
栏目:基础教育  时间:2022-11-27




  *Unit 1(22个单词)



  ·morning tea英 [m:ni ti:] / n.早茶Let''s break off for morning tea.(我们停下来喝早茶吧。)·soup英 [su:p] / n.汤Seafood soup is a good appetizer.(海鲜汤是一道很好的开胃菜。)·garden英 [gɑ:dn] / n.公园Let''s go to the garden.(我们去花园吧。)·the Potala Palace英 / 布达拉宫I saw the Potala Palace.(我看到了布达拉宫。)·the Summer Palace英 / 颐和园I saw the Summer Palace.(我看到了颐和园。)·the Terracotta Army英 / 兵马俑I saw the Terracotta Army.(我看到了兵马俑。)·vacation英 [vken] / n.假期During his summer vacation he visited Russia.(暑假期间他去俄罗斯了。)·taste英 [test] / vt.& vi.品尝Let''s taste the delicious food together.(让我们一起品尝这美味的食物吧。)·map英 [mp] / n.地图All we had to do was follow the map.(我们所要做的就是按照地图走。)·north英 [n:θ] / n.北Birds usually migrate from north to south.(鸟类通常由北向南迁徙。)·south英 [saθ] / n.南Irrigation is easy in the South because of the abundance of water.(南方多水,利于灌溉。)·east英 [i:st] / n.东The sun rises from the east.(太阳从东方升起。)·west英 [west] / n.西LA is in the west of the United States.(洛杉矶在美国西部。)·famous英 [fems] / adj.著名的She is a famous singer and has many fans.(她是著名歌手,有很多粉丝。)·temple英 [templ] / n.寺The four of them found a temple by the road.(唐僧师徒四人在路边找到了一座寺庙。)·around英 [rand] / prep.遍及;围绕You can fly around the world.(你可以绕着世界飞一圈。)·the Yangtze River英 / 长江The city is very big and it has a famous river,the Yangtze River.(这座城市很大,有一条著名的河流,长江。)·foggy英 [fgi] / adj.有雾的It''s quite foggy now.(现在雾很大。)·spicy英 [spasi] / adj.辣的Thai food is hot and spicy.(泰国菜味道辛辣浓烈。)·silk英 [slk] / n.丝绸Silk is a kind of smooth and soft material.(丝绸是一种光滑柔软的材料。)·forest英 [frst] / n.树林The forest looked beautiful in the sun.(在阳光的照射下,森林看上去十分漂亮。)·stone英 [stn] / n.石头That house is built of stone.(那所房子是石头造的。)

  *Unit 2(17个单词)



  ·London英 [''lndn] / n.伦敦These are symbols of London.(这些都是伦敦的标志物。)·Toronto英 [t''rnt] / n.多伦多Toronto is a very big city.(多伦多是一个非常大的城市。)·Sydney英 [''sdn] / n.悉尼Sydney is in the southeast of Australia.(悉尼在澳大利亚的东南部。)·Washington D.C.英 / 华盛顿Washington D.C.is a very big city.(华盛顿是一个非常大的城市。)·the British Museum英 / 大英博物馆We went to the British Museum.(我们去了大英博物馆。)·the CN Tower英 / 加拿大国家电视塔I want to visit the CN Tower.(我想参见加拿大国家电视塔。)·kangaroo英 [kgru:] / n.袋鼠The kangaroo is a native of Australia.(袋鼠是产于澳洲的动物。)·the Opera House英 / (悉尼)歌剧院I want to visit the Opera House.(我想去参观(悉尼)歌剧院。)·the White House英 / 白宫I want to see the White House and visit the museums there.(我想去参观白宫,参观那里的博物馆。)·clock英 [klk] / n.时钟It''s a large clock.(这是一个大钟。)·speak英 [spi:k] / vt.& vi.讲; 说She is speaking into her cell phone.(她正对着手机说话。)·French英 [frent] / n.法语The picture shows many French symbols.(这张图里有很多代表法国的标志。)·Tower Bridge英 / n.(伦敦)塔桥This is Tower Bridge, the most striking of all London bridges.(这是塔桥,是伦敦最有特色的大桥。)·the London Eye英 / 伦敦眼I want to visit the London Eye.(我想去参观伦敦眼。)·hiking英 [hak] / n.远足I like jogging and hikin.(我喜欢慢跑和徒步旅行。)·sunrise英 [snraz] / n.日出Viewed from the top of Mount Tai, the sunrise was indeed a spectacle.(从泰山顶上看去,日出真是个奇观。)·president英 [prezdnt] / n.总统Can you recognize all of the presidents here?(你能认出这里所有的总统吗?)

