why Dog Bury Their Favorite Bones
1.Dogs bury their favorite bones or chew toys by nature.
2.Dogs started to bury their bones when they become pets.
3.Dogs in the wild occasionally had enough food.
4.Dogs would bury they extra food for their "babies".
5.Animals would start a fierce fight over food in ancient time.
6. Some dogs tend to store up more than one bone at the same time.
7.The backyard of a dog owner may be full of holes dug by his dog.
8.Dogs often bury their bones far from trees.
9.Dogs use their paws to find spots for burying bones.
10. Dogs bury more bones than chew toys.
【参考答案】1.A 2.A3.B 4.C 5.C6.A 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.C
11.A recent survey finds that 25% of Internet users use public WIFI to
12.The phrase take advantage of can best to be replaced by
13. According to Shadel, any hacker can
14. For safety, Internet users are advised to
15. Shadel uses public WIFI to
【参考答案】11.A 12.B 13.C 14.D 15.B
11.A. do banking
12.B. benefit from.
13.C. steal people's information.
14.D. avoid shared Internet access.
15.B. deal with his emails.
16.I visit websites to get information
17.I communicate with others online.
18.I do some morning exercise.
19. I prepare kids for school.
20. I phone my parents or sisters.
21. Nuzzel helps me
22. On twtter I am able
23. There are several factors that
24. Before my kids go to school
25.I call my parents
16.F 17.D 18.A 19.C 20.B 21.F 22.A 23.D 24.C 25.E
【参考答案】26.D 27.A 28.F 29.E 30.C
Successful People
There are several key abilities that allow successful people to fail forward instead of taking each set back personally.First,successful people don't blame themselves when they fail. They take responsibilityfor each set back but they don't take the failure personally. Second. successful people don'tdefinethemselves by individual failures. Theyrecognizethat each setback is a smallpartof the whole. Third, achievers arewillingto vary their approaches to problems.That's important in every walk of life. If oneapproachdoesn't work for you, if it brings repeated failure,thentry something else. To fail forward, you must do what works for you, notnecessarilywhat works for other people. Finally. successful people aretough. They don't let one error keep them down. They learn from their mistakes andmoveon.
31.C 32.L 33.J 34.F 35.H 36.I 37.D 38.E 39.G 40.B
Achieving Success in a Presentation
What can they get fromspending(spend) time listening to your presentation? Many people think that they need to be brilliant to present well. They think they need to be smart,witty, andcharming(charm)
before they start to write a speech. Those qualities can comenaturally(natural), but most often, they come as the result of the passion and knowledge of thespeaker(speak). One of the vital factors in having aneffective(effect) presentation is serving the needs of your audience. Caring for your audience's needsrequires(require) no perfection. You can makemistakes(mistake) and it's going to be 0K. Theequipment(equip) can fail and it's still going to be OK. You don't have to use humor to be awinner(win) with that in mind, the real point is more like being successful atreaching(reach) your audience.
42. charming
45. effective
47. mistakes
48. equipment
49. winner
50. reaching
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