Hello, everyone. Thank you for being here today. I want to talk to you about the beauty of imperfection in life. (大家好。感谢你们今天来到这里。我想和你们谈谈生活中不完美之美。)
We often strive for perfection in everything we do. We want to have the perfect job, the perfect family, the perfect appearance, the perfect happiness. But is perfection really possible? And is it really desirable? (我们经常在我们做的每一件事上追求完美。我们想要有完美的工作,完美的家庭,完美的外表,完美的幸福。但是完美真的可能吗?完美真的值得吗?)
I believe that perfection is an illusion, a trap, and a burden. It is an illusion because it does not exist in reality. It is a trap because it makes us feel inadequate and dissatisfied with ourselves and our lives. It is a burden because it puts too much pressure and expectation on us and others. (我相信完美是一种幻觉,一个陷阱,一个负担。它是一种幻觉,因为它不存在于现实中。它是一个陷阱,因为它让我们感到不够好,对自己和我们的生活不满意。它是一个负担,因为它给我们和别人施加了太多的压力和期望。)
On the other hand, I believe that imperfection is a gift, a challenge, and a source of beauty. It is a gift because it makes us unique and special. It is a challenge because it motivates us to grow and improve. It is a source of beauty because it adds richness and diversity to our lives. (另一方面,我相信不完美是一种礼物,一个挑战,一个美的源泉。它是一种礼物,因为它让我们独一无二,与众不同。它是一个挑战,因为它激励我们成长和进步。它是一个美的源泉,因为它给我们的生活增添了丰富和多样性。)
Think about some of the most beautiful things in the world. A sunset, a rainbow, a flower, a song, a painting, a poem. Are they perfect? No, they are not. They have flaws, imperfections, variations. But that’s what makes them beautiful. That’s what makes them touch our hearts and souls. (想想世界上最美丽的事物。日落,彩虹,花朵,歌曲,画作,诗歌。它们完美吗?不,它们不是。它们有缺陷,不完美,变化。但那正是让它们美丽的原因。那正是让它们触动我们的心灵和灵魂的原因。)
The same applies to ourselves and our lives. We are not perfect, and we will never be. We have strengths and weaknesses, successes and failures, joys and sorrows. But that’s what makes us human. That’s what makes us alive. That’s what makes us beautiful. (同样适用于我们自己和我们的生活。我们不完美,也永远不会完美。我们有优点和缺点,成功和失败,快乐和悲伤。但那正是让我们成为人类的原因。那正是让我们活着的原因。那正是让我们美丽的原因。)
So, my friends, I urge you to embrace your imperfections, to celebrate your uniqueness, to appreciate your diversity. Don’t let perfectionism rob you of your happiness, your creativity, your authenticity. Don’t let perfectionism stop you from pursuing your dreams, your passions, your purpose. Don’t let perfectionism limit your potential, your growth, your impact. (所以,我的朋友们,我敦促你们拥抱你们的不完美,庆祝你们的独特性,欣赏你们的多样性。不要让完美主义剥夺你们的幸福,你们的创造力,你们的真实性。不要让完美主义阻止你们追求你们的梦想,你们的热情,你们的目标。不要让完美主义限制你们的潜力,你们的成长,你们的影响力。)
Instead, let imperfectionism inspire you, empower you, liberate you. Let imperfectionism help you discover your true self, your true value, your true beauty. Let imperfectionism make you happier, more creative, more authentic. Let imperfectionism make you a better person, a better leader, a better speaker. (相反,让不完美主义激励你们,赋予你们力量,解放你们。让不完美主义帮助你们发现你们真正的自我,真正的价值,真正的美丽。让不完美主义让你们更快乐,更有创造力,更真实。让不完美主义让你们成为更好的人,更好的领导者,更好的演说家。)
Thank you for listening. I hope you enjoyed my speech. I hope you learned something from it. I hope you will apply it to your life. And I hope you will share it with others. Because the world needs more people who can see the beauty of imperfection in themselves and others. Thank you. (谢谢你们的聆听。我希望你们喜欢我的演说。我希望你们从中学到了一些东西。我希望你们会把它应用到你们的生活中。我也希望你们会和别人分享它。因为这个世界需要更多能够看到自己和他人不完美之美的人。谢谢。)
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