.29亿元,为预算的88.6%,下降了5.5%,进口税收低于预算,主要是进口增长低于预期以及高税率商品进口减少、大宗商品价格走低。企业所得税14443.1亿元,为预算的110.1%,主要是企业利润增幅高于预期,以及清缴以前年度税款等一次性因素。个人所得税3918.84亿元,为预算的102.7%。出口货物退增值税、消费税10514.89亿元,为预算的94.6%。非税收入3540.05亿元,为预算的128.5%。 1) Main revenue items

  Domestic VAT revenue was 2.052792 trillion yuan, 98% of the budgeted figure. Domestic excise tax revenue was 823.027 billion yuan, 96.3% of the budgeted figure. Revenue from VAT and excise tax on imports amounted to 1.400334 trillion yuan, 88.2% of the budgeted figure, a decline of 5.4%; and revenue from customs duties came to 263.029 billion yuan, 88.6% of the budgeted figure, a decline of 5.5%. Revenue from import taxes fell short of budget largely because growth in imports was lower than forecasted and imports of high-duty goods decreased, and because the prices of bulk commodities dropped. Corporate income tax revenue was 1.44431 trillion yuan, 110.1% of the budgeted figure. This was mainly due to the bigger than expected increases in corporate profits as well as collection of taxes overdue from previous years and other one-time factors. Individual income tax revenue was 391.884 billion yuan, 102.7% of the budgeted figure. VAT and excise tax rebates on exports came to 1.051489 trillion yuan, 94.6% of the budgeted figure, and non-tax revenue totaled 354.005 billion yuan, 128.5% of the budgeted figure.

  2013年中央财政收入比预算超收113.77亿元。主要是车辆购置税超收,按照专款专用的规定相应增加公路建设支出。 Central government revenue exceeded the budgeted figure by 11.377 billion yuan in 2013. This was mainly because of the surplus sales tax revenue on motor vehicles, which was used to increase spending on highway construction as required by the regulations on using designated funds for their intended purposes. (2)主要支出项目执行情况。2013年前几个月中央财政收入增幅明显回落,经报党中央、国务院批准,预算执行中压减了部分中央本级支出,同时结合规范转移支付制度压减了中央对地方专项转移支付。相应地,部分支出执行数低于预算安排数。 2) Main expenditure items

  The growth in the central government revenue slowed significantly in the first few months of 2013. With the approval of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, we reduced some central government expenditure during the execution of the budget; at the same time, we reduced special transfer payments to local governments in the course of standardizing the transfer payments system. Accordingly, actual figures for some spending were lower than their budgeted figures.

  农林水事务支出6005.4亿元,完成预算的96.9%,增长0.2%,主要是2012年预算执行中通过调整支出结构一次性增加了重大水利工程、农田水利设施建设、小型病险水库和中小河流治理等方面的投入,基数较高。落实农业补贴政策,推进种粮大户补贴试点,开展农机报废更新补贴试点。支持改造中低产田、建设高标准农田2795.4万亩。继续推进小型农田水利重点县建设。支持北方地区规模化发展高效节水灌溉,开展东北四省区“节水增粮行动”。在639个县实施草原生态保护补助奖励机制,覆盖了全国80%以上的草原。开展财政支持农民专业合作组织发展创新试点和新型农业生产社会化服务体系建设试点。促进农业科技成果转化,基层农技推广体系改革示范县项目覆盖到所有的农业县(市、区、场)。进一步加大财政专项扶贫资金投入,新增部分主要用于连片特困地区。全面推进村级公益事业建设一事一议财政奖补工作,农村综合改革示范试点和国有农场办社会职能改革试点进展顺利。 Expenditure on agriculture, forestry, and water conservancy came to 600.54 billion yuan, 96.9% of the budgeted figure and an increase of 0.2%. This small increase was mainly due to the large base figure for 2012. A one-time additional investment was made while adjusting the spending structure during the execution of the 2012 budget in efforts to build major water conservancy projects and irrigation and water conservancy facilities, reinforce small reservoirs, and clean up and improve the flood defenses of small and medium-sized rivers. We implemented agricultural subsidy policies, moved ahead with trials to subsidize major grain growers, and granted subsidies for scrapping and replacing agricultural machinery on a trial basis. We supported upgrading of 1.86 million hectares of low and medium-yield crop land to high-yield standards. We continued to improve small irrigation and water conservancy facilities in key counties. We supported the large-scale development of highly-efficient water saving irrigation in the north, and launched a campaign to save water and increase grain output in Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces