Plane ticket prices dive sharply for the upcoming Dragon Boat Festival, with the prices expected to be 20 percent lower than the May Day holiday, Shanghai Observer reported on Sunday.
A woman in China who showed up at her ex-husband’s wedding with a banner saying “Accepting concubines on my husband’s behalf” over a divorce settlement dispute has caused online debate. The woman from China’s southwestern Sichuan province, only identified by her surname Luo, and her ex-husband, surnamed Li, divorced in 2019.
China’s drone industry crossed the 100-billion yuan (US$14 billion) mark for the first time last year, as market expansion into areas such as low-altitude logistics helped drive domestic demand.
A courageous university student who has been dubbed China’s “folded boy” and whose determination to succeed has moved many once again has captured the national imagination. Jiang Yanchen, 19, who suffers from ankylosing spondylitis, a type of arthritis that causes inflammation in the joints and ligaments of the spine, has embarked on a new round of surgery in Beijing.
Twitter "chose confrontation" by exiting a voluntary EU disinformation code of practice that lays ground rules for an incoming European law on digital services, a European Union commissioner said Monday.
The United States scrambled F-16 fighter jets in a supersonic chase of a light aircraft with an unresponsive pilot that violated airspace around Washington D.C. and later crashed into the mountains of Virginia, officials said.
Rescue workers in Japan searched Monday for three people who went missing in or near rivers swollen by heavy rains last week that left one person dead and dozens injured.
Adding an experimental mRNA-based vaccine from Moderna Inc and Merck & Co reduced the risk that the most deadly skin cancer would spread by 65 per cent over treatment with an immunotherapy alone in a mid-stage trial, the companies reported on Monday.
周一,两家公司报告称,在一项中期试验中,添加Moderna Inc和Merck&Co的基于mRNA的实验性疫苗,可以降低最致命的皮肤癌症在单独免疫治疗的情况下传播65%的风险。
With three denizens of the Republican establishment launching presidential campaigns this week, the race for the 2024 nomination has begun to resemble the sprawling 2016 field that proved a huge boon to unfancied outsider Donald Trump.
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