  *Unit 3(18个单词)


  ·reptile英 [reptal] / n.爬行动物Crocodiles are the biggest and deadliest reptiles.(鳄鱼是最大、最危险致命的爬行动物。)·bird英 [b:d] / n.鸟It''s a bird.(这是一只鸟。)·fish英 [f] / n.鱼Do you like fish?(你喜欢鱼吗?)·mammal英 [mml] / n.哺乳动物Dogs are man''s favorite mammal.(狗是人类最喜欢的哺乳动物。)·insect英 [nsekt] / n.昆虫There''re many kinds of insects,such as butterflies,bees and ants.(昆虫有很多不同种类,比如蝴蝶、蜜蜂和蚂蚁。)·penguin英 [pegwn] / n.企鹅Penguins live in extremely cold environment.(企鹅可以生活在极其寒冷的环境中。)·shark英 [ɑ:k] / n.鲨鱼I like sharks.(我喜欢鲨鱼。)·whale英 [wel] / n.鲸A whale is a kind of mammal.(鲸是一种哺乳动物。)·kind英 [kand] / n.种类What kind of animals are Bees?(蜜蜂是什么种类的动物?)·metre英 [''mi:t(r)] / n.米It is about a metre in length.(它长约1米。)·spend英 [spend] / vt.花费I spend too much money on clothes.(我花了太多的钱在买衣服上。)·trunk英 [trk] / n.象鼻The elephant can use its trunk to pick up a big tree or a small peanut.(大象可以用它的鼻子卷起一棵大树或一颗小花生。)·peanut英 [pi:nt] / n.花生Peanut are a healthy and delicious snack.(花生是健康美味的小吃。)·fan英 [fn] / n.扇子This fan is fine.(这把扇子不错。)·tusk英 [tsk] / n.(象、野猪等的)长牙Elephants wear the tusk down faster than they can grow it.(象牙磨损的速度快于生长的速度。)·Africa英 [''frk] / n.非洲Africa is home to some of the world''s oldest cultures.(非洲是世界上一些最古老文明的故乡。)·Asia英 [e] / n.亚洲Asia is the largest of all the continents.(亚洲是面积最大的州。)·smart英 [smɑ:t] / adj.聪明的The smart dog can read newspapers.(这只聪明的狗能读报纸。)

  *Unit 4(16个单词)



  ·scared英 [sked] / adj.害怕的Why are you so scared?(你为什么如此害怕?)·worried英 [wrid] / adj.担心的Her worried about he heavy drinking.(她为他的酗酒感到担忧。)·angry英 [gri] / adj.生气的If you do that again, I''ll get angry.(你再那么着,我就火了。)·proud英 [prad] / adj.自豪的;骄傲的I was so proud.(我太骄傲了。)·sad英 [sd] / adj.难过的You look sad in this picture.(这张照片你看起来很难过。)·excited英 [ksatd] / adj.激动的I was so excited.(我太激动了。)·happy英 [hpi] / adj.高兴的She is always happy to see her friend.(见到自己的朋友,她总是很开心。)·ill英 [l] / adj.有病;不舒服She is ill and is taken care of by the doctor.(她生病了,医生在照看她。)·win英 [wn] / vt.& vi.获胜Yeah!Our team has won the football match!(耶!我们队赢了足球赛!)·race英 [res] / n.赛跑I will match you in a race.(我要和你赛跑。)·find英 [fand] / v.发现Follow the footprints,and you may find her.(跟着脚印走,你可能会找到她。)·cry英 [kra] / vt.& vi.哭I started to cry because I cut my finger.(我因为割破手指哭了起来。)·because英 [bkz] / conj.因为I was sad because I was ill.(我很难过,因为我病了。)·test英 [test] / vt.测验The student is taking an English test.(这个学生正在进行英语测试。)·competition英 [kmptn] / n.竞赛He carried off champion easily in the competition.(他在比赛中轻取冠军。)·hurt英 [h:t] / vt.弄伤My leg hurts.(我的腿疼。)

