
栏目:教育教学  时间:2023-01-22

  2023年考研英语一阅读Text1来自金融时报Special Report的专栏文章




  1. the weather in Texas is mentioned to?

  2. what does Quinn think of Hardy?



  来源: Financial Times


  The weather in Texas may have cooled since the recent extreme heat, but the temperature will be high at the State Board of Education meeting in Austin this month as officials debate how climate change is taught in Texas schools.

  Pat Hardy, a conservative member of the board who sympathises with the views of the energy sector, is resisting proposed changes to science standards for pre-teen pupils. These would emphasise the primacy of human activity in recent climate change and encourage discussion of mitigation measures.

  “In the national standards, everything has to do with climate change — that’s very lopsided,” she claims. “There are as many scientists working against all the panic of global climate change as there are those who are pushing it. Texas is an energy state and we need to recognise that. You need to remember where your bread is buttered.”

  Most scientists and independent experts sharply dispute her views. “What millions of Texas kids learn in their public schools is determined too often by the political ideology of partisan board members, rather than facts and sound scholarship,” says Dan Quinn, senior communications strategist at the Texas Freedom Network, a non-profit group that monitors public education. “They casually dismiss the career work of scholars and scientists as just another misguided opinion.”

  Such debates reflect fierce discussions across the US and around the world, as researchers, policymakers, teachers and students step up demands for a greater focus on teaching about the facts of climate change in schools.

  A study last year by the National Center for Science Education, a non-profit group of scientists and teachers, looking at how state public schools across the country address climate change in science classes, gave barely half of US states a grade B+ or higher. Among the 10 worst performers were some of the most populous states, including Texas, which was given the lowest grade (F) and has a disproportionate influence because its textbooks are widely sold elsewhere.

  Glenn Branch, the centre’s deputy director, cautions that setting state-level science standards is only one limited benchmark in a country that decentralises decisions to local school boards. Even if a state is considered a high performer in its science standards, “that does not mean it will be taught”, he says.

  Another issue is that, while climate change is well integrated into some subjects and at some ages — such as earth and space sciences in high schools — it is not as well represented in curricula for younger children and in subjects that are more widely taught, such as biology and chemistry. It is also less prominent in many social studies courses.

  Branch points out that, even if a growing number of official guidelines and textbooks reflect scientific consensus on climate change, unofficial educational materials that convey more slanted perspectives are being distributed to teachers. They include materials sponsored by libertarian think-tanks and energy industry associations.



  来源: Financial Times

  The weather in Texas may have cooled since the recent extreme heat, but the temperature will be high at the State Board of Education meeting in Austin this month as officials debate how climate change is taught in Texas schools.


  Pat Hardy, a conservative member of the board who sympathises with the views of the energy sector, is resisting proposed changes to science standards forpre-teenpupils. These would emphasise theprimacyof human activity in recent climate change and encourage discussion ofmitigationmeasures.

  帕特?哈代(Pat Hardy)是该委员会的一名保守派成员,他同情能源行业的观点,针对处在青春期前的学生,正抵制相关科学标准的修订。这将强调人类活动在近期气候变化中的首要地位,并鼓励对减缓措施的讨论。


  pre-teen [??pri? ??ti?n] 名词,指“约11或12岁的儿童”,英文释义为“a young person of about 11 or 12 years of age”。如the pre-teen years十岁出头的几年

  形容词,意为“约11或12岁儿童(有关)的”,英文释义为“connected with young people of about 11 or 12 years of age”。


  电影《源代码》(Source Code)


  primacy [??pra?m?si] 名词,意为“首要、卓越”,英文释义“the fact of being the most important person or thing”,如primacy effect (首因效应),举一反三:

  经济雪人(硅谷“触顶”)中用到:The Bay Area's primacy as a technology hub is on the wane. ?湾区的科技中心地位正在衰退。

  2001年考研英语Text1中出现:A comparison of British geological publications over the last century and a half reveals not simply an increasing emphasis on theprimacyof research, but also a changing definition of what constitutes an acceptable research paper. 将过去一个半世纪英国地质学领域的出版物做一下比较,我们就会发现不仅对科研的主导地位的强调不断攀升(我们不仅越来越强调科研的主导地位,而且一篇可接受的科研论文所包含的内容的定义也有所变化。


  英剧《王冠》(The Crown)


  mitigation [??m?t???ɡe??n] 名词, 意为“减轻,缓解”,英文释义为“a reduction in how unpleasant, serious, etc. something is”,常用词组in mitigation,表示“以减轻情况(尤指罪责)的严重程度”,举一反三:

  2015年专八真题Passage Four中出现:In part, this may be because xeriscaping is justified more by reducing landscaping costs--in this case water costs-- than by providing desired benefits like recreation,pollutionmitigation, and cultural value. 产生这一差别的部分原因可能是节水型园艺的优点主要是降低景观维护开销(这里指水的费用),而不是诸如提供休闲、降低污染和增加文化价值等人们想要的益处。