and Inner Mongolia. We implemented the mechanism for subsidizing and rewarding grassland ecological conservation in 639 counties, covering over 80% of grasslands in China. We carried out trials of giving financial support for development of and innovations by specialized farmer cooperatives and pilot projects for developing a new system whereby various sectors of society provide services for agricultural production. We promoted the application of scientific and technological advances in agriculture, and extended to all farming counties (county-level cities, districts and farms) the project of demonstrating the reform of the system for spreading agricultural technology at county level. We further increased special funds for poverty relief efforts and spent the additional funds mainly in contiguous areas with acute difficulties. We comprehensively implemented the government award and subsidy system for village-level public works projects, the launching of which was determined by villagers through deliberation. The demonstrations and trials on comprehensive rural reform and the pilot reform to relieve state-owned farms of public responsibility progressed smoothly. 社会保障和就业支出6571.75亿元,完成预算的100.3%,增长14.2%。将企业退休人员基本养老金水平提高10%,月人均达到1900元左右。对中央财政补助地区分别按月人均15元和12元增加城乡低保补助资金。提高优抚对象等人员抚恤和生活补助标准,扎实做好自然灾害生活救助、流浪乞讨人员救助、孤儿基本生活保障等工作。实施大学生就业促进计划,对城乡低保家庭的高校毕业生求职给予补贴,增加小额担保贷款贴息资金。 Spending on social security and employment was 657.175 billion yuan, 100.3% of the budgeted figure and an increase of 14.2%. Basic pensions for enterprise retirees were raised by 10%, with average monthly benefits reaching around 1,900 yuan per person. We increased subsistence allowances for urban and rural recipients living in areas that receive central government subsidies by an average of 15 yuan and 12 yuan, respectively, per person per month. We raised subsidies and living allowances for entitled groups, helped victims of natural disasters rebuild their lives, provided assistance to the homeless and beggars, and ensured basic living conditions for orphans. We implemented a scheme to help college graduates find employment, provided subsidies to job-seeking university graduates from rural and urban families living on subsistence allowances, and increased subsidies to help pay interest on small guaranteed loans. 医疗卫生支出2588.12亿元,完成预算的99.4%,增长26.4%。新型农村合作医疗和城镇居民基本医疗保险财政补助标准提高到每人每年280元。大部分省份出台了城乡居民大病保险制度实施方案。基本公共卫生服务经费标准提高到每人每年30元,继续支持实施重大公共卫生服务项目。稳步推进县级公立医院综合改革试点和基层医疗卫生机构综合改革,开展基层医疗卫生机构全科医生特岗计划试点。推进疾病应急救助制度建设。 Spending on medical and health care amounted to 258.812 billion yuan, 99.4% of the budgeted figure and a 26.4% increase. We raised government subsidies for the new rural cooperative medical care system and basic medical insurance for nonworking urban residents to 280 yuan per person per year. Most provincial-level administrative areas unveiled plans to introduce serious illness insurance for their rural and nonworking urban residents. We increased the standard of funding for basic public health services to 30 yuan per person per year, and continued to support major public health service projects. We made steady progress in the pilot reform of county-level public hospitals and the comprehensive reform of community medical and health care centers, and launched a pilot program for posting general practitioners in such institutions. We moved ahead with developing a system for providing assistance in dealing with medical emergencies. 教育支出3883.91亿元,完成预算的94%,增长2.7%,主要是据实结算的学生资助补助经费减少,以及高中教育债务纳入地方政府债务管理或由地方政府安排资金解决,相应减少了中央化债补助资金。以奖补方式鼓励社会力量举办学前教育,大力支持中西部农村地区幼儿园建设。提高义务教育经费保障水平,全国1.2亿名农村义务教育阶段学生全部享受免学杂费和免费教科书政策,中西部地区1260万名家庭经济困难寄宿生享受生活费补助政策,一些薄弱学校生活设施和办学条件进一步改善。农村义务教育阶段学生营养改善计划惠及3200万名贫困地区学生。支持1394万名农民工随迁子女在城市接受义务教育。支持750个职业教育实训基地、706所中等职业教育改革发展示范校和60所国家示范性高职院校建设。支持实施“985工程”和“2011计划”,推动研究生教育综合改革。进一步健全了涵盖各教育阶段的国家资助政策,约8400万名学龄前儿童和学生受益。 