第六篇 全面合作
Our two sides have agreed to establish a good-neighborly partnership of
mutual trust oriented towards the 21st century. To reach this goal, I would like
to offer my observations as follows:
We should make the best use of the existing mechanism of all-round dialogue
and cooperation to broaden our exchanges and cooperation in all areas, at all
levels and through all channels, and strengthen the exchanges and contacts
between leaders and people from all walks of life of our two sides to enhance
our mutual trust, expand common ground and promote friendship.
We should give priority to our economic relations and trade, scientific and
technological cooperation between our two sides in accordance with the principle
of drawing on each other’s comparative advantages and mutual benefit and
reinforce the cooperation in the areas of resources, technology marketing,
banking, information, human resources development and investment to promote
common progress.
We should intensify two-way dialogue, coordination and mutual support
between our two sides on major regional and international issues and in the
United Nations, APEC(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation), AES(Asia-Europe Summit)
and ARF(ASEAN Regional Forum) with a view to jointly safeguarding the legitimate
rights and interests of the developing countries and promoting their fair and
equal participation in the international economic decision-making and operation
without discrimination.
We should continue our efforts in handling the existing differences or
disputes through friendly consultations on an equal footing and seek a
progressive solution to the problems. Those differences that cannot be solved
for the time being may be shelved temporarily in the spirit of seeking common
ground while putting aside differences so that they will not stand in the way of
the establishment and development of the good-neighborly partnership of mutual
trust between the two sides.
China pursues unswervingly an independent foreign policy of peace, taking
peace as the ultimate goal. As the largest developing country in the world with
a relatively low level of productive forces on the whole, China needs a long
term peaceful international environment and a good neighborly environment in
particular to realize its modernization program through decades of arduous
struggles. Even when China is developed, it will continue to adhere to the Five
Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, live with other countries in amity in the
spirit of mutual respect and treating others as equals, and never seek hegemony.
China will always be a staunch force in maintaining regional and global peace
and stability.
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