Chinese Enterprises are witnessing boomi
The 133rd China Import and Export Fair, also known as the Canton Fair, is in full swing. During a visit to the fair, reporters from the Yangcheng Evening News found that many companies are meeting up with old clients. Several exhibitors expressed their hope to use this year's Canton Fair to reconnect with old friends, make new acquaintances, and expand their business opportunities.
, 112, 192); font-family: "times new roman";">Old friends reunite in Guangzhou
According to Zeng Haiyan, the foreign trade manager of Zhongshan Kangli Jie Sanitary Ware Technology Co., Ltd., the first fully restored offline exhibition in three years at the Canton Fair allowed them to meet many "old friends" they had not seen in years.
"We already met an old friend from India who not only placed an on-site order for $50,000 but also added another $150,000 order after touring the exhibition. These loyal customers have high recognition and loyalty to our brand," Zeng said. Apart from Indian buyers, they have also arranged to meet "old friends" from Russia, Poland, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, and other countries at this year's Canton Fair.
, 112, 192); font-family: "times new roman";">Old?clients?from?all?round?the?world
A dedicated purchaser from Israel made the long journey to the DEERMA booth at the Canton Fair. This buyer was an old friend of Zhang Shuxin, the overseas sales manager of the company. "He has decided to become DEERMA's distributor in Israel, and is currently helping our products to obtain safety specifications and safety certification in the local market," Zhang Shuxin explained.
The presence of these old Canton Fair-goers highlights their deep connection to the trade fair and their confidence in China's manufacturing and market potential. According to Mai Cuiyan, a Senior Manager of the China Foreign Trade Centre, as of April 16th, the Canton Fair has already received 660,000 visitors, with overseas buyers from over 200 countries and regions. In total, 98 foreign delegations from 41 countries and regions have confirmed their attendance, the largest foreign delegation size in the fair's history.
, 112, 192); font-family: "times new roman";">Booming foreign trade
Amidst the Canton Fair, several businesses met up with their "old friends", saying that thanks to the network they built up from previous Canton Fairs, even with the impact of the pandemic over the past three years, they have achieved steady growth of more than double digits each year.
"Although my company is a small and medium-sized enterprise, its products represent 'Made in China' in the global market," said Zeng Haiyan, who cited an Indian purchaser at this year's event. This buyer chose KONIG products over those from other top international brands in their local market, because he believed that KONIG's products were superior in terms of both price and service, and this led to long-term cooperation between the two.
"Close communication and mutual trust with our partners are essential for Chinese brands to succeed in foreign markets," emphasized Zhang Shuxin. Services are a key factor in the success of Chinese brands going global. For instance, companies like DEERMA will add products to meet their partners' needs and work with them to maintain the pricing system that protects their interests.
, 0, 0); font-weight: bold; font-family: "times new roman";">线下广交会再逢老友
, 0, 0); font-weight: bold; font-family: "times new roman";">春日花城再逢“老友”
, 0, 0); font-weight: bold; font-family: "times new roman";">“老广交”不远万里赴约
, 0, 0); font-weight: bold; font-family: "times new roman";">中国制造吹响外贸冲锋号
“中国品牌要实现成功出海,与合作伙伴密切沟通、相互信任是非常重要的。”张淑欣强调,服务是中国品牌出海的关键之一,如德尔玛会根据合作伙伴的需求补充相关的产品,更会与合作伙伴一起维护产品的定价体系,保障合作伙伴的利益。, 127, 127); font-weight: 600;">(更多新闻资讯,请关注羊城派 pai.ycwb.com)
, 127, 127); font-weight: bold; font-family: "times new roman";">文丨羊城晚报全媒体记者 沈钊 孙绮曼
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