Spending on education was 388.319 billion yuan, 94% of the budgeted figure and an increase of 2.7%. Spending came out short of the budget mainly because student financial aid and subsidies executed according to the actual numbers of students were less than the budgeted figure; also, local government debts arising from providing senior high school education were either managed as local government debt or repaid by local governments, and thus there was a corresponding decline in central government subsidies to help them with these debts. We introduced incentives to encourage nongovernmental sectors to provide preschool education, and gave huge support for the development of rural kindergartens in the central and western regions. We raised the level of funding for compulsory education: the country's 120 million rural students receiving compulsory education were all exempted from paying tuition and other associated fees and were supplied with free textbooks; 12.6 million boarding students from poor families in the central and western regions received living allowances; and living and teaching facilities in some weak schools were further improved. The plan for improving the nutrition of rural students in compulsory education schools brought benefit to 32 million students in poverty-stricken regions. We helped 13.94 million children of rural migrant workers to receive compulsory education in their adopted cities. We supported development of 750 vocational training centers, 706 demonstration secondary vocational schools for education reform and development, and 60 state-level demonstration vocational colleges. We supported the implementation of Project 985 and the 2011 Plan and pushed forward the comprehensive reform of postgraduate education. We further improved government financial aid policies for all stages of education, benefiting roughly 84 million preschool children and students. 科学技术支出2460.59亿元,完成预算的97.3%,增长7.4%。支持国家科技重大专项核心技术突破、优势资源集成和技术平台建设,促进重大战略产品开发和重大示范工程建设。加大对国家科技计划、自然科学基金等的投入,重点支持基础研究、社会公益研究、前沿技术研究和关键共性技术研究。提高了科研机构基本运行经费保障水平。扩大公益性行业科研专项的支持范围。深入实施科技创新工程。 Spending on science and technology came to 246.059 billion yuan, 97.3% of the budgeted figure and an increase of 7.4%. We supported efforts to make core technology breakthroughs, bring together the best resources, and build technological platforms for major state science and technology programs. We gave impetus to the development of major strategic products and the construction of important demonstration projects. More investment went into state science and technology programs and the National Natural Science Foundation of China, with the focus of our support on basic research, research for public benefit, and research on cutting-edge technology and key generic technology. We increased funding for basic operating expenses of research institutes, extended the scope of our support for research projects in public service industries, and moved science and technology innovation projects forward. 文化体育与传媒支出531.55亿元,完成预算的98.3%,增长7.5%。支持实施重点文化惠民工程,稳步推进博物馆等公益性文化设施向社会免费开放。按照每个行政村1万元的标准支持开展村级基层群众文化活动。支持实施平安故宫工程等重点项目。加强海外中国文化中心建设和重点媒体国际传播能力建设。 Expenditures on culture, sports and the media were 53.155 billion yuan, 98.3% of the budgeted figure and an increase of 7.5%.We supported implementation of key cultural programs beneficial to the people, and achieved steady progress in opening museums and other public cultural facilities for free admission. We provided 10,000 yuan to every administrative village in support of their cultural activities. We rendered our support to key projects including the project to secure the Imperial Palace. Greater efforts were put into developing Chinese cultural centers overseas and building international broadcasting capabilities of key media. 住房保障支出2320.94亿元,完成预算的104.1%,下降10.8%,主要是保障性安居工程建设任务比上年减少。城镇保障性安居工程住房基本建成544万套、新开工666万套,在部分地区开展了保障性安居工程预算绩效综合评价试点。支持完成266万户农村危房改造任务,进一步提高了贫困地区的中央补助标准。 