  经济雪人(自身难保 )中用到:More research would help, as would making models publicly accessible in order to allow officials and financiers to evaluatemitigationmeasures. 加大研究力度将有助于改变这种状况, 将模型公之于众也会有所帮助,这样官员和财务人员就能够评估减灾措施。



  “In the national standards, everything has to do with climate change — that’s verylopsided,” she claims. “There are as many scientists working against all the panic of global climate change as there are those who are pushing it. Texas is an energy state and we need to recognise that. You need to remember where your bread is buttered.”



  lopsided?[??l?p???sa?d?d]?形容词,意为“向一侧倾斜的、不平衡的”,英文释义为“having?one?side?lower,?smaller?than?the?other”,如a lopsided grin / mouth(撇着嘴笑/ 撇嘴),举一反三:

  经济雪人(硅谷“触顶”)中用到:The other two tests, both of which post-date the period in which the SAT shows those huge changes, indicate lesslopsidedsex ratios of between two and three to one. 在 SAT 出现上述巨大变化的时期之后,另外两个考试的男女比例均在3比1到2比1之间,性别倾向性更低。

  2010年考研英语翻译中出现:To sum up: a system of conservation based solely on economic self-interest is hopelesslylopsided. 总而言之: 一个只基于经济利己主义的环境保护制度的出现绝对是种无可救药的失衡。



  Most scientists and independent experts sharply dispute her views. “What millions of Texas kids learn in their public schools is determined too often by the political ideology ofpartisanboard members, rather than facts and sound scholarship,” says Dan Quinn, senior communications strategist at the Texas Freedom Network, a non-profit group that monitors public education. “They casually dismiss the career work of scholars and scientists as just another misguided opinion.”

  大多数科学家和独立专家尖锐地反对她的观点。监督公共教育的非营利组织Texas Freedom Network的高级传播策略师丹?奎因(Dan Quinn)表示: “数百万德克萨斯州孩子在公立学校学到的东西,往往取决于dǎng派董事会成员的意识形态,而非事实和可靠的学术。”他们漫不经心地将学者和科学家的职业工作视为另一种被误导的观点。”


  partisan [??pɑ?t?z?n] 1)形容词,指“(对个别人、团体或思想)过分支持的、偏护的”,英文释义为“prejudiced in favour of a particular cause ”

  2)名词,意为“热情的支持者”,英文释义为“a person who strongly supports a particular leader, group or idea”,举一反三:

  经济雪人(硅谷“触顶”)中用到:After an early worry about seeming to be toopartisan(another issue unlikely to crop up in, say, the United States) the country crescendoed, like a table of diners singing “happy birthday” in a crowded restaurant. ?该国早期担忧自己看起来会过于偏颇(这种担忧不大可能出现在美国等地), 但之后英国的声音就渐渐强势起来, 就像拥挤的餐馆里有一群人围坐在餐桌前唱着《生日快乐》


  美剧《美国夫人》(Mrs. America)

  Such debates reflect fierce discussions across the US and around the world, as researchers, policymakers, teachers and students step up demands for a greater focus on teaching about the facts of climate change in schools.


  A study last year by the National Center for Science Education, a non-profit group of scientists and teachers, looking at how state public schools across the country address climate change in science classes, gave barely half of US states a grade B+ or higher. Among the 10 worst performers were some of the most populous states, including Texas, which was given the lowest grade (F) and has adisproportionateinfluence because its textbooks are widely sold elsewhere.

  美国国家科学教育中心(National Center for Science Education)是一个由科学家和教师组成的非营利组织,该组织去年进行了一项研究,考察全国各地的公立学校如何在科学课上应对气候变化问题,美国各州几乎不到一半评到B+或更高的分数。表现最差的10个州包含一些人口最多的州,其中包括德克萨斯州,该州被给予最低的分数(F),且因其教科书在各地广泛销售而具有不同程度的影响。


  disproportionate[??d?spr???p????n?t]?形容词,意为“(数量或尺寸)不成比例的、不相称的”,英文释义为“too large or too small when compared with something else”。常搭配be disproportionate to表示“与...不相称, 与...不成比例”

  经济雪人(硅谷“触顶”)中用到:The other two tests, both of which post-date the period in which the SAT shows those huge changes, indicate lesslopsidedsex ratios of between two and three to one. 在 SAT 出现上述巨大变化的时期之后,另外两个考试的男女比例均在3比1到2比1之间,性别倾向性更低。


  美剧《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)

  Glenn Branch, the centre’s deputy director, cautions that setting state-level science standards is only one limitedbenchmarkin a country thatdecentralisesdecisions to local school boards. Even if a state is considered a high performer in its science standards, “that does not mean it will be taught”, he says.

