SHENZHEN announced the start of construction of the second batch of 20 international blocks at a ceremony in Bao’an District recently.
近日,深圳启动了第二批20个国际化街区的建设, “深圳市第二批国际化街区建设启动暨国际交流合作示范点授牌仪式” 在宝安区举行。
The 20 international blocks are scattered in nine districts and Dapeng New Area. Among them, Huaqiangbei, Pingshan and Meisha blocks, which were among the city’s first batch of international blocks, found their names in the second batch again.
Expats attend a ceremony held in Bao’an District yesterday to launch the construction of the second batch of Shenzhen’s international blocks. Wang Jingli
“深圳市第二批国际化街区建设启动暨国际交流合作示范点授牌仪式” 在宝安区举行,图为参加仪式的外国人代表。
Cao Saixian, director general of the Shenzhen Municipal Foreign Affairs Office, said in a speech at the ceremony that each international block of the second batch features unique characteristics and the building of international blocks requires continuous efforts from all walks of life, so as to form a replicable experience.
Representatives from Bao’an District’s Jiuwei block, one of the international blocks in the second batch, said at the ceremony that it will put efforts to integrate international elements, offer one-stop international services, organize international conferences and exchange activities, and attract international talents in the future.
An expat resident makes a speech at yesterday's ceremony in Bao'an District. Wang Jingli
参加仪式的外国人代表发言 。
Samuel Sadiq from Germany, who currently works for Shenzhen Technology University in Pingshan District, said in a speech at the ceremony that he has witnessed significant growth in the Pingshan international block, which underscores strong bonds and vibrant exchange of ideas.
来自德国的Samuel Sadiq目前在坪山深圳技术大学工作,他在致辞中表示,自己见证了坪山国际化街区的快速发展,这突显了牢固的纽带和充满活力的思想交流。
Sadiq has participated in many volunteering activities in Pingshan.
“We organized great events to build a bond with the locals and the expat community. We made mooncakes together. Expats like me shared their most precious children’s books to give even the little ones better mutual understanding of our culture and we shared our international foods with the community too,” Sadiq said in his speech.
Sadiq believed that the essence of the ancient tale of “愚公移山” or “The Foolish Old Man Moves a Mountain” resonates deeply with Shenzhen and Pingshan, which once relied on agriculture, but is now a crucible of education and emerging industries.
Also at the ceremony, a total of 25 organizations and places including Shenzhen Bay Laboratory, BYD, Shenzhen Foundation for International Exchange and Cooperation, Shenzhen Talent Park, Nantou Ancient Town and the Southern University of Science and Technology were named Shenzhen International Exchange and Cooperation Demonstration Sites.
Additionally, the website of the Inquiry System of Chinese-English Public Signs in Shenzhen, www.publicsigns.cn, was officially launched at the ceremony. Users can log onto the site to check official names of the city’s public venues and government departments. They are also welcome to help rectify incorrect translations of public signs by submitting related photos and suggestions.
此外,公示语中英译写查询系统(深圳)(www.publicsigns.cn )也正式上线。用户可以登录该网站系统查看深圳市公共场所和政府部门的官方名称,还可通过提交相关照片和建议来帮助纠正公共标志的错误翻译。
Shenzhen unveiled the first batch of 20 international blocks this February.
According to a work plan, Shenzhen will form an international block network by 2025. By 2030, the international blocks will be the key components for the city’s construction of an international city and congregation of advanced international production forces, knowledge and technologies, and high-quality professionals.
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