Spending on guaranteeing housing totaled 232.094 billion yuan, 104.1% of the budgeted figure and a reduction of 10.8%. This was mainly because there were fewer construction tasks of government-subsidized housing than the previous year. Last year, 5.44 million units of urban government-subsidized housing were completed and construction on another 6.66 million units began. Trials were carried out for assessing the overall performance of the budgets for government-subsidized housing projects in some areas. We supported the renovation of rundown houses for 2.66 million rural households, and raised the amount of central government subsidies to the poor regions. 节能环保支出1803.9亿元,完成预算的85.8%,下降9.7%,主要是部分节能产品补贴政策到期后不再执行。支持重点地区开展大气污染防治工作。安排奖励资金支持淘汰落后产能。支持重点节能工程建设,扩大节能减排财政政策综合示范的范围。北方采暖区完成既有居住建筑节能改造2亿平方米。支持开展重金属污染综合防治试点。支持开展城市废弃物无害化处理和循环利用。启动无电地区金太阳示范工程,支持页岩气资源规模化开发利用。继续推进天然林资源保护和退耕还林等工程。鼓励使用高效节能产品,支持推广1.6升及以下节能环保汽车和新能源汽车。 Spending on energy conservation and environmental protection came to 180.39 billion yuan, 85.8% of the budgeted figure and a reduction of 9.7%. This is primarily because some subsidy policies for promoting the use of energy-efficient products were no longer being implemented once they ended. We supported the prevention and control of air pollution in key regions. Incentive funds have been put in place to support the closedown of outdated production facilities. Support was provided to the construction of key energy saving projects, and we extended to more areas the comprehensive demonstrations for energy conservation and emissions reduction based on integrating financial policies. Work on improving the energy efficiency of 200 million square meters of residential buildings with central heating has been completed in northern China. We supported the trials on the comprehensive prevention and control of heavy metal contamination as well as the efforts to safely dispose, recycle and reuse urban waste. The Golden Sun Demonstration Project to support solar power was launched in areas without electricity, and support has been given to the large-scale development and use of shale gas resources. We continued to move forward with the projects such as those to protect virgin forests and turn cultivated land back to forests. We encouraged the use of energy efficient products and helped to promote energy-efficient, environmentally friendly motor vehicles with engine displacement of 1.6 liters or less, as well as vehicles powered by new energy sources. 交通运输支出4138.5亿元,完成预算的104.1%,增长4.2%。粮油物资储备事务支出1266.38亿元,完成预算的102.4%,增长27.9%。国防支出7201.97亿元,完成预算的100%,增长10.7%。公共安全支出1934.34亿元,完成预算的95.3%,增长2.9%。一般公共服务支出1381.54亿元,完成预算的102.3%,增长3.9%。 Expenditure on transportation totaled 413.85 billion yuan, 104.1% of the budgeted figure and an increase of 4.2%. Expenditure on stockpiling grain, edible oils, and other materials needed for production and daily life came to 126.638 billion yuan, 102.4% of the budgeted figure and up 27.9%. National defense spending was 720.197 billion yuan, 100% of the budgeted figure and a 10.7% increase. Spending on public security amounted to 193.434 billion yuan, 95.3% of the budgeted figure and up 2.9%. Expenditure on general public services was 138.154 billion yuan, 102.3% of the budgeted figure and an increase of 3.9%. (3)中央对地方税收返还和转移支付执行情况。中央对地方税收返还和转移支付48037.64亿元,完成预算的98.3%,增长5.9%。其中:一般性转移支付24370.91亿元,专项转移支付18609.83亿元。一般性转移支付占全部转移支付的56.7%,比2012年提高3.4个百分点。 3) Central government tax rebates and transfer payments to local governments

  Central government tax rebates and transfer payments to local governments totaled 4.803764 trillion yuan, 98.3% of the budgeted figure and an increase of 5.9%. This sum includes 2.437091 trillion yuan in general transfer payments and 1.860983 trillion yuan in special transfer payments. General transfer payments made up 56.7% of total transfer payments, 3.4 percentage points higher than 2012.

