20省高考改革方案出炉 英语将普遍一年两考
On 28th, Tianjin college entrance examination reform program officially announced. Up to now, there are 20 provinces announcing the reform program of the college entrance examination. We find that in the reform program around the country, two tests one year is generally carried out in English test. Combining undergraduate admission batch has become a major trend.
One of the highlights of the current round college entrance examination reform is to get rid of a test deciding life. Some subjects also change from an exam into a number of exams. In September 2014, the State Council issued Opinions on Deepening the Reform of the Examination and Enrollment System and asked the foreign language subjects to provide two opportunities for examination.
Tianjin which is officially announced the college entrance examination reform scheme, in 2017 college entrance examination, on the basis of existing twice English listening exams, implement twice English written examinations. And using the high score of written and listening twice exams, include in the college entrance examination scores.
Up to now, there have been 20 provinces introducing college entrance examination reform scheme, including Tianjin, Beijing, Qinghai, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hainan, Tibet, Ningxia, Guangxi, Guangdong, Gansu, Heilongjiang, Liaoning, Guizhou, Hebei, Shandong, Hunan, Guizhou, Jiangxi, most provinces having twice English exams a year.
对此,中国教育科学研究院研究员储朝晖在接受作者采访时分析,这主要是因为当前中国英语考试比较成熟。储朝晖表示,国内的英语考试在难度上、分值都主要参照国外模式,很多题目在国际上都经过检验,其分值也较好体现等级性,操作起来比较规范,这些特点,其他科目并不太具备。(作者:李斌 综合报道/顾远 译)
In this regard, China Educational Sciences Academy researcher Chu Zhaohui analyses that t the current Chinese English exam is relatively mature. Chu Zhaohui says that domestic English test are mainly refer to the foreign models in difficulty and scores, many problems are tested in the international, the scores also reflect the level, and standard operating, these characteristics are what the other subjects don't have.
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