  该中心副主任格伦?布兰奇(Glenn Branch)提醒说,在一个将决策权下放给当地校董事会的国家,制定州级科学标准只是一个有限的基准。他说,即使该州在其科学标准方面被认定表现出色,“这并不意味着它会被教授”。


  benchmark[??bent?mɑ?k] 名词,意为“基准”,英文释义为“a standard or point of reference against which things may be compared or assessed ”,举一反三:

  benchmark, has notched up its longest-ever streak without a 5% reversal. 美国主要的股票基准标准普尔500指数已很久未出现5%以上的回调, 时间之长, 已创下历史纪录。

  2012专四真题听力中出现:It also gives you abenchmarkagainst which you can practice and refine things. 它为你提供了一个可以在此练习和提炼事物的基准。


  电影《华尔街之狼》(The Wolf of Wall Street?)



  [??di???sentr?la?z] 动词,意为“分散,下放(权力)”,英文释义为“transfer (authority) from central to local government”


  电影《星际迷航:发现号》(Star Trek: Discovery)

  Another issue is that, while climate change is wellintegratedinto some subjects and at some ages — such as earth and space sciences in high schools — it is not as well represented in curricula for younger children and in subjects that are more widely taught, such as biology and chemistry. It is also lessprominentin many social studies courses.



  integrate [???nt?ɡre?t]动词,1)意为“合并,成为一体”,英文释义为“to combine two or more things so that they work together”. 搭配如integrate A (into/with B) | integrate A and B ,或其被动形式A be integrated into B

  2)表示“加入、融入(群体)”,英文释义为“to become or make somebody become accepted as a member of a social group, especially when they come from a different culture”.搭配如integrate sb (into/with sth),举一反三:

  integrated [???nt?ɡre?t?d] 形容词,意为“综合的,完整统一的”,英文释义为“in which many different parts are closely connected and work successfully together”,如an integrated transport system综合联运体系

  经济雪人(面对现实)中用到:Large organisations always take time tointegratenew technologies: think of electricity in the 20th century or the cloud in the 21st. ?大型组织总是要耗时长久才能将新技术融入自己的体系:想想20世纪的电力或21世纪的云。

  2013考研英语一中出现:The idea is to force social scientists tointegratetheir workwithother categories, including health and demographic change, food security, marine research and the bio-economy, clear, efficient energy; and inclusive, innovative and secure societies. 该想法是为了迫使社会科学家把他们的工作与其他领域结合起来,包括健康和人口变化、粮食安全、海洋研究和生物经济、清洁高效的能源以及有包容性、创新性和安全性的社会。




  prominent [??pr?m?n?nt]形容词,1)指“显眼的”,英文释义为“easily seen”。

  2)指“重要的,著名的”,英文释义为“important or well known”

  3)意为“突出的、凸现的,英文释义为“sticking out from something”,如

  ? a prominent nose高鼻子? prominent cheekbones突出的颧骨


  经济雪人(解剖杀手 )中用到:The 港澳剧 mostprominentprotein, the one which gives the virions their crownor mine-like appearance by standing proud of the membrane, is called spike. 最醒目的蛋白质称为“刺突”,它突出在膜外,使病毒体具有冠状或水雷状的外观。

  2014专八真题中出现:She was a little woman, with brown, dull hair very elaborately arranged, and she hadprominentblue eyes behind invisible pince-mez . 她是位娇小的妇人,暗褐色的头发梳理得整整齐齐,透明的夹鼻眼镜后面是一双突出的蓝眼睛。


  电影《互联网之子》(The Internet's Own Boy)

  Branch points out that, even if a growing number of official guidelines and textbooks reflect scientificconsensuson climate change, unofficial educational materials that convey more slanted perspectives are being distributed to teachers. They include materials sponsored by libertarian think-tanks and energy industry associations.

  Branch 指出,即使越来越多的官方指导方针和教科书反映了关于气候变化的科学共识,向教师分发非官方的教育材料却传达了更加偏见的观点。这些教材包括由智囊团和能源行业协会赞助的教材。


  consensus [k?n'sens?s] 名词,意为“一致的意见,共识”,英文释义为“an opinion that all members of a group agree with”。搭配如achieve/arrive at/reach consensus 表示“取得共识/达成共识”,举一反三:

  经济雪人(道德风险):It disciplines thinking, produces useful information and makes it easier to build professionalconsensusabout what is known and which questions remain unanswered. 它让思维有条理, 产生有用的信息,让人们更容易就哪些问题业已解决、哪些仍然悬而未决达成专业共识。

  2020考研英语一Text4中用到:France's planned tax is a clear warning: Unless a broadconsensuscan be reached on reforming the international tax system, other nations are likely to follow suit, and American companies will face a cascade of different taxes from dozens of nations that will prove burdensome and costly. 法国所筹备的税务体系就是一个明确的警告:除非能就改革国际税务体系达成广泛共识,其他国家才有可能去采用这一套税务体系,美国的公司将会面临着一连串来自于不同地方繁重而昂贵的税务类型。


  美剧《政客》(The Politician)

  - 词汇梳理 -