  2. 政府性基金预算。 (2) Budgets for government-managed funds 2013年全国政府性基金收入52238.61亿元,全国政府性基金支出50116.46亿元。 In 2013, revenue from government-managed funds nationwide came to 5.223861 trillion yuan, and their expenditure amounted to 5.011646 trillion yuan. 中央政府性基金收入4231.7亿元,为预算的116.9%,增长27.5%。超过预算主要是中央财政向烟草总公司收取部分税后利润,用于支持铁路建设支出。加上2012年结转收入834.73亿元,2013年中央政府性基金收入总量为5066.43亿元。中央政府性基金支出4259.47亿元,完成预算的96.8%,增长27%。其中,中央本级支出2760.86亿元,对地方转移支付1498.61亿元。中央政府性基金结转下年支出806.96亿元。 Revenue from central government-managed funds totaled 423.17 billion yuan, 116.9% of the budgeted figure and an increase of 27.5%. The surplus was mainly because part of the after-tax profits of the China National Tobacco Corporation was collected by the central government to support railway construction. Adding the 83.473 billion yuan carried forward from 2012, revenue from central government-managed funds totaled 506.643 billion yuan in 2013. Expenditure of central government-managed funds totaled 425.947 billion yuan, 96.8% of the budgeted figure and an increase of 27%. Of this, central government spending was 276.086 billion yuan and transfer payments to local governments amounted to 149.861 billion yuan. A total of 80.696 billion yuan has been carried forward to 2014 from central government-managed funds. 地方政府性基金本级收入48006.91亿元,增长40.3%,其中,国有土地使用权出让收入41249.52亿元。加上中央政府性基金对地方转移支付1498.61亿元,地方政府性基金收入为49505.52亿元。地方政府性基金支出47355.6亿元,增长38.6%,其中,国有土地使用权出让收入安排的支出40600.45亿元。地方政府性基金收大于支的部分结转下年使用。 Revenue from funds managed by local governments reached 4.800691 trillion yuan, an increase of 40.3%. This figure includes 4.124952 trillion yuan from the sale of state-owned land-use rights. Adding the 149.861 billion yuan in transfer payments from central government-managed funds, total revenue from local government-managed funds was 4.950552 trillion yuan. Expenditure of local government-managed funds totaled 4.73556 trillion yuan, an increase of 38.6%. This includes 4.060045 trillion yuan of spending from the proceeds of selling state-owned land-use rights. Surplus revenue from local government-managed funds has been carried forward to 2014. 3. 国有资本经营预算。 (3) Budgets for state capital operations 2013年全国国有资本经营收入1651.36亿元,全国国有资本经营支出1513.6亿元。 In 2013, revenue from state capital operations nationwide totaled 165.136 billion yuan, and expenditure on state capital operations, 151.36 billion yuan. 中央国有资本经营收入1058.27亿元,为预算的104.7%,增长9%。加上2012年结转收入71.95亿元,收入总量为1130.22亿元。中央国有资本经营支出978.19亿元,完成预算的90.3%,增长5.2%。其中,调入公共财政预算用于社会保障等民生支出65亿元,增长30%。中央国有资本经营结转下年支出152.03亿元。 Revenue from state capital operations of the central government totaled 105.827 billion yuan, 104.7% of the budgeted figure and an increase of 9%. Adding the 7.195 billion yuan carried forward from 2012, total revenue stood at 113.022 billion yuan. Expenditure on the central government's state capital operations came to 97.819 billion yuan, 90.3% of the budgeted figure and an increase of 5.2%. This figure includes 6.5 billion yuan, a 30% increase, that was spent on social security and other areas related to the people's livelihood, as planned in last year's public finance budgets. Surplus revenue from the central government's state capital operations totaling 15.203 billion yuan was carried over to 2014. 