1、Master in Urban Planning
The eight-course MCP core curriculum encompasses the basic skills and knowledge required ofStudents learn to design, evaluate, and implement policies and programs that affect the social, economic, and physical development of urban and regional areas, including those in the Developing World.
The educational program fosters theoretical and conceptual knowledge relevant to urban and regional studies, and the acquisition of professional skills, including those in critical thinking, oral presentation, writing, statistical analysis and Geographical Information Systems.
The M.R.P. program normally requires four residence units, sixty credits, a set of core courses, and the completion of a satisfactory thesis, professional report, or research paper. At the discretion of the faculty, up to one residence unit and 15 credits may be granted, by petition after matriculation, for graduate work done elsewhere, including Cornell-supervised professional field experience.
项目时间:2 years
学费:2020-2021: $35,736
2、Master of Arts in Historic Preservation Planning
This program prepares students for work in the history and preservation of buildings in a variety ofurban and rural contexts. Two years of course work normally are needed. Students are required to complete sixty credits, including a six-credit thesis. A basic core of three preservation courses and two semesters of course work in American architectural history is also required; if not satisfied by prior undergraduate work, it should be completed in the first year at Cornell. Students are strongly encouraged to seek summer employment in the field.
项目时间:2 years
1、Master of Architecture (Professional)
The professional Master of Architecture program (M.Arch.1) is a three-and-a-half-year course of study dedicated to preparing graduate students from diverse disciplines and backgrounds for careers in architecture.The M.Arch.1 program is open to applicants possessing a four-year bachelor’s degree in any area.The program places this question at the center of the learning process, seeking to empower the student’s sense of inquiry, responsibility and creativity.
项目时间:2.5—3.5 years
学费:2020-2021: $54,584
2、Post-Professional Master of Science,Advanced Architectural Design(formerly M.Arch.II)
Cornells Post-professional M.S. in Advanced Architectural Design is an intensive advanced design research (ADR) program. Open to individuals holding a B.Arch. or an M.Arch (first-professional) degree, the three-semester program beginning the first weekday in June offers a critical framework for investigating pertinent design concerns, practices, and technologies in 21st-century architecture and urbanism.
项目时间:1.5—2 years
学费:2020-2021: $81,876
1、Master of Landscape Architecture
The intention of this accredited, license qualifying curriculum is the teaching of the theoretical underpinnings of the field of landscape architecture while building the necessary skills for practicing this challenging profession. The program consist of design studios, courses in technical and computer skills, and the development of a concentration focused on the students personal area of interest.Depending on an individuals background and academic credentials, the curriculum will typically require six semesters of work for successful completion.
项目时间:2—3 years
学费:2020-2021: $35,736
2、Master of Professional Studies in Landscape Architecture
The Master of Professional Studies (M.P.S.) in Landscape Architecture was created for individuals with an interest in advancing their career options by pursuing timely and innovative issues related to planning, designing, and/or managing natural and built environments. The program investigates areas of Landscape Architecture through a year-long program of coursework, involvement in department faculty/project based problem solving and independent studies.
项目时间:1 years
学费:2020-2021: $35,736
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