  *Unit 5(18个单词)



  ·inventor英 [nvent(r)] / n.发明家Edison was a great inventor.(爱迪生是一位伟大的科学家。)·artist英 [ɑ:tst] / n.画家;艺术家The artist is painting.(这位艺术家正在作画。)·scientist英 [santst] / n.科学家He is a scientist of high prestige.(他是一位有声望的科学家。)·poet英 [pt] / n.诗人Li Bai was a Tang poet of superb talent.(李白是唐代一位才气横溢的诗人。)·writer英 [rat(r)] / n.作家He was an unknown writer.(他是个名不见经传的作家。)·American英 [merkn] / n.美国人;美国的These things are all American stuff.(这些都是美国的东西。)·French英 [frent] / n.法国人;法国的The picture shows many French symbols.(这张图里有很多代表法国的标志。)·Danish英 [den] / n.丹麦人;丹麦的;丹麦语This product was made in Danish.(这个产品是丹麦制造的。)·poem英 [pm] / n.诗;诗歌This poem is written by Du Fu.(这首诗是杜甫写的。)·paint英 [pent] / vt.用燃料画This paint mixes easily with water.(这种颜料容易与水混合。)·invention英 [nvenn] / n.发明The spinning wheel was a Chinese invention.(纺车是中国人的发明。)·invent英 [nvent] / vt.发明He didn''t just invent the bulb.(他并不仅仅发明了灯泡。)·study英 [stdi] / n.学习;研究The study is furnished as it was before.(书房的陈设依旧未变。)·story英 [st:ri] / n.故事She is reading a story to her kids.(她正在给孩子们讲故事呢。)·university英 [ju:nv:sti] / n.大学Many Chinese students dream of studying in Peking University .(许多中国学生梦想能在北京大学学习。)·deaf英 [def] / adj.聋的He is slightly deaf.(他稍微有点耳背。)·blind英 [bland] / adj.失明的Can you imagine how it feels to be blind?(你能想象失明的感觉吗?)·fall英 [f:l] / v.落下Snow began to quietly fall.(雪开始悄悄地落下。)

  *Unit 6(11个单词)



  ·dumpling英 [dmpl] / n.汤团;饺子Please eat the dumpling.(请吃饺子。)·fan英 [fn] / n.迷;爱好者I''m a sports fan.(我是个体育迷。)·ice lantern英 [ais lntn] / 冰灯There is an ice lantern show in Harbin every year in winter.(每年冬天,哈尔滨有一次冰灯展。)·bring英 [br] / vt.带来The mailman will bring you your mail every day.(邮递员每天都会把你的邮件送来。)·be afraid of英 [bi: freid v] / v.害怕I used to be afraid of dark.(我过去害怕黑暗。)·hear英 [h(r)] / vt.& vi.听到I hear the alarm.(我听到闹钟响了。)·pen pal英 [pen pl] / n.笔友I heard from pen pal yesterday.(我昨天收到了笔友的来信。)·broken英 [brkn] / adj.损坏了的The vase has broken into pieces.(花瓶破碎了。)·pity英 [pti] / n.遗憾What a pity!The ice cream dropped before I ate it.(真遗憾!我还没来得及吃冰激凌就掉地上了。)·prize英 [praz] / n.奖(品)He got the first prize.(他中了头奖。)·look forward to英 [luk f:wd tu:] / 盼望Well, we shall look forward to seeing him tomorrow.(嗯,我们期待着明天与他会面。)

  人教版 - 六年级英语上册(一年级起点)》由[小孩子点读]APP独家原创整理并发布,未经授权不得转载。小孩子单词天天练提供标准的发音,详实的释义,贴切的例句,助力大家学好英语。