地方国有资本经营收入593.09亿元,地方国有资本经营支出535.41亿元。地方国有资本经营收大于支的部分结转下年使用。 Revenue from state capital operations of local governments totaled 59.309 billion yuan, and total expenditure amounted to 53.541 billion yuan. Surplus revenue from state capital operations of local governments was carried forward to 2014. 4. 社会保险基金预算。 (4) Budgets for social insurance funds 2013年全国社会保险基金收入34515.56亿元,为预算的105.1%,其中,保险费收入25938.81亿元,财政补贴收入7371.5亿元。全国社会保险基金支出28616.75亿元,为预算的102.5%。本年收支结余5898.81亿元,年末滚存结余43441.85亿元。


  Revenue from social insurance funds nationwide totaled 3.451556 trillion yuan, 105.1% of the budgeted figure. This includes 2.593881 trillion yuan of insurance premiums and 737.15 billion yuan of government subsidies. Expenditure of social insurance funds totaled 2.861675 trillion yuan nationwide, 102.5% of the budgeted figure. Revenue exceeded expenditure in 2013, leaving a surplus of 589.881 billion yuan, and the year-end balance reached 4.344185 trillion yuan after the surplus in 2013 was rolled over. 总的看,2013年全国预算执行总体良好,各项财政工作取得新进展,这是党中央、国务院科学决策、正确领导的结果,是全国人大、政协及代表委员们加强监督、有力指导的结果,是各地区、各部门以及全国各族人民艰苦奋斗、共同努力的结果。 On the whole, the 2013 budgets were implemented well and good progress was made in all our fiscal work. We owe this to the scientific decisions and correct leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council; the tightened oversight of and effective guidance from NPC deputies and members of the CPPCC National Committee; and the hard work and joint efforts of all regions, government departments and people of all the country's ethnic groups. 同时,我们也清醒地认识到财政改革发展面临的问题与挑战:财政收入中低速增长与支出刚性增长矛盾突出,预算管理制度的完整性、科学性、规范性和透明度不够,税收制度不完全适应经济社会发展、改革、转型的新形势,中央与地方的事权和支出责任划分存在不清晰、不合理、不规范问题,财政结转结余资金规模较大,地方政府性债务存在一定的风险隐患,一些基础性工作还不够扎实,财经纪律亟待加强,等等。我们将高度重视这些问题,采取有力措施加以解决。 At the same time, we are fully aware of the problems and challenges we still face in fiscal reforms and development: there is a considerable tension between the slow rise in government revenue and the stubborn rise in expenditures; the budget management system needs to be more rounded, scientific, standardized, and transparent; our tax system is not entirely in tune with the new circumstances of economic and social development, reform, and transformation; powers and spending responsibilities between the central government and local governments are not clearly defined, rational, or standardized; carryover and surplus funds are too large; there are certain risks and hidden dangers in local government debts; some foundational work is still not solid enough; and financial discipline need to be urgently strengthened. We will give priority to these problems and take effective measures to resolve them. 跳转至目录 >> Back to Contents >>

