《Over in the meadow》 这首韵律感十足的童谣……

栏目:教育教学  时间:2022-12-10

  《Over in the meadow》 这首韵律感十足的童谣……   《Over in the meadow》这首韵律感十足的童谣,通过唱歌的方式教孩子认识从1到10的数字,蟾蜍、知更鸟、麝鼠、蜜蜂、乌鸦、老鼠、蜥蜴、鱼、蜘蛛各种动物陆续上场,好不热闹。对正在英语启蒙阶段的孩子来说,同样的内容,通常听上七八遍,才会产生声音记忆,从输入到内化,最后无意识脱口而出。我之前也录制过唱诵这首童谣的视频哦:附上歌词:Over in the meadow in the sand in the sun,lived a bumpy mother toad,and her little toadie one,“Wink!”said the mother,“I wink!”said the one.So they winked and they blinked In the sand in the sun。Over in the meadow where the sky gleams blue,lived a woolly mother sheep,and her little lambies two,“Bah!”said the mother,“We Bah!”said the two.So they Bahes and they ran where the sky gleams blue.Over in the meadow in a hole in a tree,lived an smooth mother robin,and her little robins three,“Sing!”said the mother,“We sing!”said the three.So they sang and they chirped In the hole in the tree.Over in the meadow in the reeds on the shore,lived an spiky mother muskrat and her little muskrats four,“Dive!”said the mother,“We dive!”said the four.So they dived and they burrowed in the reeds on the shore.Over in the meadow in a snug beehive,lived a fuzzy mother bee and her little bees five.“Buzz!” said the mother,“We buzz!”said the five.So they buzzed and they hummed in the snug beehive.Over in the meadow in a nest built of sticks,lived a shiny mother crow and her little crows six.“Caw!”said the mother,“We caw!”said the six.So they cawed and they called In their nest built of sticks.Over in the meadow where the grass is so even,lived a furry mother mouse and her little mouses seven."Squeak!" said the mother,"We Squeak!"said the seven.So they Squeaked and they sniffed In the green soft and even.Over in the meadow by the old mossy gate,lived a scaly mother lizard And her little lizards eight,“Bask!”said the mother,“We bask!”said the eight.So they basked in the sun on the old mossy gate.Over in the meadow where the stream water shines,Lived a slippery mother fish and her little fishes nine. “Swim!”said the mother,“We Swim!”said the nine.So they swam and they leapt where the stream water shines.Over in the meadow in a sly little den,Lived a hairy mother spider and her little spiders ten.“Spin!”said the mother,“We spin!”said the ten.So they spun lacy webs in their sly little den.来源:barefoot books

